Sunday, Mar 09th

Say No to the Scarsdale Community Center

scc2.jpgDear Scarsdale10583: I think the citizens of Scarsdale should wake up and see this proposal for what it is: a small group of well organized, very vocal individuals who are orchestrating a staged and well planned campaign to build a private club backed by the full faith and credit of the Village of Scarsdale. They want to build this facility on Village owned property and sustain its operation by ongoing revenue which may never materialize. The taxpayers of this community may be forced to bear the burden of maintaining the facility and possibly face the ruination of a fantastic asset of Scarsdale already in operation, namely the outdoor pool and its environs. The Mayor has stated the belief of the Board of Trustees of Scarsdale that “we don’t want residents who don’t use it to pay for it” and I am quite fearful that is exactly what will happen.

The cost of this proposed facility is $24 million, $8 million from private donations and $16 million by general obligation of the Village of Scarsdale. In addition to that amount being completely obscene for the village to even consider spending in the current economic climate, the SCC co-president himself stated, “We are asking the whole village to assume the financial responsibility for this project.” It is time for the great silent majority, the taxpayers of the Village of Scarsdale to speak up with a unified voice and tell them “NO!” The few spearheading the SCC have been trying to get this project built for years and they will not go away until we finally put this issue to rest for good. Stop spending our money. Stop ruining our open spaces. Stop adding to the debt of this Village. What part of NO don’t they understand?

Jimmy Fink