Sunday, Mar 09th

Why Steroids Are Dangerous

pillsHere is a monthly conversation starter from the Scarsdale Taskforce on Drugs and Alcohol. Ask Your Kids: Do you know what anabolic-androgenic steroids are and why these drugs are dangerous? Answer: Steroids are used to build muscle but they are illegal when used without a prescription from a doctor. Some teens abuse steroids not knowing that there are very dangerous side-effects such as prematurely stunting growth, accelerated puberty changes and abnormal sexual development. Adolescent girls in particular may suffer from severe acne, excessive body and facial hair, deepened voice, disruption of the menstrual cycle, and permanent infertility.

The Scarsdale Task Force on Drugs and Alcohol is a community action group made up of concerned individuals, representatives of the schools, the Village, local, social and civic organizations and religious institutions. The Task Force educates youth and adults about drugs and alcohol, helps people develop drug-free attitudes and habits, and recommends resources to those whose lives are affected by drugs and alcohol dependency. Learn more at: