Sunday, Mar 09th

Edgemont School Board Nominating Committee Selects Curtis and Nanavaty

edgemontphotoThe Edgemont School Board Nominating Committee has recommended Michaeline Curtis and Anish Nanavaty to fill the two impending vacancies on the Edgemont Board of Education. The Committee is fortunate to have had three very strong nominees, and although the Committee did not recommend Wasim Salimi for a second term, the Committee is extremely thankful for his devoted service and positive contributions to the Edgemont school district and community.

The Committee will host its annual Candidates' Forum on April 13, 2011, at 8pm in the Greenville school cafeteria, where all candidates seeking election to the Board will be invited to answer questions from the Edgemont community. Anyone interested in submitting a question to the candidates at the Forum should submit the question(s) to me as Chair of the SBNC.

I would also like to acknowledge the twenty-one members of the School Board Nominating Committee -- representing seven civic associations, the Edgemont Community Council and the Edgemont student body -- for their hard work, thoughtfulness and dedication throughout the nomination and recommendation process.

Thank you.Marc Ackerman
SBNC Chair
101 Moorland Drive