Sunday, Mar 09th

Edgemont Sixth Graders Move Up

movingupgreenvilleBoth Edgemont elementary schools held their traditional moving up ceremonies on Thursday, June 23rd. Greenville held their ceremony at 9 am and Seely Place followed at 11 am allowing special guests from the administration and the Board of Education to attend both ceremonies.

The sixth graders proudly marched into the gym to the traditional tune of "Pomp and Circumstance" while hundreds of parents and family members snapped pictures and videotaped. It was a standing room only event at both schools. The 6th graders looked very grown up; many boys wore suits and ties and many girls wore beautiful dresses for the special day. Edgemont schools superintendent, Nancy Taddiken, congratulated the 6th graders on all they have accomplished thus far and wished them continued success at the junior high school.

EHS graduating senior and proud member of Greenville's moving up class of 2005, Justin Arnold, returned to Greenville School to

Superintendent Nancy Taddiken Addressing the Graduates
address the 6th graders on their moving up day. Justin urged the students to always follow their dreams and recalled participating in the All County Chorus when he was a 6th grader at Greenville. He is now off to the NYU to continue following his dreams.

Principal Jennifer Allen at Greenville and Dr. Ed Kennedy at Seely congratulated and addressed the 6th graders at their respective schools. Both schools had class representatives speak at the moving-up exercises. The bands and chorus from each school also performed at the ceremonies. At Greenville, the 5th and 6th graders debuted the brand new school song "The Greenville School Song." It was written this year by members of the 6th grade under the direction of the school's Vocal Music teacher, Mr. Rick Cantatore, who wrote the music for the song. The moving-up ceremonies concluded with the presentation of the certificates by the 6th grade teachers to the students.

Afterwards everyone at both schools enjoyed refreshments that were served indoors due to the impending forecast of heavy rain which caused the high school graduation to be moved indoors later than evening. But thankfully the weather held up long enough so that the 6th graders could have a beautiful and sunny last morning at their elementary schools.

Special Guests from the Administration and Board of Education
At night, the 6th graders at Greenville enjoyed their moving up party and danced the night away at a rainforest-themed party. The party ended at 10 pm but many of the 6th graders stayed a while for final hugs and goodbyes until September. At Seely, the 6th graders enjoyed their moving up party on Friday, June 17th and their party theme was the beach! While many of the 6th graders at both schools have gone off to separate day and sleep away camps, they will all be reunited on Tuesday, September 6th for the 7th Grade On-Deck day at EHS when the 7th graders attend a special assembly and are escorted to their classes by 8th graders.

Congratulations to all the sixth graders!