Sunday, Mar 09th

Greenburgh Police Arrest Troublemakers in Edgemont

shopritemainPolice were called about a suspicious car on Delhi Road on the afternoon of 8/18. One of the occupants of the car had been on the property of some people who were away on vacation and a neighbor noticed and called police. Police searched the area and a man who lives on Scarsdale Farms Road reported that he just saw someone get out of a car and try to open the car door of a car parked at 1 Scarsdale Farms Road. Police found the car that was described and interviewed the occupants who seemed nervous and could not say what they were doing in the area. At that point, police found an open Fedex box at 22 Penny Lane. While police were talking to the suspects, they noticed three polo shirts in the car and found that the merchandise had been taken from the Fedex package which was addressed to a Penny Lane resident. All three of the suspects in the car were taken into custody and the car was impounded. Police also discovered a GPS in the car and determined that it was stolen from a Nissan parked at 38 Penny Lane. The suspects were identified as Delmar J. Briggs, Maurice Pickett, Theodore J. Treasure and Andre P. Stewart, all from the Bronx.

Also on the night of 8/18 a Fort Hill Lane woman called to say that someone had entered her car and taken $20 in quarters. Theodore J. Treasure, discussed above, was found to have 94 quarters in his pocket.

Shoplifters: On Tuesday afternoon, 8/16, police saw a man running out of Best Buy, pursued by several of the store employees. The man jumped into his car and drove recklessly, speeding out of the Best Buy parking lot on Central Avenue. He drove over a concrete divider and the sidewalk and through a red light into oncoming traffic. Other cars had to swerve and brake in order to prevent a collision. Police were able to stop him and found that the man, who identified himself as Christian R. Dunca, age 35 of Georgia, had attempted to steal about $1,500 worth of merchandise from the store. After the store employees confronted him, he tried to get away. He was charged with reckless endangerment and petit larceny and sent to the County jail.

Big plans: 12 boxes of condoms, valued at $341 were stolen from the CVS Pharmacy on Central Avenue on the night of 8/16. The store employee who reported the incident recognized the suspect and described him to police. However the man got away with the goods.

Darlene E. Moore-Beecher, age 54 of Yonkers was caught stealing $69.50 in groceries from Shop Rite on Central Avenue at 11:30 pm on 8/19. Police charged her with petit larceny, provided her with a court appearance date and released her. On 8/20 Battisto Tomasette of Ardsley was charged with stealing $103 of Enfamil from Shoprite. He was booked, processed and sent to jail, with bail set at $10,000!

Two diners left the Candlelight Inn on the afternoon of 8/16 without paying their bill for $22.82. They did however leave a $3.00 tip. The restaurant manager marked down the absconders’ license plate number but police were not able to find them.

Car thefts: $2,800 in photographic equipment was stolen from a Toyota Camry parked in the Shoprite parking lot on August 4th. The equipment belonged to a Hartsdale man.

A car parked in the Best Buy lot was vandalized on the night of 8/18. $321 in equipment was stolen and the car window was broken.

The side mirrors of a Chevrolet Sebring parked on Colony Drive in Hartsdale were stolen during the night of 8/20-8/21.

While shopping at Buy Buy Baby on Central Avenue on the night of 8/15, a Plano Texas woman had her wallet stolen from her handbag.

Picketers: Police were called to the Verizon store on Central Avenue on the afternoon of 8/17 to mediate a complaint that picketers were blocking the entrance to the store. Striking workers denied blocking the door.

Graffiti: A black swastika was found spray painted on the sidewalk outside the Edgemont High School gym on Saturday night 8/20.

Email: On 8/15 a 72 year-old Hartsdale woman reported that she received a threatening email that said, "Someone you call your friend wants you dead.” She said she had no known enemies and could not list any suspects.