Scarsdale Has Been Well Served By the Non-Partisan System
- Saturday, 15 October 2011 09:38
- Last Updated: Sunday, 16 October 2011 21:02
- Published: Saturday, 15 October 2011 09:38
- Hits: 4185

Based on my 40 years in Scarsdale and participation in Village government, I believe that the Non-Partisan System has served Scarsdale very well over many years by bringing highly qualified volunteers into leadership positions in our Village and School District without the necessity of engaging in a traditional election campaign. Because we generally have not had divisive political processes, persons have been selected to serve on our boards and councils, where much of the hard work of Scarsdale policy development and governance occurs, based on interests and abilities, not politics. These individuals have been able to function effectively, focusing on the community’s best interests instead of political interests. We have enjoyed the benefits of strong professional leadership from our Village Managers and Superintendents of Schools that is not buffeted by political influence. Clearly our debates have reflected significant differences of views, but the elected officials and appointed boards and councils are able to seek the best path for the Village and School District without having the next election in their sights. I suggest that we see enough of this in our daily news reports on our national leadership.
At first blush the system may sound undemocratic and restrictive. To be sure, very low voter turnout in the selection processes for persons who serve on the nominating committees means that a limited number of residents participate in the election process, but that does not necessarily create a non-democratic result. All residents have the opportunity to seek positions on the nominating committees or vote for their neighbors who are doing so. I hope that the nonparticipation in the election process is not a result of apathy or frustration but rather primarily a reflection that Scarsdale’s governmental institutions work so effectively that our residents do not feel compelled to participate in the selection process. Given the large number of highly qualified persons who volunteer their time in support of Scarsdale activities, I believe that we achieve broad-based governance.
I urge new residents and residents who are not familiar with the Non-Partisan System to read former Mayor Grady Jensen’s essays at, the League of Women Voters description at , the Procedure Committee’s website at and the School Board Nominating Committee’s website at . This material is relatively brief but will provide interested persons with good background information. I also urge our residents to participate in the selection process and to volunteer to work in the numerous parts of our Village and School District organizations to see first hand the benefits of our Non-Partisan System.
David Kroenlein, Scarsdale