Sunday, Mar 09th

Guys and Dolls: SHS Drama Club Hits a High Note

gdolls2The Guys and the Dolls put on a stellar performance of Damon Runyon's famed show this weekend at Scarsdale High School. The cast was lively, enthusiastic and full of verve, even at their third show on Sunday afternoon.

This demanding script calls for challenging dance routines and operatic voices and the cast was up to the task. They tap-danced, crooned and showed off their New York accents to produce a thoroughly delightful show.

The two female leads were stellar ---Sophie Laruelle as the prim and proper Salvation Army reformer and Ali Whitney as hotbox girl and would-be bride "Miss Adelaide. " Laruelle's voice has range and power and she hit the high notes with clarity. Her conversion from teetotaler to Havana harlot was a riot demonstrating her ability to act as well as sing. Whitney stole the show as Adelaide, singing, dancing and begging Nathan to make her an honest woman after a fourteen-year engagement. Wearing a blond wig and not much else, she slithered around the stage and was the center of some wonderful dance routines. Sunny Feinstein and Bryant Lo gave acrobatic performances and were a pleasure to watch as well as the entire troupe.

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Frank Loesser's score includes well-known favorites such as "I'll Know (when my love comes along), and "I've Never Been in Love Before" and Laruelle and Nick Cioffi as Sky Masterson made beautiful music together. Miss Adelaide's lament; "A Person Can Develop a Cold," and "Take Back your Mink" had her wavering between endearments and indictments in a comic dramatic mix. Biana Rogoff as Arvita sang "More I Cannot Wish You" and we could not have wished for more than her lovely, clear voice. Josh Ben-Ami as Nicely Nicely and Bryant Lo gave a rousing rendition of the show's title song, Guys and Dolls.

The sets and costumes looked nothing short of professional as were the lights and the sound ... a real feat for a high school production team. Kudos to Musical Director Kurt Kelly, Choreographer Dylan Smith, the orchestra, the SHS Drama Club and Mrs. Adrienne Meyer for another first-rate production.

Photos by Jeff Berman (father of Big Julie!) See more at