Sunday, Mar 09th

Letters: Commuter Parking Suspended on Brook Lane and More

brooklaneHere are some notes we received this week at Scarsdale 10583 involving commuter parking on Brook Lane in Greenacres and the need for a new president for Edgemont's Longview Civic Association:

Attention Metro North Commuters – No All-Day Parking on Brook Lane

Letter from Scarsdale Village Re: Parking on Brook Lane
The Village Traffic Safety Committee (TSC), which includes representatives of the Village Manager's Office, Police Department, and Public Works Department, received complaints from Brook Lane homeowners that weekday parking on the west side of Brook Lane created difficulty traversing the street to get to and from their homes.

The TSC reviewed this situation in coordination with the Greenacres Neighborhood Association and determined that restricting parking along the west side of Brook Lane from 2 Brook Lane to the corner of Brook Lane and Walworth Ave was justified. As such, signs restricting parking to three hours, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM, will soon be installed.

This regulation offers relief to Brook Lane homeowners adversely affected by Hartsdale Train Station commuters or other long-term parkers on Brook Lane, while still preserving parking availability for their use.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone at 722-1109 or via email at

New President Needed for Civic Association

Edgemont's Longview Civic Association is seeking a new president. Any adult resident living (roughly) north of Ardsley Road, west of Fort Hill Road and south of halfway between Sheridan and Moorland Roads, is eligible.

The time commitment is extremely minimal. The LCA is charged with addressing local concerns and informing residents, naming representatives to Edgemont's School Board Nominating Committee, and organizing the annual Wheels Day. Presidents are encouraged but not required to attend monthly ECC meetings and report back to the LCA community.

Anyone interested please contact Tom Blank (by or before May 22) at