Sunday, Mar 09th

Arthur Manor Neighborhood Association's 89th Annual 4th of July Parade

KidsatarrthurmanorOn a spectacular and sun-filled day, the Arthur Manor Neighborhood Association held its 89th Annual 4th of July parade and picnic at Davis Park on Tuesday, July 4th. The day began with marchers organizing at the corner of Sprague and Bell roads at 9:15 am. Several judges ranked individual marchers in categories such as patriotic costumes, scooters, bicycles, tricycles and strollers and floats.
The crowd of marchers, accompanied by a special police escort, the Westchester County Band and Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Company Number 1, departed from Bell and Sprague Roads at 9:45 am and marched through Arthur Manor to Davis Park where the ceremony was held in front of the flag pole at the North end of the Park.

The ceremony began with the raising of the flag by the Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Company No. 1's color guard and accompanied by the trumpet playing of Dr. Jack Binder of the Westchester Band. Richard Gast then sang the National Anthem which was followed by the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. The group observed a moment of silence to remember all of the men and women who sacrificed so much for the United States and what it stands for – both at home and abroad. Scarsdale's Mayor, Dan Hochvert, then addressed the crowd at David Park on the meaning of July 4th and the significance the day holds for all residents. Village Trustees Deb Pekarek, Jane Veron and Matt Callaghan were also in attendance together with Arthur Manor's 4th of July all-star favorite, Uncle Sam (played by Teegan Lee). Richard Gast then conducted the awards segment of the ceremony for the day's parade participants in the various categories such as floats, bicycles, tricycles, etc.. (A complete list of the winners follows below).

Following the end of the ceremony, the crowd moved to the other end of the Davis Park field for the annual races including the dash, three-legged race, potato sack, wheel-barrow, relay and the annual favorite "egg toss" -which first appeared at Arthur Manor's annual July 4th picnic in 1944! The games were conducted by Sam Bryant and his daughter, Olivia. (A list of the winning participants also follows below).

Hosting the event was the Arthur Manor Neighborhood Association's President, Matt Martin. Refreshments included lemonade (courtesy of Kalpana Thenmalai and Brenda Lilly), hot dogs (courtesy of Kate and Gianni Porco) and baked goods were on hand for all to enjoy.

This annual event in Arthur Manor is only made possible by the collective efforts of the Arthur Manor volunteer residents including especially the Marcus, Porco and Bongiorno families, and all of the other Arthur Manor volunteers too numerous to list here. A special thanks also to Trader Joes's for contributing the eggs for the renowned egg-toss. The year's egg-toss winners were Sean Cover and Rich Mermelstein.

Marchers in Patriotic Costumes
1. American Baseball Game – Zoe Maidman, Beatrice Martin & Violet Martin
2. Statue of Liberty – Grace Horne
3. Walking Flags – Anita, Elena & Anthony Sannicandro
4. Honorable Mention: Ryusuke, Rina & Kazuki Kawamura

1. John Bates
2. Adena Zitrin
3. Ari & Benjamin Maibrunn
4. Honorable Mention: Joseph Wong

1. Lexi Davis
2. Caitlin Maddaloin
3. Colin Maddaloin
4. Honorable Mention: Johan Schuerlein

1. Madison Ferree
2. Stella Bower
3. Rowan Arlo
4. Honorable Mention Christian Zlomislic

Carriages & Strollerswinnersarthurmanor
1. Malula Schuerlein
2. James Martin
3. Bobby Kyle Carlton

1. James Martin (Uncle Sam)
2. Eleanor Barna (Eleanor Roosevelt)
3. O'Grady's (Fireworks)

Field Events

1st heat: 5 yrs and under boys and girls
1. James Martin
2. Christopher Gilhool
3. Christian Zlimislic

2nd Heat 6 & 7 year olds, boys and girls
1. Conner Coakley
2. Matthew Drohan
3. Asa Ogaki

3rd Heat: 8, 9, 10 year old, girls
1. Elena Sannicandro
2. Grace Varriale
3. Amie Ke

4th heat: 8, 9, 10 year old, boys
1. Daniel Hoey
2. Max Maidman
3. Hugo Gueler

5th Heat: 11 year old and older, girls
1. Violet Martin
2. Chinsa Ogaki
3. Caroline Guerney

6th Heat: 11 year old and older, boys
1. Dean Mancini
2. Eddie Eforo

Wheelbarrow Race (Teams of two, boys and girls mixed)
1st Heat: 7 year old and under
1. Collin Coakely & Conner Coakely
2. Brooke O'Grady & Avery Bower
3. Hinaki Nonaka and Haruma Itou

2nd Heat: 8, 9, 10 year olds
1. Kent Mazza & Ryan Roche
2. Amie Ke & Zoe Zheng
3. Ari Maibrunn & Julian Zlomislic

3rd Heat: 11 year old and older
1. Erin & Taylor Olender
2. Dean & Talylor Mancini
3. Danielle & Eddie Eforo

Potato Sack Races
1st Heat: Girls 6 and under
1. Ella Peterson
2. Ayako G and Zoe Zheng
3. Caitlin Maddaloni

2nd Heat: Girls 7 and 8 yr old
1. Elena Sannicandro
2. Amie Ke
3. Brooke O'Grady

3rd Heat: Girls, 9 and 10 yrs old
1.Grace Varriale
Evie Schiff
Laura Chesnut

4th Heat: Girls 11 yr old and older
1. Chisa Ogaki
2. Violet Marder
3. Zoe Maidman

Potato Sack Races/Boys
1st Heat: Boys 6 & & yrs and under
1. Danny Varriale
2. Collin Coakley
3. James Martin

2nd Heat: boys 7 &8 years old
1. Shane Kelly
2. Liam Mancini
3. Ryan Roche

3rd Heat: boys 9 &10 yr olds
1. Daniel Hoey
2. Hiroki Yshimoto
3. Colin Maddaloni & Arjun Benderson

4th Heat: boys 11 and older
1. Dean Mancini
2. James Kelly
3. Patrick Vasilesu

Parent and Child Relay
1st Heat: Children 5 and under
1. Christian Zlomislic
2. Paxton & Matt DeBrabant
3. James & Ann Marie Martin

2nd Heat: Children 6, 7, 8 yrs old
1. Shane & Brian Kelly
2. Julian Zlomislic
3. Ryan & Matt Roche

3rd Heat: Children 9 & 10 Yr old
1. Daniel & Kevin Hoey
2. Arjun & David Benderson
3. Uma & Jose Scher
4. Katsumori & Hiroki Yoshimoto

4th Heat: Children 11 and older
1. Dean & Lou Mancini
2. Angela Hoey & Caroline Guerney
3. Shannon & Brian Kelly

Three Legged Race (Teams of Two, Boys and Girls Mixed)
1st Heat: 6 and under
1. Ella Peterson & Colling Coakley
2. Benjamin Maibrunn & Christian Zlomislic
3. Zoe Zheng & Riku Oba

2nd Heat: N/A

3rd Heat: 7 & 8 year olds
1. Laura Chesnut & Elena Sannicandro
2. Francis Murtha & Liam Mancini
3. Conner Coakley & Ryan Roche
4. Ayaka Gueler & Asa Ogaki

4th Heat: 9 & 10 year olds
1. Arjun Benderson & Sergey Yanovsky
2. Keisuke Ogaki & Hiroki Yoshimoto
3. Umi Oba & Kazuki Kawanura

5th Heat: 11 year olds and older
1. Erin & Taylor Oleander
2. Christina Semple & Chisa Ogaki
3. Zoe Maidmann & Violet Martin

Egg Toss
1. Sean Cover & Rich Mermelstein
2. N/A
3. Ava Zerbo & Violet Martin
