Sunday, Mar 09th

Letter to the Editor: Regarding Solar Panels

letter to the editorTo the Editor: It is genuinely appalling that a board who prides themselves on architectural proficiency is willing to omit certain aesthetic criteria from their jurisdiction while impeding on issues beyond their expertise. The absurd decision to exclude solar panels from BAR review will haunt Scarsdale for generations to come. Notwithstanding the benefits of solar panels, their hideous presence deteriorates the nature of a traditional home, a distinct and defining feature of Scarsdale. Ironically, the esoteric implications of allowing more solar panels will directly impact the number of trees needed to be removed for adequate sun exposure for the panels to properly function. This is a matter that should be greatly considered before the character of the village is changed beyond repair.
Thank you

Bobby Ben-Simon, President.
875 Mamaroneck Ave., Suite 400
Mamaroneck, NY 10543