Sunday, Mar 09th

Letter to the Editor: Support the Citizens Nominating Committee Candidates

letter to the editorThis letter to the editori was written by Marc Greenwald and Ryan Spicer: We urge all Scarsdale voters to support the Citizens Nominating Committee candidates Justin Arest, Lena Crandall, and Randy Whitestone for Trustees, and Joaquin Alemany for Village Justice, in the Village elections on Wednesday, March 18. We served this winter as the non-voting Chair and Vice Chair of the CNC and we can attest to the robust process that consistently produces such qualified nominees.

Four years ago, when we were each elected as voting members to the CNC, we didn’t know each other or many of the other members of the CNC, but we came together in service to the community and we are both impressed with the non-partisan process. Ten new residents from every neighborhood are elected each year as a class and serve for three years as voting members. We were elected by the other members of the CNC to administer the process this year at the conclusion of our three-year term as voting members. The composition of the CNC is a constant cycle of good citizenship, but the essential character of caring neighbors deliberating together remains year after year, with excellent results.

We are proud of the candidates that the process has generated. We have seen the CNC select leaders who are long-time volunteers, well-known and well-regarded within the community. As is typical of CNC candidates, Arest, Crandall and Whitestone all have stellar personal and professional credentials. More importantly, they each have local volunteer experience and a reputation for listening respectfully and for getting things done. Rather than the loudest voices – pointer-outers who see only problems – the CNC process allows committed volunteers to emerge as service leaders. The CNC carefully, respectfully and confidentially vets all candidates for their character, integrity, experience and commitment to community.

Once elected, Arest, Crandall, and Whitestone will serve the Village well, preserving our high bond rating and engaging in critical oversight of our wonderful Village professional staff. Judge Alemany was nominated as a candidate to serve a second four year term as Village Justice based in large part on his exemplary service during his first term.

We have inherited a wonderful system here in Scarsdale. The two of us have tried to do our part these last four years of making sure the system continues to produce well-vetted, quality candidates who are ready to represent us responsibly. Please do your part by voting for Justin Arest, Lena Crandall, Randy Whitestone, and Joaquin Alemany on March 18th. Then, next fall, run for CNC and see for yourself how you and 29 of your neighbors can keep the non-partisan system thriving in the Village.

Marc Greenwald, Oak Lane

Ryan Spicer, Tunstall Road