Sunday, Mar 09th

Edgemont Residents Lobby for a Crosswalk to Cranes Pond

Here is the latest news on the proposed sidewalk discussed at a Planning Board Board meeting held June 2nd

Update: The Greenburgh Planning Board met on June 2 and the crosswalk was the first item on the agenda. The Parks Department (Gerry Byrne) favors the raised crosswalk.  The Police Chief spoke and favored a crosswalk but suggested that there needed to be a further study regarding the raised crosswalk which could only be done by an outside expert – but the issue is paying for it.

One resident spoke against the crosswalk – Abe Reckson, the gentleman who wrote several letters.  About 10 residents spoke in favor, including one eighth grader. The Board closed the hearing but left the record open until June 11. The Board will make a decision at its meeting on June 16 and then it is on to the Town Board.

(Original Article) The Edgemont Association has spent the last four years fighting for the installation of a crosswalk across Edgemont Road to Crane's Pond. This section of Edgemont Road links the Pipeline with Edgemont High School and Central Avenue and is a frequent thoroughfare for people going to and from Hartsdale Station. Cars travelling at high speeds east and west pose a danger to children crossing the street to access Crane's Pond and Edgemont Junior and Senior High School.

Prior to the summer of 2006 there were two painted crosswalks that pedestrians could use to access the pond. But when the road was repaved, the Town did not repaint the crosswalks because the Police Chief felt the crosswalks were not safe due to limited sightlines. In response, in October, 2006, 115 residents signed a petition for the reinstallation of the crosswalk and the police studied the issue for the next 2 ½ years.

In October, 2009 the police concluded that a raised concrete walk, similar to the one on East Hartsdale Avenue in Hartsdale would provide the greatest degree of safety. A second alternative was to simply repaint the crosswalk near Barclay Road. In November, 2009 the Edgemont Association advised the Greenburgh Town Board that they supported the raised crosswalk, which would now need to be handicapped accessible to conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

In mid-November, 2009 the Greenburgh Town Board met with members of the Edgemont Association, the Parks and Recreation Commissioner and the Department of Public Works. Everyone agreed that the raised concrete walkway was the best option and Supervisor Paul Feiner suggested that the Town use the Parks and Recreation Escrow Fund to finance the estimated $75,000 in expenses.

However, following the meeting, Feiner solicited community opinion and Abraham Reckson who lives on Round Hill Road opposed the crosswalk. Since that time, progress has slowed. The Edgemont Association requested that the town hire a safety expert to consider the location of the crosswalk and in response Feiner suggested that Edgemont hold a community meeting. However, Franklin Kaiman, who is currently the Director of the Edgemont Association's Traffic and Safety Committee has found that everyone, with the exception of Mr. Reckson, supports a crosswalk.

Therefore, in an April 14th letter, the Edgemont Association is asking the Planning Board to authorize the use of $75,000 from the Parks and Recreation Escrow Fund to pay for the crosswalk and street improvements recommended by the Police Department. Nearly four years have passed and residents want to see a new crosswalk before an accident occurs.

The Planning Board will meet on June 2nd at Greenburgh Town Hall at 8 PM and the funding is the first item on their agenda. All concerned Edgemont residents are encouraged to attend to voice their opinions.