Sunday, Mar 09th

Flooding Closes Popular Restaurants and Retailers on East Hartsdale Avenue

IMG 0591 2Hurricane Ida did more than flood residents basements. Visitors to Hartsdale have noticed that a strip of stores on the south side of the street are closed, after the torrential downfall of rain flooded the retailers basements on East Hartsdale Avenue.

Affected by the deluge are Bagels and More, the Irish Bank, K Fung's and Rite Aid. With Yom Kippur this week, many called Bagels and More to place their break fast orders, only to learn that the popular bagel bakery was out of commission. Please note that Enrico's Bakery, Masala Kraft and Granita Cucina are open.

We spoke to the managing agent of the properties at Aires, Deitch and Edelson who explained that water flowing down from the golf course and inundating the parking lot flowed into the basement of the retail strip. He said there was simply “too much water coming down in a short period of time.” He pointed a finger at the Town of Greenburgh for failing to make the necessary infrastructure investment to protect the strip from these catastrophic storms.

He said that in addition to the damage to the shopping strip, some cars were lost at the Hartsdale train station and in the underground parking garages in the apartments that line East Hartsdale Avenue.

All of the stores are now being cleaned up and testing their power boxes to assess damage to the electrical systems.

When will they reopen? He said, “probably in a few weeks.”irishbank