Letter From Your Ukrainian Neighbor Max Grudin
- Monday, 28 February 2022 16:43
- Last Updated: Monday, 28 February 2022 16:56
- Published: Monday, 28 February 2022 16:43
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 3392
Dear Scarsdale Neighbors!
I am from Ukraine.
Over the last few days I have received a lot of calls about the situation in Ukraine. I am grateful for everyone’s concern. I would like to reach many of my friends and neighbors to describe my understanding of what is happening and also suggest ways to help.
When on February 24 2022 I saw a line of tanks crossing the border into Ukraine I frankly thought that within four hours they would be in Kiev. So did most ordinary people and international leaders. However, to everyone’s surprise Ukrainian citizens decided to fight back.
I spoke to many residents in Ukraine with very different political views and I must say that they are fully united in their opposition to this invasion. Many people have signed up to “territorial defense” units. Many people form crowds to block the advance of the Russian military, and even in conquered towns crowds of demonstrations express their protest to the invading force.
It is that fierce defense of their country that has spurred many countries to set up crippling economic sanctions. In the meantime one urgent problem is lack of food and medical supplies. If you wish to help, I suggest you donate funds to non-profit organizations who can deliver help to those in need. Here are a couple of organizations. I understand your donations can be deducted.
● Razom for Ukraine https://razomforukraine.org/donate/
● Global Giving (Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund): https://globalgiving.org
● International Rescue Committee: https://rescue.org
This morning major news outlets showed videos of Kharkov being carpet bombed and of a ballistic missile hitting a Kiev suburb. Do I have words to describe my anguish?
A few words about my friends in Russia. Many Russian people did not believe that a military incursion might happen. Right now they do not have access to correct information. I think it would be unfair to blame the Russian people for what is done in their name.
I think energy policy is a key issue in this crisis. The transition to clean energy may take decades, and in the meantime cutting our production gives leverage to countries like Russia and Venezuela who use energy for political means. Perhaps we should not only be talking about having an abundant supply of clean energy but also about controlling demand. Our daily habits impact the world.
Thanks again for your support.
Max Grudin