Sunday, Mar 09th

Colleen Brown: Candidate for Scarsdale Board of Education

ColeenBrownColleen Brown is one of three candidates selected by the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee to run for Scarsdale School Board. A relative newcomer to town, Brown has extensive experience in education. Learn more about her below and remember to vote in the election for school board members and the 2022-23 school budget on Tuesday May 17th from 7 am to 9 pm at Scarsdale Middle School.

Here’s Ms. Brown’s story:

Tell us about your educational and professional background and skills.

Prior to moving to Scarsdale in 2015, I worked at Leman Manhattan Preparatory School (LMPS) for 10 years in various roles – Head of food service, health & wellness, science teacher, wellness teacher, Dean of Students, Interim Assistant head of Middle School and then Assistant Head of Upper School grades 6-12. During my time there I was involved in Major initiatives including: adoption of new grading system and standards-based report cards school-wide, implementation of new homework procedures and policies, implemented personalized learning plans for all students, implemented new teacher evaluation system, completion of first International Baccalaureate authorized teaching year, implemented Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) program for ELL students, oversaw implementation and growth of HS boarding program, implemented new writing-across-the-curriculum program, implemented a middle school I-Pad program. In addition, over the 10 year period we had a number of educational leadership searches – 2 head of schools, 1 head of high school, 1 head of curriculum, instruction and assessment, 2 HR positions and 2 Head of student support positions.

Why did you choose to move to Scarsdale?

We chose to move to Scarsdale when my son was starting Kindergarten because we heard the schools were the best in Westchester. We had outgrown our apartment and were looking for more space as well as a school system that was just as good, if not better, than NYC private schools. We were very impressed by what we heard about Scarsdale and then found a beautiful home, close to the elementary school. It seemed like the perfect option for our family.

What are some of your past and present volunteer activities?

After moving here in 2015, I volunteered with the QRPTA as Learning from our Differences chair. I co-chaired the PTC community calendar. I was then elected as PTA president for QRS. I also served on SBNC. In addition my family has also involved with Cycle for Survival, the Salvation Army, 914 cares and Mott Haven Fridge Program.

Why did you decide to apply to serve on the School Board?

I decided to run for BOE because I felt that the district could benefit from my experience and I would be able to use my skillset to help strengthen and support our school district. My background in educational leadership and teaching can be a huge asset to help our school district meet its goals and support our students.

In your view, what are the main challenges facing the Board and the district?

We are coming out of a pandemic and changing one of our main educational leaders. We need to make sure we are able to support our students with any gaps that may have developed due to the limitations of the pandemic, as well as any emotional struggles they are having from the past few years. In addition, we need to ensure our next educational leader is equipped to support us in these efforts.

How did you find the nomination and interview process?

I found the SBNC to be extremely professional and thorough in their due diligence and interview process when it came to my application and interview. I would like to thank them for all their hard work and for entrusting in me this great responsibility. I feel extremely honored that they chose me for this role.

What was your reaction when you learned about the district’s issues with the IRS?

Everything going on with the IRS is extremely unfortunate. I am only privy to the same information that the public has so my thoughts right now are probably similar to everyone else. I think part of my role will be to work with the other BOE members to figure out how this happened and what we can do to make sure something like this never happens again. With a new superintendent coming on board we have an opportunity to look at any possible breakdowns that occurred during this event and fix them with the new administration.

Now that you have received the nomination, what are you hearing from neighbors and the community? What are some of their concerns and questions?

Every member of the community wants the same thing – for their children to have the best education possible. Parents are advocates for their children which is why many parents are passionate when it comes to questions/concerns about their children’s education. People are very interested in the process for finding the right replacement for Dr. Hagerman as well how to best support their children’s educational journey.

Are there changes you would like to see in the schools, or in the Board processes and protocols?

Before I can suggest any changes or protocols I need to meet with the board members and really understand the way the board functions. I owe it to the community to fully educate myself before I suggest any implementations for change. I do think that the events of recent are an opportunity for the board to discuss their processes and protocols and see if change is needed but that will be something I discuss further with my fellow BOE members.

Remember to vote at Scarsdale Middle School on Tuesday May 17  from 7 am to 9 pm.