Saturday, Sep 28th

evening exteriorFormer Vice President, Laura Liu, will be the President of the Scarsdale Public Library Board of Trustees, succeeding Gary Katz and Jordan Copeland will become the Vice President of the Board.

Commenting on her new role, Liu said, "It is such an honor and privilege to serve as the President of the Board this year. Our renovated library has truly become a jewel and destination for the entire community. From toddlers to seniors and everyone in between, patrons delight in the library's resources and programs. This is the culmination of many years of dedicated work by our director Beth, the staff, and countless volunteers. We have a wonderful Board, with Vice President Jordan Copeland, Financial Officer Robert Jeremiah, Secretary Diksha Mudbhary, trustees Pedro Ladislau, Scott Gerwin, Stephanie Wechsler, Betty Pforzheimer and Jennifer Fischman. The Board, the professional staff, and our beloved Friends of the Scarsdale Library work together to make continuous improvements. There is so much to look forward to!

Laura LiuLaura LiuI have lived in Scarsdale for almost 14 years now. Libraries always held a special place in my heart. Growing up in Yangzhou, China, I wanted to become a librarian. The modest high school library there had Chinese classics as well as translations of the Western Canon. Those books really expanded my horizons. Fast forward to Scarsdale, when the public-private partnership for a renovated library was discussed in the community, I joined the advocacy and had the good fortune of working alongside and learning from many other library lovers. I am inspired by everyone's volunteer spirit and the library's promise of transforming lives. Becoming engaged in the community also gave me and my family a sense of belonging.

Libraries today are not sleepy places just to check out books. Our library is a true hub of community life. We love it that residents are taking full advantage of our facilities, our print and digital collections, museum passes, and our rich lineup of programs serving all groups and interests. We continue to improve our services, technology offerings, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability practices to reflect community values and our times. The library's mandate of free and open access to knowledge and opportunity for everyone is at the heart of everything we do. We always welcome public input on what works well and what can be made better.

I have also served on the school PTAs, the School Board Nominating Committee and at the Huaxia Chinese School of Greater New York. At the Library and in all these other spaces, volunteers from different backgrounds bring their rich experiences and perspectives to the table and serve our diverse community. I am grateful for this opportunity to work with everyone and further our Library's goals.

In other changes, Jordan Copeland will be stepping into the role of Vice President after serving as Financial Officer of the Board. JordanCJordan CopelandCopeland is an associate village historian, Vice President of the Scarsdale Historical Society, and serves as Finance Chair of the Scarsdale Adult School.

Robert Jeremiah, World Language Teacher at Edgemont Jr./Sr. High School, will become Financial Officer after serving as Trustee on the Library Board for the past 2 years.

Diksha Mudbhary joined the library Board in 2022 and will now serve as Secretary in the year ahead, in addition to serving as a Board member of the League of Women Voters, and as District PTC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Chair at Scarsdale Schools.

Commenting on his tenure on the board, Gary Katz said, "I have really enjoyed my five years on the library board, learning and supporting the business of the library and making new friends in our community. While public service in Scarsdale is its own reward, the opportunity to do our work alongside talented and dedicated professionals and smart and committed board members ensures that we make a meaningful contribution to our community."

New to the Library Board this year is Jennifer Fischman, of Secor Farms. A former transactional lawyer in New York and Los Angeles, Jennifer returned home to Scarsdale with her family where she began working as a real estate agent in 2018. She brings excellent negotiation skills, legal knowledge, and deep roots in the Scarsdale Community with her as the latest member of the Library Board.

Of the recent changes in the board, Library Director, Beth Bermel, said, "I have been fortunate to work with dedicated, smart and supportive volunteers on the Library Board, and I look forward to another year with great leadership."

The Library Board serves a key role in the management of a public Library. The Scarsdale Public Library Board of Trustees' responsibilities include discharging fiscal responsibility for the library, adopting policies to govern its operation and serving as advocates for the library in the community.

BoardPortrait22 23Dear Scarsdale School Community:

The Scarsdale Board of Education is pleased to present the proposed budget for the 2023-24 school year, as well as a bond proposition for the renovation of the High School Auditorium. The vote for the 2023-24 budget and High School auditorium bond proposition will be on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at Scarsdale Middle School from 7 AM - 9 PM. Parking is available throughout the day at the lower circle, reached from the school driveway on Kelwynne Road.

The proposed budget and bond are the culmination of a thoughtful and collaborative process, led by the Board and Administration. Deliberations and decisions by the Board were guided by a focus on students, the District’s Strategic Plan, and with thoughtful input from the school community, including school principals, teachers, students, parents, and community groups.

Budget Process and Community Engagement:
The Board’s budget process began with a public listening session in November for the community to share their budget priorities. The feedback from this session helped inform the Administration as they prepared an initial budget proposal. Multiple presentations and Budget Study Sessions afforded opportunities to take a deep dive into each aspect of the District. Members of the Board also attended information sessions hosted by community groups and have responded to numerous questions from the community. The Board voted to approve the budget in April, and have attended meetings at each school to discuss it and answer questions.

This year’s budget process was notable in that multiple budget scenarios were presented by the Administration, including various funding options for the High School Auditorium. This process allowed the Board to have extensive, thoughtful and transparent discussion about numerous item expenses, and how best to fund the High School auditorium renovation.

Budget Priorities and Highlights:
The proposed budget preserves our tradition of excellence in teaching and learning, while adding thoughtful enhancements to address today’s unique challenges and supports the values and goals of our school community. The Board continued prioritization of social and emotional learning support, this year at the elementary level, after adding mental health staffing at the High School and Middle School the past two years. Additional resources for our High School guidance counselors will help our students navigate the changing landscape of college admissions. Our Safety, Security, and Emergency Management (SSEM) plan is further strengthened throughout the District. Energy sustainability initiatives are expected to provide significant cost savings. The proposed budget also allows for the purchase of new accounting software. Analytical studies and community surveys around Wellbeing, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (WIDE), district bus transportation, and athletic fields (in partnership with the Village), will guide our future work in these areas.

The projected tax levy increase is 1.93%, which is below the state tax cap.

Bond Scope and Funding:
The Board is also pleased to present a $4.75MM bond that would fund a major renovation and restoration of the Scarsdale High School Auditorium. With the last substantial renovation in the 1980’s, this bond would make long overdue, significant capital improvements including enhanced acoustics and lighting, new audience seating, dressing room reconfigurations, improved accessibility, and other updates that will greatly improve the student and community experience. The auditorium is a space utilized every day by our high school students and is a central space for the entire school community. The Board believes that funding this capital project through a bond is appropriate given the significant scope of work and best aligns the taxpayer impact with the expected life of this renovation.

The expected cost per average assessed home in Scarsdale for the bond is less than $28 per year.

Whichever way you vote, participation is an important way to show your involvement in our schools.

Amber Yusuf, President
Ron Schulhof, Vice-President
Colleen Brown
James Dugan
Robert Klein
Suzie Hahn Pascutti
Jessica Resnick-Ault

GreenburghTaskForceThough the sale of marijuana has been legalized in New York State, it’s still illegal to sell or display many tobacco products and smoking paraphernalia in Greenburgh. In addition these products cannot be sold within 750 feet of a school with students below the age of 21 or a public park.

These laws caused the closure of Scarsdale Convenience Store at 455 S. Central Avenue when members of the Greenburgh Drug and Alcohol Task Force along with the New York State Office of Cannabis Management (OCM), White Plains Police Department Intel Unit, and the Town of Greenburgh Building Department conducted multiple inspections of smoke shops on April 24, 2023.

Here’s what they found at the store:

-Approximately 676 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) products, which the store was not licensed to sell.

-Approximately 395 packs of untaxed cigarettes.

-1 package of psilocybin infused candy.

Additionally, the Town of Greenburgh Building Department issued approximately 84 building code violations resulting in the store being temporarily closed until further notice. Due to the serious nature of the Building Department code violations, Con Edison was contacted and all power to the business was shut off.

The group also issued building code violations resulting in the temporary closure of other smoke/vape shop locations including 205 East Hartsdale Avenue (Hartsdale Tobacco), 760 S. Central Avenue (Cloud House Convenience), and 1088 S. Central Avenue (#1 Convenience and Tobacco). Additional summonses were also issued at three other locations (74 S. Central Avenue, 610 S. Central Avenue, and 1000 S. Central Avenue) for tobacco-related violations.

doctorsDr. Anisha Kumar, Dr. Michelle Giannone and Dr. Karin Blecher PazAs women’s bodies rapidly change in the decades after the age of thirty, maintaining our well-being -- from our faces to our figures, fitness, sex lives and ultimately our psyches – can feel like an uphill climb. With a variety of physical changes, from thinning hair to a bulging waistline, caused by hormonal fluctuations and aging, the question becomes, “What are the most urgent symptoms to address?”

That’s what a panel of experts from White Plains Hospital set out to discuss in a candid conversation focused on women’s health on Thursday, April 27 at Quaker Ridge Golf Club. The event, the second of its kind, is the brainchild of Scarsdale resident and White Plains Hospital Foundation Board Vice Chair Dara Gruenberg, who also served as moderator.

Gruenberg posed a wide-ranging array of health questions, submitted anonymously by the attendees, to the six panelists for answers. Gruenberg opened the panel explaining the intent was to remove some of the stigma of aging, to recognize we are not alone in this, and to help women get answers to their questions and to help them navigate and advocate for their physical and emotional well-being as they age.

panelistsThe Panelists

The discussion opened with endocrinologist Dr. Kay Lovig providing an overview of how pre- and peri-menopause impact the body, comparing to the hormonal changes to a “reverse puberty.” Anxiety and depression, she explained, are incredibly common as a result, as the brain is highly sensitive to the change in hormone levels.

The first audience question went to Melissa Ferrara, a nurse practitioner with an expertise in sexual health. She addressed a question about falling libido and what can be done to increase sexual desire in long-term relationships. She explained that as we age and our hormone levels fall, testosterone levels drop to half the amount at age 40 than what they were at age 20, leaving many women without the same natural sex drive. She proposed a wealth of solutions from reading erotica to trying two FDA-approved medications and counseled women to seek professional help if needed. She also discussed the importance of open communication with your partner about your needs.

An ever-present concern is weight gain. One attendee asked, “Why is it so hard to maintain our weight as we get older?” Nutritionist Elizabeth DeRobertis explained that, in menopause, weight shifts to the abdominal area as women develop insulin resistance and become more sensitive to carbohydrates. She suggested spacing out food intake during the day and eating healthy snacks such as almonds, yogurt, hummus and cottage cheese that take longer to metabolize and don’t cause an insulin spike. She highlighted Dave’s Killer Bread, thinly sliced, as among her favorite recommendations for carb-conscious patients.


Discussing the impact of aging on appearance, ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Anisha Kumar underscored several key changes to the face. “Everybody’s face changes as we age. We lose muscle tone and collagen. There is hollowing of the temples, the fat pads fall, and we develop sun spots.”

Dermatologist Dr. Karin Blecher Paz echoed Dr. Kumar’s assessment, adding that as we age, skin elasticity decreases and the skin loses its vibrancy. She underscored the importance of sun protection and highlighted the benefits of retinol and a vitamin C serum for younger-looking skin.

For addressing visible signs of aging, Dr. Kumar cited advancements in laser technology for non-invasive treatment of fine lines and wrinkles and highlighted the benefits of a comprehensive skincare routine using products with clinically proven ingredients, such as elastin, as beneficial for many patients.

Another question, also submitted in advance, asked “How important are regular orgasms to health? Do they help your mood and mental health?”

leadersFrances Bordoni, Dara Gruenberg and Susan Fox

Ferrara said, “an orgasm is a stimulation of a nerve ending in the genitals – that sends a signal to your brain which releases dopamine and oxytocin. Some people use orgasms to try to get to sleep. As we age, they can take longer and be harder to have. Orgasm from penetration is a myth – most women need clitoral stimulation. I don’t think one kind of orgasm is better than another. Only 30% of women orgasm from penetration.”

Ferrara warned women not to let a loss of desire prevent them from remaining sexually active. She said, “You need to continue to use your vagina. As you age, the tissue becomes dryer and thinner and the entrance can get smaller. If you have discomfort, don’t wait to get treatment.”

Asked how to “freshen the face,” Dr. Kumar recommended investing in a quality skincare brand, such as Alastin, and to be consistent with use. Whether it be aesthetic medicine or a comprehensive skincare routine, Dr. Kumar, who performs facelifts, neck lifts and other procedures, emphasized that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for each patient’s unique concerns and goals. “It’s for you to decide what makes you feel comfortable.”

About thinning hair, Dr. Paz said, “hair loss is complicated. Some women go bald as they grow older. For hormonal hair loss, there is no cure.” She did say she prescribes Rogaine and supplements such as Vitamin D and Nutrafol. She also recommended the oral medication Minoxidil and injections into the scalp of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma.)

The conversation turned to hormone replacement therapy. OBGYN Dr. Michelle Giannone said that the results of studies on the use of HRT have been confusing. However, she believes that being on HRT is safe for the majority of patients in the early stages of menopause, in their fifties, and that it can help with symptoms such as hot flashes, mood and sleep.

Dr. Giannone recommended the use of vaginal estrogen cream. Asked who should use it and for how long she said, “Use it until you’re not planning to use your vagina anymore.” That got a big laugh.

In a discussion about the symptoms of menopause it was noted that each woman has an individual experience — night sweats, hot flashes, thyroid issues, brain fog, anxiety, depression, genital/urinary issues. Though menopause is not a mental health issue but it mimics one.

With so many issues around aging in the mix, how can patients decide what to prioritize? The consensus among the experts was to identify what is most important to address, and to build long-term relationships with their physicians to work on finding the right treatment.

The good news is that more treatment options than ever before, from medications to therapies and surgeries, are available to address a variety of women’s health issues. The first step to finding relief is the ability to speak openly with your physician.

To learn more about the physicians and products featured at this event, visit

JonMark1Spring has finally sprung - and magnolias, cherry blossom and forsythia are in bloom. Scarsdale looks dazzling this time of year and as you walk, bike or drive around town you're sure to notice the colorful display.

Here are photos of some beautiful trees, the first four from former Scarsdale Mayor Jon Mark and the balance from yours truly. Kids were clearly happy with the warmer temperatures too. Check out the bottom photo of a bunch of enthusiastic climbers in a tree on Brite Avenue.

Share your photos of springtime in Scarsdale. Email us at and we'll publish your pictures on


Spring3Magnolia on Fenimore Road by Allyn Dunn


 Nelson Road by Mark MathiasNelson Road by Mark Mathias
