My Neighbor, My Hero, Ronny Hersch
- Wednesday, 12 April 2023 14:09
- Last Updated: Thursday, 13 April 2023 08:37
- Published: Wednesday, 12 April 2023 14:09
- Jessica Rosenberg
- Hits: 2391
Ronny Hersch and Rhonda Schnipper
Our neighbors. Some, we see every day. Some, we have never met. But in a Village of over 18,000 residents, how well can we really know each other?
There are many reasons why Rhonda Schnipper (right) is eager to acknowledge her neighbor and “forever friend” Ronny Hersch (left), who for the past 14 years has never missed an opportunity to help the community. From supporting the library, planning carnivals, organizing meal trains and coordinating graduation details, Rhonda describes Ronny as being, “quietly everywhere”, never holding back when it comes to giving of herself to help others.
Rhonda first met Ronny, whose husband grew up in Scarsdale, through Ronny’s sister-in-law when they were living in New York City. The two immediately connected, but their bond was solidified once they realized their homes in Quaker Ridge would be within walking distance of each other and that their children would be entering the same grade.
When we spoke, Rhonda had a hard time choosing just one anecdote to accurately convey Ronny’s commitment to the community over the past decade plus. How could Ronny’s never-ending support be best captured in one story?
Imagine this: A driveway packed with beach chairs. Teenagers and adults hunched over their computers and ipads trying their best to get something done amidst the backdrop of COVID, recurring Wi-Fi outages, and the general stress of this palpably tense time.
This was the scene unfolding outside of Ronny’s home when Rhonda drove by in the spring of 2020. Rhonda recalls seeing people walking in and out of Ronny’s house - which served as a de facto library - to use her printer. Ronny became the unofficial neighborhood office manager during this crazy time, as she offered access to her computer room, shared her Wi-Fi codes, and laid out snacks and refreshments for all the people camped out in her driveway, and even those parked in cars around the block!
She single-handedly made it possible for many to successfully work and learn remotely, despite the sporadic outages in Scarsdale.
During a time when we were advised to isolate ourselves in our homes, it is truly a special person who looks outwards for ways to help others. Rhonda sums it up beautifully when she says, “For 14 years I have personally witnessed that she (Ronny) will help anyone in her life. She is truly a blessing to our community."
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