Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Elects Gans, Mazer and Wise for Village Trustees, Curti for Village Justice

Cake2024Mazer, Curti, Wise and Gans cut the cake.It’s official! Scarsdale elected three Village Trustees and a Village Justice on Tuesday March 19, 2024 at Scarsdale Library. Village Trustees Jeremy Gans and Ken Mazer were re-elected to serve their second two year terms, newcomer Jeremy Wise was elected to his first term and Michael Curti was voted in as Village Justice.

As the election was uncontested, it didn’t draw historic numbers of voters, but that didn’t detract from the spirit in the room at a celebration after the polls closed.

On hand were family members, friends of the candidates, Campaign Chair Joe Zakierski and the members of the Scarsdale Citizens Non-Partisan Party’s Campaign Committee, former Village trustees and County Executive George Latimer who stopped by to congratulate the candidates.

After the vote count was announced by Village Clerk Taylor Emanuel, assisted by Melissa Vasami, the newly elected officers gathered around the cake to toast the results.

Kudos to the members of the SCNPP Campaign Committee, chaired by Joe Zakierski: Dan Besikof, Lena Crandall, Kay Eisenman, Ralph Geer, Diane Greenwald, Mary Pat Jones, Jon Leslie, Jon Mark, Bill McInerney, BK Munguia, Camille Roche, Jill Spielberg, Jared Stern, Lisa Van Gundy and Elaine Weir.

A swearing in ceremony will be held on Monday April 1 at noon at Village Hall and the public is invited.

Here are the vote counts:

Jeremy Gans 192
Ken Mazer 188
Jeremy Wise 193
Michael Curti 205

Photo credit Lisa Van Gundy

JeremyandLisaJeremy and Lisa Gans

JeremyandRandiJeremy and Randi WiseCurtiParentsMichael Curti with his parentsMazersMelissa and Ken Mazer with Jeremy WiseJoeandCandidatesCandidates with Campaign Chair Joe ZakierskiTaylorandMelissaMelissa Vasani and Taylor Emanuel