Sunday, Mar 09th

Backyard Sports Cares and New York Knicks to Host Basketball Tournament

knickscitydancersBackyard Sports Cares is partnering with the New York Knicks organization to host the inaugural Adult Three-on-Three Basketball Tournament. The tournament will be held at the MSG Training Center in Greenburgh NY on March 17th, 2013 from 9am – 3pm. Teams will be divided into three divisions: Open (most competitive), 35 years and older, and Recreation (all ages). Beloved Knicks alumni players and the Knicks City Dancers will be on hand to cheer on the participants.

"We are honored to work in collaboration with the Knicks on this unique opportunity for basketball enthusiasts to experience playing at the state of the art Knicks facility, and at the same time help raise funds for children in our area who do not have traditional access to sports programming," said Danny Bernstein, "head coach" and founder of Backyard Sports Cares (BYSC). "Sports such as basketball, soccer, baseball and tennis are a great tool to teach all children life lessons that will help them lead better lives in our community."

There are a limited number of teams. Each $1500 team registration includes three- five players, individual jerseys and food & beverage. To learn more or register a team for the event, please visit

Founded in 2007, BYSC has touched the lives of over 4,000 children in Westchester neighborhoods including Mt. Vernon, New Rochelle, Port Chester, White Plains and Yonkers. Backyard Sports Plus, a unique program that provides one-on-one peer mentors serves special needs children to maximize their sports potential for greater success. Established in 2005, Backyard Sports is committed to replacing today's "win at all costs" mentality of youth sports with an approach that promotes increased self confidence and a lifetime love of sports while maximizing the athletic potential of each participant. Backyard Sports Cares was created to bring these ideals to children who have limited access to traditional youth sports programs, including children with special needs. Learn more at