Sunday, Mar 09th

Raiders Sports Teams Honored at Maroon and White Awards Dinner

MW13CheerleadersOn Tuesday night March 5, 560 Scarsdale athletes, parents, coaches and administrators gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of Raiders winter athletes and teams. The tri-annual dinner, hosted by the Maroon and White organization, was held at Lake Isle Country Club. In total, the achievements of 395 athletes representing 9 teams were honored. Among the dinner's highlights were the division champion, undefeated Boys Swim team, 55 meter hurdles and triple jump section champion Patrick Clarke. The Boys and Girls Basketball teams, as well as the Ice Hockey team advanced to the quarterfinals of their section tournaments.

Congratulations to all the athletes and their coaches on great seasons. Below are pictures from the dinner as well as awards and honors for teams and individual athletes.

2012-13 Scarsdale High School Winter Sports Review

Boys Basketball:MW13BasketballCoach Jon Feld & James Serafin
Record: 13-7

All League: Jack Hewitt
All League Honorable Mention: Alex Squadron, Jon Cohen
All Conference: Jack Hewitt
All Section: Jack Hewitt
MVP: Alex Squadron, Jack Hewitt
Most Improved: Dylan Lobue
Casey Ferrone Award: Peter Simon
Joseph Ades Award: Tyler Nathan
Miska Alanka Award: Tyler Nathan

Girls Basketball:MW13GirlsBball
Coach Mike Blanco & Genette Zonghetti
Record: 13-6

All League: Shelby Zucker
All League Honorable Mention: Alexis Kline, Rachel Cohen, Abby McDonald
All Section: Shelby Zucker

Coach Greg Leong
Boys Record: 55-15

Co-League ChampionsMW13Bowlers
Girls Record: 26-43
All League: Sam Fisch, Ryan Friedel

Girls Gymnastics:
Coach Jennifer Roane & Liz Torres
Record: 2-7

MVP: Dannah Strauss
Most Improved: Jen Eisler
Best Sportsmanship: Emily Bochner

Ice Hockey:
Coach Jim Mancuso & Kevin Blake
Record: 13-8-1, Section 1 Division 2 quarterfinalistMW13Gymnastics

All League: James Nicholas, Matthew Blakley
All League Honorable Mention: Sam Blakley, Ian Marinelli
Leading Scorer: James Nicholas
Leading Hitter: Sam Blakley
Extra Effort: James Nicholas
Rookie of the Year: Stephen Nicholas
Bruce Black Leadership Award: Sam Blakley, Stuart Hindmarch
Peter Shaw Award: Stuart Hindmarch
Most Improved: Ian Marinelli

Indoor Track:MW13BoysTrack
Coach Rich Clark, Devin Hoover, Tom List, Patrick Healy

All League: Patrick Clarke, Matt McCann, Christina Hebner, Lillian Foote
All County: Patrick Clarke
All Section: Patrick Clarke
NYSPHSAA State Meet Qualifier: Patrick Clarke (55m HH, Triple Jump)

Coach Barney Foltman, Brian Roemer, Jeremy Szerlip
Record: 5-6

All League: Mike Debramo, Robbie Keltz, Daniel Barouch, Mike Hodges, Dylan Madoff, Phillip Goldberg, Joe KoshakowMW13BoysHockey
All Section: Mike Hodges, Joe Koshakow

Boys Swimming:
Coach Tim Callahan & Kevin Lynch
Record: 9-0
Division II Champions
Section 1 Championship Meet: 2nd place

All League: Daniel Needham, Sivan Mehta, Charles McFarland, David Bravo, Josh Hendell, Tom Cooke, Mitch Barrow, Zachary Bernstein, Andrew McInerney, Graham Novitch, Evan Moretti
All Section: Dan Needham, Sivan Mehta, Charlie McFarland
State Meet Qualifiers: Thomas Cooke, Mitchell Barrow, Charlie McFarland, Sivan Mehta, Dan Needham
MVP: Sivan MehtaMW13Wrestlers

Boys & Girls Skiing:
Coach Darren Meyers & Rachele Ketterer
All League: Nick Brechtel, Melanie Norman

MVP: Nick Brechtel , Melanie Norman
Most Improved: Alex de la Garza, Zoe Verzani
Best New Skier: Alex First, Sarah Weintraub
Dedication to Dry land: Dewan Thenmalai, Erika Smith



Article by Brian Solender/Photos Joanne Wallenstein