Sunday, Mar 09th

Friends of Scarsdale Parks Spring Festival on June 8

metasequoiatreeFriends of Scarsdale Parks (FOSP) will hold its annual Spring Festival and Heritage Tree Project on June 8th at the Scarsdale Public Library, 54 Olmsted Road, from 2- 5pm on Sunday, June 8th. Included in the program will be a free lecture and native shrub giveaway to lecture attendees. The lecture will feature Deanna Curtis, Curator of Woody Plants at the New York Botanical Garden, who will offer advice on how to use native trees and shrubs in the home garden. A spring flowering tree or shrub will be raffled off to benefit the work of FOSP, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to preserve and beautify Scarsdale's parks and open space since 1956.

Mayor Steves has been invited to commemorate this year's Heritage Tree prior to the lecture with the reading of a proclamation for 3 stately Dawn Redwood trees on the grounds of the Library Pond. The program will also feature representatives from: Cornell Cooperative Extension, the Audubon Society, the Scarsdale High School Community Garden, the Native Plant Center of Westchester Community College and FOSP. Starting at 2:15 pm there will also be a "ponding" presentation for children of all ages given by Duncan Wilson, the principal of the Fox Meadow elementary school. Cornell Master Gardeners will be on hand to offer practical gardening advice, and the High School Garden Club will hold a plant sale. The Scarsdale Forum is co-sponsoring the event.