Mitzvah Weekend at Scarsdale Synagogue
- Wednesday, 14 October 2015 11:02
- Last Updated: Thursday, 15 October 2015 13:24
- Published: Wednesday, 14 October 2015 11:02
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 6147
A Mitzvah is a good deed, and Scarsdale Synagogue, which has set aside a community-wide day for doing good deeds every year, is expanding this successful program to a full weekend. During the three-day period, the synagogue's clergy and lay leadership will be creating opportunities to perform a variety of good deeds (Mitzvot), with the Synagogue (2 Ogden Road in Scarsdale) as the helping headquarters.
The schedule for the Mitzvah Weekend is as follows but complete details can be found here:
6:15 p.m. – Shabbat Services & Dinner followed by Guest Speaker, Rabbi Andy Gordon, who will share his experience participating in the historic Journey for Justice 40-day walk from Selma to DC that took place this past summer. Dinner $36/person, $18/for those 18 and under. RSVP to
10:00 a.m. - Shabbat Services followed by a Social Action-themed lunch & learn.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18, 9:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.
All activities are open to the public and will take place at Scarsdale Synagogue including:
Annual blood drive sponsored by White Plains Hospital. Refreshments will be provided.
Karaoke for a cause
Cooking for the hungry
Crafts projects
A Living Wall of Talmud
Our Bar Mitzvah/Bat Mitzvah class will participate in the Manhattanville Making Strides Against
Cancer walk.
Learn more about the organizations and causes that your fellow congregants are passionately
How to Help
In addition to these programs, the Synagogue will be collecting much needed and useful items to donate to worthy organizations in the greater Westchester and North Bronx communities, including:
• Children's Books & Clothing (ages 14 and below) for the Sharing Shelf – long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, khakis, sweatpants, long sleeve dresses (4T – youth size 10 only), fleece jackets, winter coats, hats & gloves, sturdy shoes (merrills, sneakers, snowboots, & uggs), NEW socks, NEW underwear; Gently used books (for ages 5 and below)
• School Supplies for students at an underfunded school in Yonkers – backpacks, box of #2 pencils, box of black pens, box of assorted (24) crayons, glue sticks, pink erasers, box of assorted broad tip markers, pair of blunt edged scissors, pencil case, wide-ruled spiral notebooks, pocket folders, package of printer paper.
• Items for US Soldiers – action oriented or comedy DVDs, chapsticks, $5 Amazon or apple gift cards, protein bars, chocolate bars
• Food for the United Interfaith Food Bank – rice, pasta, soup, mac & cheese, pasta sauce, canned beans and canned fruit, canned meat or stew
• Diapers and wipes for Westchester Diaper Bank
• Pet Supply Drive for the New Rochelle Animal Shelter – dog and cat food, leashes, cages,
bedding, dog treats, cat treats, stuffed animals
• Lightly Used College Dorm Supplies for Grad Bag – XL twin sheet sets, blankets, comforters, duvets, desk lamps, small rugs, plastic hangars, extension cords, window fans, bed lifts, over door hooks, laundry bags/hampers, alarm clocks, storage lockers, book ends, bulletin boards, surge protectors, small suitcases.
• Fresh Start for UJA Federation Westchester – Fresh Start provides families in need with the ability to have a fresh start every morning – toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair brushes, shampoos, body wash, shaving items, deodorants, tissues, feminine hygiene products, soaps, baby care items (ointments, powders, wipes, diapers of all sizes.)
About Scarsdale Synagogue
Scarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont and Emanu-El is a Reform Jewish congregation committed to creating a covenant community of shared lives and real relationships. We are an inclusive, caring and visionary community. As we journey together Jewishly, we strengthen ourselves and our sacred community.
For further information, please contact Roberta Aronovitch at (914) 725-5175 or by email: