Sunday, Mar 09th

Thank You, Scarsdale

NewTrusteesThis letter was sent to Scarsdale10583 from Justin Arest, Lena Crandall and Jane Veron.
To the Editor: We want to start with the most important words we can say: Thank you, thank you, thank you, Scarsdale.

As volunteers ourselves, we appreciate that Scarsdale’s strength is the depth of commitment and generosity of so many residents who give freely of their labor, time, and expertise to make our community better.

For the second year in a row, Scarsdale voters came out in large numbers to cast their vote in a Village election. Over many weeks, volunteers for all four candidates passionately urged their friends and neighbors to execute the most important responsibility of citizens — to show up, participate, and be counted. We believe the hours spent on the phones, on social media, debating on Letters to the Editor pages, participating in or attending the League of Women Voters forum, knocking on doors, shaking hands at train stations, and distributing palm cards demonstrates a level of engagement that we plan to carry over as we shift from the excitement of campaigning to the thoughtful work of governing.

Alongside our deep gratitude, we're also humbled by the responsibilities that come with such robust support. When we stood before the 30 elected volunteers of the Citizens Nominating Committee, representing a diverse cross-section of our community, we knew what would be expected of us. We know that we are the latest in a long tradition of volunteer public servants who have come through the non-partisan system. Our Village has a long track record of elections that have been free from the corrupting influence of money, special interests, and acrimonious partisanship. We are the envy of neighboring municipalities due to our emphasis on character, judgment, and good government. It will be up to us to continue to prove the wisdom of our unique system through our actions as Trustees. We take this responsibility seriously, and we are honored to serve.

With gratitude and hope,

Justin, Lena and Jane

(Pictured Above: Jane Veron, Justin Arest and Lena Crandall: Photo credit: Harvey Flisser)

electionresultsSCNP Campaign Co-Chairs Jon Mark and Dara Gruenberg announce the results. Photo credit Harvey Flisser