Scarsdale Village Government Wants Your Help!
- Thursday, 18 February 2021 11:48
- Last Updated: Thursday, 18 February 2021 11:54
- Published: Thursday, 18 February 2021 11:48
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 1442
The following was submitted by submitted by the Scarsdale Village Advisory Council on Communications:
Scarsdale is a special community full of residents who give freely of their time in many arena, and our local government is no exception. Ever wonder about “how” and “why” decisions are made in Scarsdale Village government? Do you want to know the best way to contribute to how things are run in our Village? Become a member of a Village board or council!
Scarsdale has a decades-long tradition of volunteerism and civic engagement. If you are interested in taking a more active role in our local government beyond the public comment session of board meetings and public hearings, here is your chance.
At the beginning of each year, the Scarsdale Board of Trustees’ Personnel Committee invites all residents to lend their voice, experience, and skills to help shape myriad areas of Village life. Village Staff and Board members rely on insight and recommendations from resident volunteers. Community input is what makes government effective, responsive, and inclusive in resolving problems, addressing current needs, expanding successful programs, and preparing for what lies ahead.
Resident volunteers continually impact our community in a meaningful and positive way, and Scarsdale’s boards and councils are responsible for more than many realize.
Want to improve how the Village communicates with its residents? Join the Advisory Council on Communications. Think the Village should be doing more to engage kids? Join the Advisory Council on Youth. Want to impact zoning decisions or the character and feel of neighborhoods? Join the Zoning Board of Appeals or the Board of Architectural Review. There are many ways to contribute. One need only raise a hand.
Here are the ways to get involved:
-Join an Advisory board or council to review timely issues and topics and offer advice to aid in decision making.
-Join a Decision-making board to review resident applications and requests, issue approvals/rejections with relevant conditions.
Listen to the words of three longstanding volunteers in Village government, describing their experiences:
"In addition to offering a great education for children, Scarsdale provides a real community atmosphere for families and empty nesters. By contributing my time and volunteering to village boards and councils, it makes me feel good that I'm doing my part to help foster this community spirit that has always been such a positive trademark of Scarsdale."
-- Andrew Sereysky, Walworth Avenue, Member of Cable Commission and Advisory Committee on Communications
"I've lived in Scarsdale since 1972 and at each stage of my family's life here, I've connected with my community & tried to contribute to relevant organizations. I've made many friends, expanded my network & set an example to my children. It has been a rewarding use of my time & experience & I am proud to make a difference."
-- Carol Silverman, Spier Road, Member, Advisory Council on Scarsdale Senior Citizens and Advisory Council on Communications
“I derive much personal satisfaction from volunteering in my community. My middle school kids are proud of my contributions, and I know that my work really has a positive impact on all Scarsdale residents.”
-- Barry Meiselman, Post Road, Member of Advisory Council of Communications and Zoning Board of Appeals
Are You Up For The Challenge?
Descriptions for each volunteer board and council, including duties, time commitments, and more information are available online. Residents can learn about eligibility and access the application here. There is something for everyone depending on your availability and interests! When individuals apply, they are asked to select their top three choices for service. A member of the Board of Trustees will reach out to applicants based on openings to gage their level of interest as well as particular skill sets in determining the best placement. While most positions are filled in the spring, the process does occur on a rolling basis if openings become available throughout the year. Feel free to reach out to Trustees Waldman or Whitestone. or
Just do it! You won’t regret it!