Monday, Jul 01st

KellyJenine Kelly in the newly expanded warehouse.Though many of us have lived in Westchester for decades, do we really know the economic composition of the county’s population?

After a visit to the Feeding Westchester warehouse and distribution center in Elmsford, I realized that my assumptions about the financial well-being of county residents was deeply flawed.

Where did I go wrong? While touring the facility I learned that 1/3 of Westchester families are “food insecure.” Ten percent live below the poverty line and 24% don’t make enough money to feed their families.

Food prices went up a staggering 9.9% in 2022 and are expected to increase another 5.8% this year. People simply can’t make ends meet with inflation driving up the cost of necessities like gasoline and oil.

In order to meet growing demand for food, Feeding Westchester just added 18,000 square feet of space to store and distribute food. Before the COVID crisis, the organization fed approximately 140,000 people each month. This year, that number is up to 220,000 people each month.

Where does all this food come from? Feeding Westchester purchases 59% of the food they distribute, receives donations for 26% of their needs and gets 15% of their food from the USDA. In addition, the organization is able to salvage surplus food from stores like Stop and Shop and Wegmans. This food would have ended up in the trash.

They also accept non-food items such as school supplies, personal hygiene items, diapers, pet food and supplies that they also pass on to those in need.

I toured the large warehouse and saw tens of volunteers sorting food into bags for distribution to nearly 300 partners and programs including food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and schools.MealPacksMeal Packs

The new facility includes the largest freezer in Westchester – 5,408 square feet and a huge walk-in refrigerator allowing them to store fresh produce and meats.

There were packets for breakfast, lunch and dinner, many containing fresh fruits and vegetables.

The effort is partially staffed by 11,000 individual community and corporate volunteers who worked 46,000 hours last year. On some days a company will send 60 employees for a day of competitive food packing. Regular volunteers are also a vital part of the effort.

Vice President of Development Jenine Kelly says that Westchester residents are extremely generous about helping people in their own backyards, however the need continues to grow.

She encouraged adults and students to get involved, by
-making regular monthly donations

-hosting a food drive

-hosting a fundraiser

-doing advocacy work

-volunteering to pack food

-spread the word about the good work of Feeding Westchester.

There are many ways you can help.

Take a look at their website here:

ApplesApples for distribution

1 Fox Meadow(This letter was written by Cynthia Roberts of Autenreith Road)
You may have read about the petition for a six-month moratorium on development and tear downs in Scarsdale that has been signed by hundreds of Scarsdalians and was presented to the Village Board of Trustees on October 24, 2023.

Many of the 40 residents at Rutherford Hall last night in support of the petition have appeared before either the Board of Architectural Review and/or the Committee on Historic Preservation, or both recently. These residents expressed frustration at the breakneck pace that historic homes are being demolished or significantly renovated, only to be replaced with one or two “cookie cutter” homes jammed onto the same lot in neighborhoods that are known for their charming character.

Mayor Justin Arest stated last night at the BOT meeting that he welcomed input from the residents. Fortunately, the BOT meetings are held both in person and via Zoom, so that residents with young children, older residents, and residents with health issues are able to participate in our government without attending the evening meetings in person. I was impressed with the ease with which a few residents made comments to the Board from home during the public comment period via the Village’s virtual Zoom connection. I congratulate the Board on extending procedures that were created due to the Covid-19 pandemic, thereby furthering participation in our local government.

Noted exceptions to this combination of in-person and virtual meeting procedures, however, are the Board of Architectural Review and the Committee on Historic Preservation. Neighbors are provided with notice of their meetings by mail 10 days prior to the meetings, or 7 days prior if the notice is personally served. The notices specifically state that the meeting only provide for in person participation. Virtual Zoom participation is not provided.

I understand that the current staff may not have the time to facilitate this audio/visual connection for residents. The Village, however, should make it a priority to facilitate participatory government in Scarsdale. Resources should be dedicated to enable all residents access to all of the meetings and decision makers that will impact their community.

Sincerely yours,
Cynthia Roberts
15 Autenreith Road

HarwoodBuilding(Updated 6:55 PM) The community is on edge after social media sites are disseminating a threat from Hamas designating Friday October 13, 2023 as "the Friday of al-Aqsa Flood." While there are no specific threats to Scarsdale the threats are ominous after last weekend’s horrific attacks in Israel. What to do? Carry on as usual? Send the kids to school? Take the train to the city? Stay home? What do you think?

Here are notes from the Scarsdale Police, Scarsdale Schools and the Scarsdale Public Library discussing the threat.

Scarsdale Police
We are aware that Hamas has issued an official statement designating Friday, October 13, 2023, a day of action titled "the Friday of al-Aqsa Flood." In their announcement, Hamas called on the international community to voice solidarity with the Palestinian people and their cause by engaging in mass gatherings. A video has also surfaced of a founding member and former Hamas leader praising the recent terrorist attacks and calling on others to mobilize on October 13.

Although there are currently no known threats to the Scarsdale Community, the Scarsdale Police Department continues to work with State and County law enforcement agencies to monitor the situation. Scarsdale Police Department’s additional patrol and premise checks of all synagogues and educational institutions that began at the first sign of the attacks have continued. You may notice increased police presence at all of Scarsdale’s schools and synagogues tomorrow throughout the day. This has been planned out of an abundance of caution and should not be reason to believe that any specific threats have been made.

The situation will continue to be monitored over the coming days and more information will be released when available and appropriate. As always, if you see something, say something. If you need to contact our police department in an emergency, please dial 911. If you need to get in touch with the police and it is not an emergency, please dial 914.722.1200.

From the Scarsdale Schools:
Increasingly our communities have been exposed to scary and unsettling information posted on social media, covered by the traditional media, or sparked through rumor.
We are writing to inform you about a highly disturbing situation being spread through social media.

On October 10, 2023, Hamas issued an official statement designating Friday, October 13, 2023, a day of action titled "the Friday of al-Aqsa Flood." They called on the international community to voice solidarity with the Palestinian people and their cause by engaging in mass gatherings. A video has also surfaced featuring a founding member and former Hamas leader praising the recent attack and calling on everyone to mobilize. He stated that jihad is everyone's duty and an individual responsibility. Subsequently, there have been social media posts carrying that video and connecting it to a possible threat against schools along with houses of worship and institutions related to Judaism.

This post is an example of what is being circulated. The FBI is aware of the situation and while they continue to collect and analyze intelligence from a variety of sources, they do not currently have specific intelligence reflecting additional attack planning against the United States. Additional information may be found in this FBI public service announcement.

Although there is no specific threat to Scarsdale, we have been in regular contact with Scarsdale Police who are monitoring the situation through the Real Time Crime Center. They are also increasing both patrols around our buildings and school walkthroughs. Additionally, we have informed all staff of the threat and instructed our safety monitors to exercise additional vigilance in their patrols. We will continue to monitor intelligence shared by local, state, and federal law enforcement entities to guide any additional response.

The proliferation of threats on social media in general, and this one in particular, has created a new problem in our lives. We are challenged to simultaneously make meaning for ourselves while guiding our children to process information like this in as emotionally healthy way as possible. These are daunting tasks. However, the most important protective factors we can give our children are positive and trusting relationships and a community that cares for one another. Those two factors are in abundance here in Scarsdale. As we have noted before, our counselors and clinicians stand ready to help guide you through conversations with your children and support your children here at school.

Please feel free to use the resources shared yesterday when speaking to your children or to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

In Partnership,

Eric K. Rauschenbach
Assistant Superintendent for Special Education and Student Services

From the Scaarsdale Library


Regarding Recent Social Media Posts about Friday, October 13

A series of social media posts have been circulating designating Friday, October 13, a day of action titled "the Friday of al-Aqsa Flood." As a result, there have been social media posts sharing that video and connecting it to a possible threat against schools along with houses of worship and institutions related to Judaism.

Although there has been no specific threat to Scarsdale, the Library has been in contact with Scarsdale Police who are monitoring a wide variety of sources for any possible threats. We value the safety of our patrons and staff and will remain vigilant, taking precautions suggested by law enforcement.


Monday, October 16, 2023
1 Heshvan 5784

Dear Mr. Latimer,

We are rabbis from across the Jewish denominational spectrum. While we represent congregations and organizations throughout New York’s 16th Congressional District, today, we are writing in our personal capacities, to urge you to announce your run for Congress.

For over three decades, our community was represented in Congress by a Democratic champion who consistently delivered for the people of Westchester and represented our core values in Washington, especially in unwavering support for Israel’s safety and security.

Three years ago, Jamaal Bowman unseated Eliot Engel and brought a deeply concerning agenda to Washington. Many of us tried to engage the Congressman early in his term, seeking constructive dialogue about the damaging positions he took – especially on matters related to America’s relationship with Israel.

Regrettably, Congressman Bowman disregarded our outreach and doubled down on his anti-Israel policy positions and messaging.

Last April, many of us signed an open letter to Bowman citing his troubling record and urging him to change course.

We were once again met with silence – and then, even more damaging actions in Congress. Bowman boycotted President Herzog’s historic speech, refused to sign a resolution that rejected Israel as a racist or apartheid state, and voted against legislation supporting the Abraham Accords and celebrating Israel’s 75th anniversary of statehood.

Last week, more than 1,300 Israelis were brutally massacred by Hamas terrorists. Thousands of others were physically, sexually, and psychologically injured, to say nothing of the nearly 200 taken hostage. Your statement of unequivocal support for our ally was immensely appreciated by our community.

Inexplicably, but predictably, while Congressman Bowman condemned the attacks, he put the blame on Israel for its “blockade of Gaza.” He now is calling for an immediate ceasefire, effectively a position of appeasement toward Hamas’s terror regime.

Since being elected, Bowman has led the effort to erode support for Israel on Capitol Hill and within the Democratic Party. That’s why we’re turning to you, in the hope that you will announce your candidacy for Congress and restore our values to this important seat in Washington.

Your election would be a vital course correction from the last three years. We are behind you, and we know that our communities will strongly support you if you enter the race. Your remarks at the Westchester Jewish Council Community Rally on Tuesday, October 10th, gave us great hope that you would bring the same unflinching moral courage and conviction to an office where it is desperately needed at this crucial time.

We look forward to hearing from you soon and continuing our dialogue.


Rabbi Jonathan E. Blake
Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz
Rabbi Chaim Axelrod
Rabbi Sasha Baken
Rabbi Adam Baldachin
Rabbi Lester Bronstein
Rabbi Jeffrey Brown
Rabbi Leah Citrin
Rabbi Menachem Creditor
Rabbi Reuven Fink
Rabbi Leora Frankel
Rabbi Howard Goldsmith
Rabbi Daniel Gropper
Rabbi Shmuel Hain
Rabbi Evan Hoffman
Rabbi David Holtz
Rabbi Nuriel Klinger
Rabbi Binyamin Krauss
Rabbi Chaim Marder
Rabbi Jonathan Morgenstern
Rabbi Daniel Reiser
Rabbi David Schuck
Rabbi Zach Sitkin
Rabbi Jay Stein
Rabbi Annie Tucker
Rabbi Scott Weiner

Commenting on the letter, Susan Douglass wrote this note to her Rabbi Jeffrey Brown:

Dear Jeff,

I was delighted to see your name on the letter to George Latimer, along with 25 other area rabbis, asking Mr. Latimer to run for Congress in our district ( article from October 16). It's important to take a stand against those who are equivocal, or downright hostile, in their support for Israel.

Shabbat Shalom,

scarsdalehomesEvery week we hear about Scarsdale land use boards wrestling with decisions about tear downs, renovations, subdivisions and swimming pools. One resident’s desire to expand their footprint impacts neighborhood character along with their neighbors view and privacy, the flow of water off the property, parking, traffic and more. Land use questions are further exacerbated by the frequency of strong rainstorms, which are causing alarming floods.

These conflicts are not new. In 2012 the Village Board of Trustees retained architectural historians to help determine how Scarsdale should preserve historic landmarks and homes as well as the neighborhood character of some of the Village’s historic districts.

The outcome of the Reconnaissance Level Cultural Resources Survey is an in depth look at the history of the development of Scarsdale, the architectural styles that make it distinctive and a road map of how to move forward on preserving our unique landscape.

The outcome of the report was the identification of 81 individual landmarks that warrant protection as well as the delineation of 12 study areas for neighborhoods that should be considered as potential historic districts.

These areas are listed below.

7.1 Greenacres Study Area
7.2 Scarsdale Heights Study Area
7.3 Garden Road Study Area
7.4 Fox Meadow Study Area
7.5 Elmdorf Drive Study Area
7.6 Downtown Study Area
7.7 Berkley Study Area
7.8 Sherbrooke Park Study Area
7.9 The Woods Study Area
7.10 Dolma Road Study Area
7.11 Heathcote Road Study Area
7.12 Heathcote Crest Study Area

The consultants that recommended next steps that should be taken to move the process forward as proscribed here.

Anticipated Next Steps:

Cultural Resource Survey Phase I: The Village to review the findings of the Report and assess the viability of potential individual landmarks and historic districts. If historic districts are not deemed feasible, the proposed number of individual landmarks should increase to include the most significant structures noted within the study areas.

Cultural Resource Survey Phase II: Following the Village’s acceptance of the Preservation
Consultant’s potential individual landmarks, Preservation Consultant to proceed with completion of New York State Historic Preservation Office Historic Resource Inventory Forms for selected individual landmarks.

If the concept of historic districts is to be further developed, the Preservation Consultant should perform additional research and field survey to finalize the number and boundaries of proposed historic districts.

Village to review the draft new Historic Preservation Law (Chapter 182), regarding the Village’s
criteria for establishing landmarks, including the requirement for owner consent, and the training of Village representatives serving on the Committee for Historic Preservation and the Board of Architectural Review regarding review of proposed demolition of and alterations to historic properties, and methods of implementation of the Village’s Historic Preservation Law.

Sadly, after receipt of the report the Village did not proceed with the consultants recommendations. In the intervening years, when applications are filed to tear down historic homes, boards have referred back to the report. However, since the findings of the consultants were never formally adopted, and the study was not complete, it could not be used to support or refute teardown applications.

As the Village continues to wrestle with decisions on teardowns, preservation, renovations, development and land use, perhaps it’s time to take the next steps as recommended by the consultants.

The report offers a comprehensive plan on how to approach this critical issue. We have instructions on how to move forward -- all we need to do is to take the next steps to put this into action.

Take a look at the report here: You might find your own home pictured there.

And if you’re in favor of urging the Board of Trustees to do more to preserve our neighborhoods, either comment below or email We will communicate your views to the folks at Village Hall. The sooner we act the more of Scarsdale we can save.

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