Saturday, Oct 05th

beerbottlesWe received multiple reports of a large party of high school aged students in Quaker Ridge on Friday night September 10. Parents said there was a big gathering and saw drunk high schoolers leaving the party looking very inebriated.

A neighbor says that the police passed by the house several times during the evening but failed to break up the party until a third drive by at about eleven o’clock when they did go to the front door.

The question arises, what is the police’s policy regarding private parties and underage drinkers? And are host parents responsible if kids get sick at the party or get into an accident on the way home? We asked Scarsdale Captain Edward Murphy for clarification and here is what he shared.

“The Scarsdale Police Department’s focus involving these types of incidents is the safety of the children. If we are called to a report of an underage party, responding police officers first work to ensure that everyone is safe and that no one is sick. Officers then attempt to locate an adult and interview same. If no adult is present, officers will then attempt to locate a person on-scene who lives in the home. Officers will then contact each party goer’s parents to ensure that all leaving will leave with an adult.”

“If evidence is present that adults knowingly allowed underaged parties to drink in their homes, those adults could be held accountable through civil lawsuits. In addition, there may be other violations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law (ABC Law) and/or the Westchester County Social Hosts Law that the adult could be charged with.”

Here are links to Westchester County District Attorney Mimi Rocah’s website and an article from Scarsdale10583 dated December 12, 2019 entitled Panelist Warn Parents of the Danger of Hosting Teen Parties at Home regarding this issue.

MimiRocahWestchester DA Mimi Rocah(The text on the DA’s site says, “Parents and other adults have a special responsibility with respect to hosting house parties. Party hosts are required to ensure alcohol is not being served to underage guests. If you host a party and plan to serve alcohol, you should understand your responsibilities and take precautions ahead of time.

Under the Westchester County ‘Social Host Law,’ it is unlawful for any person over the age of 21 to “knowingly allow” or “to fail to take reasonable corrective action upon becoming aware of” the consumption of alcohol by minors in his or her residence. The social host law “[serves] to deter the consumption of alcoholic beverages by minors by holding those persons who are 21 years old or more responsible.” First and second offenses of this law result in fines, and a third offense is a misdemeanor, which could result in a criminal conviction and jail time.

Under the New York State Penal Law, any person who gives, sells or causes to be given or sold any alcoholic beverage to someone under the age of 21 faces potential prosecution for Unlawfully Dealing with a Child, a class “A” misdemeanor, which could result in up to one year in jail and/or a fine.)

Captain Murphy continued, “As for the other questions in your email, if an officer is dispatched to a location on a reported underage party, the officer would observe activities taking place and take appropriate action. Officers would investigate further if violations were observed and follow actions described above.”

“The Police Department received one noise complaint (Party with loud music) on Harvest Drive at approximately 10:52 PM. An officer was dispatched to the location and upon arrival, did not hear any loud music. The officer met with the homeowner who stated that there was a party and that it was ending with guests leaving. The officer reported that there was no excessive noise. (See call 21-25413 on this week’s Media Log). This was the only call we received regarding a noise complaint/party on Harvest.”

“The Scarsdale Police Department encourages parents to speak with their children about the risks of underage drinking. For information, please see the Scarsdale Drug and Alcohol Task Force. In addition, the Scarsdale Police urges all residents that if they see an incident of this nature to immediately call Police Headquarters so officers can be dispatched and investigate the situation.”

Goal“Normal.” After spending many months bound by the restrictions and concerns imposed by COVID-19, everyone has redefined the term for themselves. The meaning of “normal” is now different on an individual-by-individual basis. And, for some, a sense of ease and normalcy is gained through playing the sport they love - a mechanism for passion, escapism, and realization of dreams.

After a modified 2020 season - one which was not guaranteed to take place at all - the returning Varsity A soccer players made sure to start preparations for the 2021 campaign as soon as possible. Led by captains Kian Batliwalla, Rowan Haffner, and Luke Peltz, players aspiring to play for any of the four Scarsdale High School soccer teams were welcome at “captains’ practices.” The aim was simple: play as much soccer as possible. The more touches everyone has on the ball ahead of when it will matter the most, the better. Apart from these Scarsdale school-related practices, many players also plied their trade for highly-respected club teams from around the region.

At the end of a summer break, as the world continued to inch towards normalcy, the hot August sun beat down on Butler Field. A few dozen players from all four grades prepared to impress the coaches. As always seems to be the case - which may be a testament to the larger influence the sport is having across the nation - talent arrived in increasing abundance.

The way tryouts are carried out ahead of the creation of the Varsity A team is straightforward: the players play in matches from the first minute to the last, with fitness-testing components sprinkled throughout the process. After all, there is no better way to evaluate players than by seeing what they contribute within a team. The pitch is cut in half so all candidates have a chance to impress for every possible second. Except, of course, during the necessary water breaks.

Inclement weather stole a couple of sessions from the initial tryout process, though the sessions that were not affected were enough for head coach Marcos Monteagudo and assistant coaches Andrew Nagel and Carlos Vazquez to make a thoughtful and well-informed decision on the composition of the final squad. The coaches were doubtless forced to make some tough choices, as there was a large contingent of very talented players who are just on the cusp of the Varsity A program.

The Varsity A roster is as follows:

Kian Batliwalla, Rowan Haffner, Luke Peltz, Matthew Choe, Carson Cohen, Trevor Cohn, Oliver De La Fuente-Akersveen, Javin Edlitz, Carlos Farha, Lorenzo Galeano, Nico Galeano, Eli Gelblum, Adam Katcher, Leo Khang, Adrian Lim, Dylan Manin, Jeremy Mann, Henry Mcallister, Zach Ruback, Teo Sheth, Sam Siegel, Rafael Tassari, Peter Troiano, Sebastian Verrelli, David Wang, and Ben Yacoub.

Players on the Junior Varsity A team are eligible to be called up to the Varsity A team during the course of the season. There are a considerable number of Junior Varsity A players already attending Varsity A training so they are primed and ready to play a big role for the top team in 2022.

Regardless of the team on which the students are placed, they have the opportunity to further a return to their own definition of normalcy. If anything, after the frantic nature of last season where quarantine orders and restrictions impacted many players’ seasons, the passion and energy to be seen during the fall 2021 season will surpass that of even the “old normal.” Track

With 15 seniors on the Varsity A roster, this could be the last hurrah for many in their respective soccer careers. So, it is important as ever to back the team to help them meet their high expectations for the season. The competition will be tricky and talented as always, but there is no limit to how far this Raiders team can go.

Dems3This letter was written by Myra Saul, Chair of the Scarsdale Democratic Town Committee

To the Editor:

The Scarsdale Democratic Town Committee August 12th fundraiser was a great success! Despite a passing thunderstorm and covid restrictions, our intrepid program committee held a wonderful event.

We raised more than $11,000 for Fair Fight, Stacey Abrams' voting rights organization. We are keeping our donation page 'live' for a while to give those who haven't donated or know of family and friends who may want to donate an opportunity to still give. Small amounts add up. Any contribution is appreciated. Please use this link:

DEMS1Voting rights are facing a crossroads in this country. Fair Fight fought for victories in Georgia (saving the Biden presidency with electoral votes and the election of two senators) and is continuing the fight against the suppression of Black and brown voters across the country.

We had four excellent speakers: Ny Whittaker, former New York State Senior Adviser for the Biden campaign and the founder of the grassroots group New York for Biden+Harris, New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli and Scarsdale's two New York state legislators, Assemblywoman Amy Paulin and Senate Majority Leader Andrea-Stewart Cousins. Congressman Mondaire Jones sent a tape of his remarks that was distributed to donors.


Many local elected officials were in attendance, including Mimi Rocah, Westchester's district attorney and a Scarsdale resident.

The Scarsdale Democratic Town Committee thanks Assemblywoman Amy Paulin and Ira Schuman for hosting. Vintology Wine & Spirits kindly donated the wine for the event.

Dems4If you have an interest in Scarsdale Democrats, please contact me at

Myra Saul
Chair, Scarsdale Democratic Town Committee


GuitarClassGuitar Class, Photo Credit Steven SchnurHoff-Barthelson Music School will launch its 2021-22 school year by offering exciting new classes for all ages and resuming in-person delivery of most of its programs – including lessons, classes and ensembles – following an immaculate safety record during the 2020-21 school year and 2021 summer session. Students wishing to continue private lessons and perform online may do so; additionally, the School has installed two state-of-the-art smart classrooms so that students may continue to participate in online musicianship classes as well.

Over the past year, the School has developed and refined rigorous safety protocols and, with generous support from the Scarsdale Foundation, made major investments in its HVAC systems. It has also just announced that 100% of its staff and faculty are fully vaccinated.

“We are excited to be resuming our full range of ensembles, classes and lessons for students of all ages on campus this fall,” said Executive Director Ken Cole. “At the same time, we are redoubling our efforts to ensure that all in-person activities are conducted safely. I encourage everyone in our community with an interest in music education to visit to review our newly-revised campus-wide safety plan.”

“We also are thrilled to introduce a number of exciting new offerings in our Early Childhood, K-12 and Adult Divisions,” Cole continued. These include Group Guitar Classes, Advanced-Track Musicianship Classes, a Piano Ensemble Program, and several new adult classes, many offered in partnership with the Scarsdale Adult School. These classes are open to all, including students who study privately elsewhere. Further, we’ll be continuing to offer multiple tiers of our Comprehensive Program. Our expanded financial aid program continues as well. These are but a few of the many changes driven by our commitment to ensuring that everyone – students of all ages and levels of development – have access to world class music education in our community. I invite everyone to join us at one of our upcoming Open Houses scheduled over the next few weeks!”

Group guitar classes, for ages 4 through adult, provide opportunities for students to enjoy making music together, engage in group discussion, and support one another. For the youngest learners, group classes are an ideal way to prepare for private instruction.

Chamber music for intermediate and advanced youth and adults has always been an important part of Hoff-Barthelson’s program over the school’s 77-year history. Members of the New York Philharmonic visit annually to lead master classes for students enrolled in the chamber music program. This Fall, Hoff-Barthelson is excited to announce a new Piano Ensemble Program within the School’s larger Chamber Music Program. The Piano Ensemble Program, held in the School’s state-of-the-art piano lab, is for intermediate to advanced piano students who would like to develop ensemble and sightreading skills as well as enjoy the social and emotional benefits of participating in music-making with others.

The School is also pleased to introduce new Advanced Track Musicianship (ATM) classes especially tailored for upper elementary though high school students with an avid desire to develop a comprehensive understanding of music theory. For adult learners seeking to develop a strong foundation in music theory, HBMS will be introducing an Adult Music Theory and Ear Training Bootcamp in partnership with the Scarsdale Adult School.

Generous support from an ‘angel’ donor has made it possible for the School to refurbish a set of White Chapel Bells — the Stradivari of handbells. HB’s Adult Handbell Class will be ringing in this beautifully refurbished new set this fall and welcomes new members starting October 1. Playing handbells is a wonderful way for adult amateur musicians of all levels to make truly beautiful music together.

Hoff-Barthelson’s unique comprehensive program for students at all stages of development combines individual lessons on more than 20 instruments and voice with regular access to professional accompaniment; musicianship classes; myriad performance opportunities; an ensembles program featuring orchestras, choruses, chamber groups, and jazz ensembles; and written performance critiques and progress reports. The tiered pricing structure introduced last year, which ties prices to levels of utilization within the School’s comprehensive program, remains in effect as does the newly expanded financial aid program available to families with incomes up to four times New York State’s Reduced Price Lunch eligibility levels. This includes those families whose incomes have been temporarily impacted by the pandemic.

Hoff-Barthelson will be hosting Open Houses for the Chamber Music and Piano Ensembles Program, the Suzuki Program, the Youth Orchestra Program and the Early Childhood and Adult Divisions in September. Masks, social distancing, adherence to the School’s Fall Safety Guidelines and RSVP are required for all in-person event participants. Learn more about these events and RSVP by clicking here or by calling 914-723-1169 or e-mailing

The School year begins Thursday, September 9, 2021. Enrollment is ongoing throughout the year. For additional information visit, call 914-723-1169 or e-mail

harassmentOne of the great ironies of Governor Cuomo’s current crisis is that he has become the victim of sweeping changes in workplace harassment provisions that he signed into law in April 2019. This was pointed out to me by State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin when I ran into her in Scarsdale Village last week.

She explained that as a part of the Governor’s 2019 Women’s Justice Agenda the new law strengthened New York's anti-discrimination laws to ensure employees can seek justice and perpetrators will be held accountable by:

-Eliminating the restriction that harassment be "severe or pervasive" in order to be legally actionable.

-Mandating that all non-disclosure agreements allow employees to file a complaint of harassment or discrimination.

-Extending the statute of limitations for employment sexual harassment claims filed from one year to three years.

In addition, these new laws:

-Require employers to provide their employees with notice about the employer's sexual harassment prevention policy in English as well as the employee's primary language;

-Expand the coverage of the Human Rights Law to all employers in the state;

-Extend protections against all forms of discrimination in the workplace to all contractors, subcontractors, vendors, consultants, or others providing services; and against all forms of discriminatory harassment to domestic workers;

-Require courts to interpret the Human Rights Law liberally regardless of the federal rollback of rights;

-Prohibit mandatory arbitration to resolve cases of discrimination and harassment in the workplace;

-Update the power of the Attorney General to enforce the Human Rights Law; and

-Require a study on how best to build on recent sexual harassment prevention laws to combat all types of discrimination in the workplace and a review of sexual harassment policies every four years.

How will this law affect Cuomo?

According to NYS Attorney General Letitia James report, the Governor’s reported sexual harassment dates back to 2019, and therefore can be reported under the new extension of the statute of limitations.

The 2019 law lowered the bar for discriminatory behavior from “severe or pervasive” to “more than “a petty slight or inconvenience,” making it less burdensome for the eleven victims to come forward.

The 2019 law extends protection to contractors, subcontractors, vendors and consultants and others providing services. Beyond the harassment in his own office, the Governor is charged with targeting women who did not work on his own staff including a state trooper and could be included in the report.

Furthermore, it’s not clear if the Governor completed the workplace harassment training that is required under a 2018 bill that he himself signed into law.

Will the Governor lose his pension? Again, he could become the victim of another bill he signed into law, effective January 2018, after it was passed by a constitutional amendment.

The law says that if he is convicted of a felony, “connected to his public duties, the judge has discretion to reduce or revoke the pension upon a hearing and consideration of several factors (e.g., will it cause undue hardship to the person's children/spouse, and the severity of the crime.) As some of the victims are pursuing criminal charges against the Governor, if he is convicted he may also lose his pension.

What can we conclude? Whether it was hubris or a blind spot, the Governor failed to connect his own behavior with the laws he enacted.