Thursday, Jun 27th

Destress‘Tis the season to be jolly…or so goes the famous Christmas song! While the holidays can inspire feelings of joy and merriment, for some this time of year can also be full of pressure and stress. If you are the kind of person that can get easily overwhelmed by crowded shopping malls, out of town visitors, and trying to prepare the perfect meal, you are not alone! But luckily for us, there are some steps we can take to cultivate an inner peace and to help us stay grounded even when the self-checkout at Target stops working or “grandma’s famous gravy” turns out lumpy.

By now many in our community have probably heard how beneficial meditation can be. Whether it is practiced to improve attention and focus or to help us control our emotions and relieve anxiety, mediation produces true, measurable benefits (and can even help us keep our cool when that gift we ordered online doesn’t show up in time!). The beauty of meditation is that it can be used by anyone, anywhere! If you are new to meditation and need help getting started, there are dozens of apps you can use or articles you can read that will help you build a practice in no time at all. If you prefer the help of an expert or want to meditate with other like-minded friends, you can also check out Kelsa is an amazing meditation teacher and mindful practitioner that leads sessions right here in Scarsdale!

Yes, it may sound cliche…but really, remember to take care of yourself! It’s hard to stay “jolly” when our tanks are running on empty! Maybe you like to exercise to keep the stress at bay or maybe you need to soak in the bath with a good book, whatever little acts of self-care might help, remember to build time into each day to recharge your batteries! And if you are in need of a little deeper healing, don’t hesitate to treat yourself to a massage or maybe even a healing sound bath. If you haven’t experienced the wonder of a sound bath, check out Susie Sands is also a Scarsdale local and performs sound baths both in person and virtually.

This last tip can be a little tricky, especially in a world that feels so topsy-turvy, but focusing on the positives has proven to be a successful tool in helping to improve one’s mood and well-being. One easy way to focus on all of the good things that we are surrounded by is to engage in the practice of gratitude. When we practice gratitude, we actively look for things in our lives to be thankful for and it can be as easy as saying what you feel grateful for before dinner each night. Other easy ways to practice gratitude include: writing down three things you feel grateful for in a journal before bed each night, writing thank you notes, or sitting in nature for a few moments while trying to focus your attention on all of the blessings our lives are filled with. Focusing on the positive doesn’t mean that we negate hardships or feelings of sadness or frustration, it just means that we take time each day to remind ourselves and refocus our attention on all of the good that is out there too.

Whether you are a person that lives for the magic of this season, or you are someone who might need these tips and tools to help keep stress at bay, we hope your holidays are filled with light, love, and laughter.

RocahRedMany of us here in Scarsdale know Mimi Rocah both as a neighbor and a friend. We also know that whether she is enforcing the law as a federal prosecutor, volunteering her time at her children’s school, or marching in the streets with her daughter to help end gun violence, Ms. Rocah always leads with her heart and with a strong sense of integrity.

It is with this great integrity and her commitment to justice, fairness, and accountability that Ms. Rocah ran for the Office of the District Attorney in Westchester County. Since winning the election and then taking office in January of 2021, Ms. Rocah has stayed true to her campaign promises and has worked diligently to accomplish change, to create justice reform, and to ensure the safety of all of her constituents.

Among her achievements, Ms. Rocah’s office created a five point plan for gun safety, hosted a first-of-its-kind Hate Crimes Training in Hudson Valley to improve public safety response and to provide police, prosecutors and public safety professionals tools to strengthen community outreach and victim support, and created a misdemeanor Domestic Violence Bureau within our Special Prosecutions Division to better service victims of domestic violence. But when asked what she is most proud of, Ms. Rocah pointed to the establishment of the Conviction Review Unit which helped to exonerate an innocent man earlier this year.

Many of her Scarsdale neighbors (and Westchester residents at large), applaud Rocah’s hard work and dedication, and were surprised when she announced on October 26th that she wouldn’t be seeking reelection. In a statement, she said, “This has been a difficult decision, but one that is right for me and my family at this time. As I approached the decision whether to run for a second term, my thoughts have been occupied in recent weeks by the terrorist attacks in Israel and the aftermath, which has profoundly and personally impacted me in ways that I did not expect. I do not know what my next role will be. But I do know that I will work to raise public awareness and advocate for the extremely necessary ethical reforms for our county, continue to fight for truth and justice, and work on pressing national and world-wide issues.” Click here to read her statement:

Shortly after Rocah made her announcement, she appeared as a guest on MSNBC’s Morning Joe where she elaborated on how the October 7th attacks influenced her decision. After being asked by the hosts of the show, Rocah explained that she is shocked to see “the level of antisemitism rise up in the way it has in this country. My father escaped the Nazis in the 1940’s. I am here because he was one of the lucky ones. I see what is happening now and I understand how the Holocaust happened. What is different now is we have allies, we have people who are willing to speak out for us…and I thank all the people shining a light, people in the government protecting us. I need to find a way to use my voice in that way.”

Rocah further explained, “I’ve been the kind of DA that I wanted to be. I’ve made the changes I wanted to make - lasting changes. But I also served with integrity and running for reelection while you are a sitting DA wouldn’t allow me to be the kind of prosecutor I want to be, which is to keep politics out of it…to keep politics and outside influences out of the criminal justice system.”

Though some have speculated that it is likely Rocah will run for another office, she asserts that she truly doesn’t know what is next for her, but that she is not running for another office now (though it doesn’t mean she never will). She is excited to continue to carry out her mission of providing, “fair, effective and efficient investigations and prosecutions of criminal offenses committed in Westchester to keep our communities safe while working with our government and community partners to prevent over-utilization of incarceration in the criminal justice system“ as she finishes her term as our District Attorney.

Whatever Ms. Rocah chooses to do next, we’re sure she will embark upon it with the same heart and integrity that she has become known for in our community.

ParadeTrioEveryone got into the act for the 2023 Halloween Parade in Scarsdale Village on Friday October 27, 2023. It felt more like August than October and a large crowd came out to join the festivities. Parents and kids were in costume and clearly enjoying showing off their costumes in the Village, which was closed to traffic.

The Rec Department made the event even more fun -- handing out treats and inviting an amazing bubble man and a wizard to give a magic show. A good time was had by all!

See the photos of the kids of Scarsdale below.

And send us your photos to add to the gallery - at



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Topping2It was a packed house with standing room only at both screenings of the Scarsdale Historical Society’s new documentary, The Road to Heathcote and the Forgotten Railway. The half-hour film explores the origins of the Heathcote neighborhood and traces the last vestiges of the New York, Westchester and Boston Railway (NYW&B) that stopped at Five Corners from 1912 to 1937. The Scarsdale Historical Society released the film alongside a new exhibit titled “Heathcote’s Forgotten Railway,” which will be on view for the month of November at the Scarsdale Public Library.

This film tells the story of a small group of friends who founded the Heathcote community and built the first elegant houses on Heathcote Road after draining the swamplands of an old abandoned farm. Traveling to the other end of Heathcote Road, our local historians reveal the unusual history of the Donnybrook Inn, and the story behind the small real estate office that used to be the Heathcote Train Station. Viewers will also glimpse the surprising remains of the so-called ‘million-dollar-a-mile railway’ in our bordering towns.

The “Heathcote’s Forgotten Railway” exhibit features archival photographs, maps and artifacts from the NYW&B. The exhibit traces the spectacular rise and slow demise of the railway, with particular attention to its roots in Scarsdale. Scarsdale Historical Society member Michael Zeller has loaned pieces from his collection for the exhibit.

The railway exhibit is on display all month in the library’s Local History Center. The film, and other films produced by the Scarsdale Historical Society can be viewed at:

HeathcotesignFilm participants holding the NYW&B station sign that’s over 86 years old, including (left to right) Michael Zeller, filmmaker Lesley Topping, Leslie Chang, Jordan Copeland, Randy Guggenheimer, and Eliot Goldfinger. Jonathan Lerner, current owner of the former Heathcote Station and Reverend Dr. Kelly Hough Rogers of Scarsdale Congregational Church also appear in the film. railwaycarA model of a NYW&B Coach.RailwayexhibitThe Heathcote’s Forgotten Railway exhibit delves into more history of the abandoned railway.


We stand with IsraelThe war in the Middle East has generated a war of words thousands of miles away in the US, where there are as many Jews as there are in Israel. Passionate voices are arising at rallies, at religious centers, online and on lawn signs.

To what extent should local businesses take a position on the conflict? Do customers have the right to demand that all the vendors they patronage express a view?

That’s the question that arose at a local store where a good customer asked the owners to place a sign demonstrating support for Israel outside the store. If they refused, it was understood that she would take her business elsewhere.

Here’s the response she received from the storeowner. What do you think about this issue? Please comment below:

Dear _________________:

We completely stand with Israel and condemn Hamas and their barbaric attack on Israeli citizens.

We are donating money to the IDF and to United Hatzalah and praying for peace in Israel.

With that said, we have to recognize that we live in a world where lunatics roam the streets and wish to do harm to Israel and its supporters.

While we completely stand with Israel, we decided to post the sign you gave us above the register inside the store so that it is visible to all but will not attract the attention of some lone wolf looking to do the dirty work of Hamas.

Often times, there is only one salesperson and one teenager in the store, and we have to consider the safety of the employees. It is indeed a sad state of affairs when posting a sign in support of a democratic state against terrorism could be dangerous.

We hope that you understand,
Am Yisrael Chai

Do you stand with the customer, the store, Israel? Share your thoughts below.

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