Thursday, Jul 04th

Veron May 22(Here are comments delivered by Scarsdale Mayor Jane Veron at the June 14, 2022 meeting of the Village Board.)
Good evening, Scarsdale. It is good to be back. Many thanks to Deputy Mayor Whitestone for presiding while I was sick. I missed catching you up on Village matters so my comments tonight might be a tad longer.

Our Board just completed the first ever two-part weekend retreat where we collectively reviewed the Village strategic and financial planning framework and associated goals and objectives. Our regular outreach informs our thinking, and we articulated priorities that best captured the needs of our community. Staff will be reviewing our recommended initiatives to give us feedback on operational practicalities and limitations, and we will set timing accordingly.

A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending a Village staff department head meeting (thank you, Rob, for inviting me). It is vitally important for elected officials and residents to have a window into staff’s daily workload and stressors. We must always understand that we ask staff not only to deliver upon day-to-day responsibilities but also to partner with us on key strategic initiatives. In the end, we are team who must work together to provide service excellence for residents, and with finite resources, we must carefully set priorities. Please know that the Village Board and staff are moving at a rapid pace to address your needs.

Over the next several weeks, the Board will bring to the public, work sessions that feature key priorities. Projects continue to heat up in the Quality of Life, Infrastructure/Municipal Services/Sustainability and Public Safety Pillars, and our special assignments are at the intersection of all three. Economic Development and Land Use is also moving ahead, but we do not yet have projects that are work session ready. We anticipate discussions on sensitive drainage areas and historic preservation code, but both of these matters still reside with staff.

Here’s what’s happening right now:

Our Noise Law
Earlier this evening, we began the complex discussion around noise ordinances. Scarsdale is approximately 6 square miles, and we live together in close proximity. While we enjoy many benefits from our densely situated community neighborhoods and easy commute to NYC, we also experience some of the discomforts. Over the years, residents have noted an increase in noise created by construction activities, property maintenance, equipment, social gatherings and animals. With more residents working from home and an increase in outdoor activity, there has been a heightened sensitivity to noise matters. The Board has begun the process to reexamine our Noise Level Law and enforcement mechanisms. We expect to continue these discussions over the next few months.

Pool Complex Study
Thank you, Scarsdale, for your active engagement in the pool complex study. We have been thrilled with your responsiveness, but we still want to hear from more of you. To date, we have received 1,114 online survey responses, 691 from the mailed control, and sizable in person engagements at both the pool and Scarsdale Music Festival. The online survey closes on this Friday, June 17, and we eagerly await a report based on your feedback. We expect the consultants to synthesize your input and share it with the community later this summer. From there, they will develop three alternative proposals with the associated economics. It is truly exciting that together we will shape the future of our beloved asset as we set its course for the next many decades.

Village Center Mobility Study
Our consultants took the public through an interactive mobility activity during our second work session tonight. We hired FHI Studio for their innovative, creative thinking and they offered proposals that stretched our imaginations. We had a great session, envisioning the possibilities and wrestling with the practical realities. We look forward to piloting opportunities, getting community feedback, and iterating, before we make significant hardscape investments.

Little League Lights and Fields
As you know, the Planning Board delivered its report to the Village Board, and now the Board is in the process of determining what additional information is needed in order to prepare for the next work session. We hope to provide a list of data needs shortly. We will keep the public apprised of next steps. The field lights discussion underscored what the community already knows. There is often a shortage of playable fields, and we struggle to meet the demand. We are hoping to partner with the schools to examine the gaps together.

Budget Input
We promised during budget discussions that we would not wait until the peak of budget season to address several open items. We plan to reconvene on leaf vacuuming this summer, and in the early fall, when our PRC department has a reprieve from managing the pool, we will take another look at recreation fees. At our next work session on June 21, we will reflect on the budget process, identifying areas for improvement for the next budget cycle.

Public Safety
I am eager to share the very positive news that both Houses of the NYS Legislature passed the law that will permit local governments to reduce maximum speed limits to 25 mph. We have been calling for this change, and our colleagues at the State level delivered. We are incredibly grateful to our own Assemblymember Paulin along with our Senate Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins and our soon to be State Senator Mayer who helped get this legislation over the finish line. Research shows that lowering the speed limit by five mph improves safety outcomes for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. We will begin planning now as the legislation will soon be sent to the Governor for executive action.

Mayor’s Council
As you can see, the Board has advanced many strategic priorities and more will be queued up for the fall. As we dive into the details, we have seen that many issues have a long history that often takes time to uncover. To retain institutional knowledge and ensure continuity, we are creating a Mayor’s Council comprised of former Mayors and Deputy Mayors. I have asked former Deputy Mayor Arest to chair the group that will meet quarterly. We want to benefit from prior experience and accelerate the learning curve.

As we all know, June is a very busy month. I have represented Scarsdale at many ceremonies and want to give a shout out to our Parks Recreation and Conservation staff who received multiple awards at the Westchester Recreation and Parks Society and to the Scarsdale PD who will be celebrating officer achievements and welcoming new recruits later this week. On June 22, we will be honoring all of our volunteers who do vital work for the Village on Boards and Councils.

June is also a month to reflect on our goals of diversity and inclusion. I want to acknowledge Juneteenth Independence Day, celebrated on the 19th of June. Also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, Juneteenth is a holiday celebrating the emancipation of those who had been enslaved in the US. The day commemorates the anniversary date when enslaved African Americans in Galveston, Texas, were told they were free. We recognize this important moment in history, honor this celebration of resilience, and vow to build a better future for all.

June is also PRIDE month, a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community. The monthlong set of festivities is anchored in values of self-affirmation, acceptance, and equality. On June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in Greenwich Village and catalyzed a revolt. No longer were people willing to accept the brutal treatment of the gay community. The first PRIDE march was held one year later in 1970 in NYC and has grown to be a major global effort. Tonight, the Village Board wears the symbolic rainbow, reflecting the many groups in this community, to show that Scarsdale stands united.

image1With only one week remaining of Senior Options and graduation in fewer than three, the end of the Class of 2022’s time in Scarsdale has all but arrived. However, before the graduation rehearsal and the official ceremony, there was one final opportunity for the class to gather at the school together.

Dubbed “Senior Transition Day,” the graduating class came into school on Monday June 6 for a relaxed day of college preparation workshops, a high school reflection session and the distribution and signing of yearbooks under a festive backdrop with posters and food scattered around the Brewster Road entrance of the high school. image3The Brewster Raod entrance was taken over by the Class of 2022

A panel of SHS graduates who are now in college opened the day, with a question-and-answer workshop to address students’ biggest concerns about the transition to college. Seniors asked, “What is one thing you wish you knew going into college?” “Do you feel as if Scarsdale prepared you well for the workload you receive?” and “How do I calm some of my biggest anxieties about starting anew?”

image4A panel of college students gave advice to the graduating classAfter the insightful session, the auditorium projector displayed a montage of many SHS teachers and staff members giving words of wisdom and congratulating the graduating class.

The grade was then split up into their dean groups for reflections on their high school experiences. Seniors were tasked with writing pieces of advice for the incoming freshman class. Some of the advice was profound, such as, “Find what you enjoy learning and do not be scared to use teachers apart from class time as valuable resources.” Others were a bit less serious, such as the suggestion to “start weightlifting earlier.” Regardless, the pieces of guidance had a sense of irony to them as they apply to both SHS’s incoming freshmen as well as next year’s college freshman (as in, this year’s seniors’ advice is applicable to their own lives too).

Students then had the opportunity to write surprise letters to teachers or staff members who had a positive impact on their high school experience. Subsequently, students were returned letters they wrote to their future selves in eighth and ninth grades. Some were disappointed with what they wrote to themselves, feeling that they should have been more creative.

Once the deans dismissed their respective students, the seniors headed to the Brewster entrance to receive their own yearbooks and sign each other’s. It was a scene straight from a movie: people emotionally going up to close and distant friends for what could be their final ever meaningful interaction. Heartfelt messages were written, comedic comments made, and everything in between. Whether it be a joke from a classmate not known well on a personal level to paragraph from long-standing best friends, the yearbooks were littered with meaningful quotes and the emotion in the room was tangible. image5Seniors signed yearbooks for over an hour

Refreshments, food, and dessert were offered during the yearbook signing portion, though most students spent over an hour signing and reminiscing before even noticing the lunch and sweets on offer. Signs adorning pictures of students at their elementary schools were on display near the entrance, giving students the opportunity to see how they as individuals, and as friend groups, have evolved.

Senior Transition Day is not given much attention because, with prom a couple of weeks before and graduation a handful of weeks after, why would it? Nonetheless, it is a valuable day when students get to reconnect in school one final time and share messages with their classmates in a meaningful way. The warm, sunny backdrop for the day was fitting for the bright experience.

SCCVigil(Updated 5/26/2022) Following yet another tragic school shooting that took the lives of 19 children and two adults in Texas, Scarsdale’s interfaith clergy joined forces to organize a vigil against gun violence on Wednesday evening May 23 at 7:30 pm.

An email from the clergy at Westchester Reform Temple said, “It is an outrage and a horror that we as a nation tolerate the brutal murder of children in school, again and again and again. Our hearts are broken for the victims' families in Uvalde, Texas and all the families who have lost loved ones to gun violence.

This gathering, comprised of clergy, concerned community members, and our elected officials, is our opportunity to say NO to the unrelenting plague of gun violence and mass shootings in America, and to hold responsible the US Congress, gun manufacturers and distributors, and a gun lobby which continues to work against the wishes of a majority of American citizens who want sensible legislation to help curb the bloodshed.

If you would like to take action, stand up to the gun lobby by texting ACT to 644-33. Call NY Senator Schumer 202-224-6542 and tell him to put the Background Check Expansion Act on the floor for a vote now! If you would like to make a donation, please consider Everytown for gun safety:

“They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks, and never again train for combat” - Isaiah 2:4. “KellyRogersReverend Kelly Rogers

Reverend Pete Jones from Hitchcock Church said, “Tomorrow Annie and I will send Jack to elementary school like we do every morning. I will drop him off at the door and say a prayer, and I will take a deep sigh of relief when I watch him walk back out of that school at the end of the day. When I was at Martha's chorus concert at the middle school last night, I checked to see where the exits were, and I scanned the crowd several times. That is the reality of having children today.

I know that all of you are as sick as I am about the incredible loss of life today in Texas. A few years ago, Nelba Marquez-Greene, who lost her daughter, Ana Grace, at Sandy Hook came and spoke to us at Hitchcock. Here we are again...with at least 18 elementary school kids killed at school in America, as well as two adults.

In the church, we often talk about repentance. Well, the word "repent" literally means to turn around and to go in a different direction. So, I ask for your prayers this night for the families of these young victims and for the survivors who will never be the same. In addition, I ask that you join me in a prayer of confession for the sin of gun violence in our nation. We have not done enough, and this happened on our watch. We must demand change.”

Participating in the Vigil were the following:

Dr. John T. King
Rabbi David Levy
Reverend Kelly Rogers
Arshad Kahn
Elder Deborah Milcarek
Reverend Katherin Pater
Reverend Pete Jones
Can Danielle Rodnizki
Rabbi Shira Milgrom
Representative Jamaal Bowman
NYS Senator Andrea Stewart-Cousins
Mayor Jane Veron
Villate Trustee Randall Whitestone
Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Speaking at the vigil, NYS Assemblymember Amy Paulin said, "What happened yesterday at Robb Elementary School is beyond vigilfrombalconywords.  As a parent, I am overwhelmed with grief for the families of those who were killed. As a citizen, I am outraged that once again, gun violence has cut short the lives of children.

My prayers are with the families of Uvalde, Texas who have lost a child, friend, parent or mentor. But it’s not enough to pray.
We have been here too many times before.  Just eleven days ago, we mourned those shot in a grocery store in Buffalo. Today we stand together facing another horrific tragedy. This is just devastating, and almost impossible to bear.

This is not the way the world should be.

Kids should not have to go to school thinking that they might be shot that day. Parents should not drop off their kids at school and have it be the last time they ever see them alive.

This is no way to live.

This country must have a comprehensive reevaluation of its out-of-control gun culture and policies.

On an average day in the U.S., more than 110 people are shot and killed by a gun. And there have been more mass shootings in the U.S. so far in 2022 than days in the year.

Our federal government and our state legislature must pass bills to end our gun crisis. And I will not stop fighting until they do."

National leaders like Senator Chris Murphy, who represented Newtown CT at the time of the school shooting at Sandy Hook pleaded with his fellow lawmakers to pass meaningful gun control legislation. On Tuesday May 24, 2022 he said, "What are we doing? … Sandy Hook will never, ever be the same. This community in Texas will never, ever be the same. Why? Why are we here? If not to try to make sure that fewer schools and fewer communities go through what Sandy Hook has gone through. What Uvalde is going through."

Murphy described the U.S. government's failure to act after such instances of gun violence "a quiet message of endorsement."

The vigil was held on Wednesday May 23 at 7:30 pm at Scarsdale Congregational Church at 1 Heathcote Road in Scarsdale.

College Athletes18 Raiders will be playing sports for their colleges (image credits for this article: Elliott Zhang)On May 31st, Maroon and White’s Spring Picnic and Awards Ceremony took place, celebrating some of Scarsdale High School’s most decorated athletes for their achievements both in sport and academics. The Maroon and White awarded the Timberger Award, the Mooney Award, the Knopp Award, and the Pepper Awards. The Athletic Department awarded the SHS Scholar Student Athlete Honor Society Award and the Scarsdale Raider Award.

The celebration started with Director of Athletics Ray Pappalardi’s opening remarks, emphasizing how “it is very nice to be back together in this way to celebrate and to recognize the achievements of our outstanding senior student-athletes.” Stewardship of the event was then handed over to Maroon and White Co-Presidents David Alin and Joe Feldman.

Before the named awards were given out, two groups of students received special recognition. The Iron Man Award recognizes athletes who participated in sports for all high school seasons available (three seasons per year for all four years). Kenneth Aldridge, Simon Bandsma, Ryan Cahaly, Jordan Cascade, Elizabeth Fine, Elizabeth Hurshman, Maeve Jacobson, Patrick Kantor, Natalyn Kapner, Dylan Manin, Benjamin Sommer, Jeremy Suzman, Rafael Tassari, and Sophia Yazdi were the 14 athletes to take home the prestigious award. all seasonsThe Iron Man Award winners stand proudly

unnamed 1Iron Man Award Winner Lizzie Hurshman lived up to the award's name, having to miss the award ceremony for a qualifying meet for nationalsMany other high schools have “signing days” for their student athletes who are set to continue their athletic careers in college. As Scarsdale does not have one of these designated days, the awards ceremony is used as the time to acknowledge their tremendous accomplishments.

Scarsdale has 18 athletes continuing their sports at the highest-level next year:

1)    Bennett Abbe is set to play football at the University of Massachusetts.

2)    Graydon Diamond is off to Connecticut College to continue his lacrosse career.

3)    Olivia Franco will continue playing lacrosse at the Catholic University of America.

4)    Sedna Gandhi will be attending Notre Dame, where she will come up against the nation’s best fencers.

5)    Julian Glantz will be playing football at Big Easy powerhouse Villanova.

6)    Drew Hill is set to be a swimmer at Union College.

7)    Elizabeth Hurshman, also an Iron man Award recipient, will continue her track and field endeavors at Lafayette College.

8)    Adin Lamport is bringing his tennis skills to Colby College.

9)    Jackie Lu and

10) Jason Schuler are both heading to Williams College for golf and tennis respectively.

11) Haley Matusz caps off Scarsdale’s lacrosse commitment class, with Boston University as her next destination.

12) Aditya Menon is going to continue playing tennis at Virginia Polytechnical Institute and University.

13) Caitlin Needham is set to swim at Colby-Sawyer College.

14) Diya Shadaksharappa is going to continue her track and field career at Washington University in St. Louis.

15) Jeremy Sobel is set to be on the track and field team at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

16) Rafaella Vogt is attending Lesley University, where she was recently recruited to further her track and field career.

17) Kenny Xu is bringing his tennis prowess to the United States Military Academy at West Point.

18) David Zoota is bound to continue his swimming career at Carnegie Mellon University.

Next, the Elizabeth Timberger Memorial Award is handed out to honor and outstanding member of the Scarsdale Athletic Community. This award is not reserved for athletes: rather, it is intended for someone in a supporting role (manager, statistician, etc.) who goes above and beyond in their contribution to the Scarsdale athletic community.

Alin described this year’s recipient as someone with “unbridled support and enthusiasm for the Raider.” He continued, “I always looked forward to hearing his voice as I watched an athletic contest online…This person always has gone above the call of duty. There was never any task that this year’s recipient would not undertake.” Wachs AwardEthan Wachs' mother accepted the Timberger Award on her son's behalf

As the manager of the Boys’ Varsity Football Team, as well as being the voice of Scarsdale High School athletic commentary, Ethan Wachs was deservedly presented with the reputable award.

The Nina Mooney Award followed, presented to a senior female athlete who “displays commitment, enthusiasm, spirit, concern for others, and a positive work ethic.” When describing the significance of the award, it was noted how Nina Mooney “made everyone around her better” in sports.

Jacobsen AwardJacobsen receives prestigious Mooney Award The recipient of the award was described by Feldman as “a leader in the classroom and on the field…as one coach commented, ‘her actions speak loudly to the incredible human being who she is.’”

A captain of both the basketball and field hockey team this past year, Maeve Jacobsen took home the esteemed honor.

The Nonie Knopp Award succeeded the Nina Mooney Award, this time designated for male athletes. Feldman explained, “This year’s award winner displays the positive attitude, direction, devotion, enthusiasm, and spirit of Nonie Knopp. One coach described this year’s winner as ‘a great athlete as well as a great teammate. He is always the first one to help in any way that he can and is always there for his teammates…He sets a great example of how to do things the Raider Way.’”

Ryan Cahaly accepted the award. 

Adrian Duval and Audrey Gendel, in recognition for their “all-heart, all-hustle, all-effort” mindset, earned the Scarsdale Raider Award. 

The Peppers Awards are given to students who “have distinguished themselves through their dedication and hard work,” in conjunction with high academic achievements. Winning all-league honors 9 times, 4-time league champion, 3-time county champion, and many other acclaims such as the top 2021-2022 Westchester County Field Athlete, combined with her academic strength, Diya Shadaksharappa earned the Female Peppers Award. Glantz and DiyaGlantz and Shadaksharappa receives Peppers Awards

Spending three years as a varsity football player and two years as a varsity lacrosse and basketball player, Julian Glantz capped off an illustrious high school sports career with honors such as being all-state football star and being named first team Golden Dozen by the Westchester Chapter of the National Football Foundation Hall of Fame. With an excellent academic record as well, the Male Peppers award was given to him.

The ceremony was a fitting way to cap off the first full year of “normal” sports since the COVID-19 pandemic derailed the world, including the world of athletics. It appears as if the level of Scarsdale’s top athletic members, both on and off the court/field/track, continues to reach higher.

Duval and GendelDuval and Gendel were presented with the Scarsdale Raider Award

letter to the editor(This letter was written by Colleen Brown, Suzie Hahn Pascutti and Ron Schulhof)

Dear Scarsdale Schools Community,

Thank you for your support in the Board of Education election this past Tuesday. We are grateful for the trust the community has placed in us to serve as your representatives on the Board of Education. We are committed to do all that we can to serve our community, including continuing Scarsdale’s great education for our students.

We look forward to working with our Board colleagues, Dr. Patrick, and the administration on the important work that is ahead of us. We also realize that as your elected representation on the Board of Education, a core part of our job is listening to and engaging with the community. We take this role very seriously and will strive to fulfill it in all ways possible. The engagement and volunteerism of our community is an essential part of the Scarsdale schools.

Thank you to District Clerk Honore Adams, Election Chair Rita Golden, the poll workers, the Scarsdale Middle School custodial staff, and everyone else who helped manage the polls on election day.

We also extend our thanks to the volunteers on the School Board Nominating Committee for their thoughtful process and nomination. We are proud to continue the non-partisan tradition in Scarsdale.


Colleen Brown
Suzie Hahn Pascutti
Ron Schulhof

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