Saturday, Sep 28th

cornellThis year is anything but usual. Education continues but outside of the school buildings, and the business of college admissions moves on, even though college campuses are closed. The SHS Counseling Department is at work, helping seniors decide where to go to school next year and advsising juniors on where to apply. The landscape has shifted dramatically in just a matter of weeks. Many questions have arisen: Will juniors be able to take standardized tests? Will colleges even be open in the fall? These are just a few of the issues on the minds of students and parents.

Here are some observations from SHS Director of Counseling Oren Iosepovici on what he is seeing in the college admissions arena:

What, if any, differences have you noted about college admissions this year?

This national emergency has had an impact on every segment of society, and college admissions has been no exception. Much like our world has changed over the past two months, many of the assumptions that colleges and universities had are no longer valid.

International students that were due to arrive on their campus in September may no longer be able to. All across our nation, families that believed they could afford a specific institution have witnessed drastic changes to their employment and financial outlook. Institutions themselves have undergone a shock to their bottom line through lost revenue from unclaimed fees from students who are no longer on campus, a loss of endowment through the downturn of the stock market, and other economies they can usually count on. In the enrollment process, campus closures have prevented schools from marketing themselves to admitted students.

All these factors have combined to make this arguably the most challenging year for colleges in memory. We have heard from various institutions about the difficulties in predicting what their incoming class would look like, and this has obviously had an impact on the admission process. How that plays out in the coming weeks (and possibly months) will be interesting to follow and will ultimately answer the question of the true impact of this crisis on college admissions.

Are more students waitlisted than in past years and have you seen more students being admitted off wait-lists?

Given the incredible uncertainty colleges were facing, we did see colleges place a greater number of students on their "wait-list." Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed some schools admit students off their wait-lists quicker than in past years (we typically see movement after May 1st, but it did begin earlier this year). That said, while those trends are occurring at some institutions, many others have not yet shown a trend. Still, we do anticipate additional movement in the coming weeks.

What have you seen or read about the availability of financial aid?

We have seen no evidence that schools have reduced the amount of (need-based) financial aid offered to admitted students. Nevertheless, we do anticipate that the financial stress on institutions will have a future impact on their mission to provide access to students from a wide variety of economic backgrounds.

How have travel restrictions and the virus impacted college admissions and acceptances for foreign students?

While travel restrictions and the virus may not have impacted acceptances for foreign students, the pandemic will certainly have an impact on their ability to enroll. That is part of the reason that many schools increased the number of students they "wait-listed," as well as why we are seeing increased movement off that wait-list this year.

Due to the crisis, have more of your students been admitted to their first or top choice schools than in the past?

Past trends largely held during the Early Decision round (when students can essentially communicate to a school that is their first choice by applying under a binding plan), but that was well before things changed so dramatically. Starting in mid-March, however, we did see a slight uptick in surprising positive decisions, as well as an increase in the number of wait-list decisions. Some of those have now changed to acceptances. That said, we continue to emphasize to students, as we do every year, that one of the most important aspects of this process is to develop a well-balanced list of schools. When students apply to a balanced range of schools, we find that the vast majority are ultimately excited with their options, however respective schools "ranked" on their list of choices.

What are you hearing about ACT and SAT testing? Have the tests been cancelled? Can students take the tests online? Are more schools now saying standardized tests are not required?

Both the ACT and SAT cancelled their spring exams. Given the Governor's directive for schools in NY State to close through the end of the year, Scarsdale High School (and schools across our state and region) will not be able to offer the June exams as well. Both testing companies have indicated that additional testing dates will be offered in the coming months (as well as the possibility of offering online exams), and we will continue to update families as more information becomes available.

Prior to this crisis, approximately 1000 institutions were test-optional, meaning that they did not require standardized tests as part of their admission process. Over the past two months, dozens of additional schools have been added to this list, and it is likely that more institutions will consider the role of standardized tests in their process, especially if it becomes difficult for students to test during the summer and fall. On the SHS Counseling Department website, we offer a list of test-optional schools.

There is currently a move by students to make grading pass/fail at the high school for the final quarter of the year. How do you think that could impact college admissions for this year’s junior class?

Though I recognize that some students have raised a concern with respect to the grading policy at SHS, I want to take the opportunity to highlight the incredible thoughtfulness that our administration and faculty have taken in considering what is best for all our stakeholders. As always, we are communicating with individual students who may experience particular difficulties or hardships during this time, and we will continue to support those individuals. That said, I do not anticipate any changes to our final quarter grading policy, and ultimately our transcripts will look the same as they have in past years. Students' final grades in respective classes are the only grades that appear on a transcript, and those will continue to appear as letter grades.

What are you hearing about colleges opening in the fall?

We are hearing that things are still in flux. A recent reputable survey indicated that approximately 75% of colleges and universities are planning for "in-person" openings this fall, while many others are still considering a variety of options (only 2% were planning to be completely online). Still, I wouldn't be surprised to see these numbers change significantly. There is so much remaining uncertainty, and I would anticipate we will know more definitive plans later this spring or summer.


To the Editor: The SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College has a large number of applicants this year, but we find that we are below our annual goal for donations received. This reality will directly impact the number of grants we are able to make, as well as the amount we can give to each student.
Please help us make sure that the door to higher education is open to all our students. The Fund provides one-year grants to graduating SHS seniors who need financial assistance in order to attend college. We rely on donations from Scarsdale residents, as well as local businesses and organizations.
To impact a student starting college in the Fall, please consider making a donation by June 12, 2020. If you have already given this year, we thank you for your generosity and for your commitment to the young people in our community. Donations can be made to SHS PTA Scholarship Fund, PO Box 147H, Scarsdale, NY 10583 or online at


Karen Brew, Chair Emeritus
Seema Jaggi, Chair
SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College

Fitness Fundraising Challenge on Saturday May 9

Give the gift of education: Please join the Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund for College to help SHS seniors who need financial assistance to pay for their first year of college by participating in a fitness/activity fundraising challenge on Saturday May 9.

Here's how it works:

Pick your favorite activity: running, walking, biking, playing a sport, baking, making music, or whatever you like to do, and at the same time contribute to an important cause that will help a Scarsdale graduate continue his or her education.

Donate any dollar amount for an activity that you do on Saturday, May 9th to the SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College.

Follow this link to participate:

Or donate here directly:

The Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund for College provides grants to SHS seniors who wish to attend college but need assistance to pay for their first year. We expect student need to be significant this year due to the challenges of COVID-19; please know that your gift, whether large or small, will have a very real impact.

You can learn more about the SHS Scholarship Fund for College by following this link to the Scholarship Fund homepage.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Social isolation caused by the Covid pandemic has been difficult for everyone in our community. But the isolation has been especially hard for senior citizens in nursing homes who are unable to see family and friends during this difficult time.

Pen Pal 1Two Scarsdale students, Matthew and Jordan Knispel are leading the effort to help seniors in our community. The program is called Pen Pals For Life and its mission is to create connections between school-aged children and senior citizens who may feel isolated during this time.

Explaining the mission Matthew says, “As a teenager I am very lucky to have my parents and sister with me every day. But so many people are not as fortunate. When my Grandma was living in a local nursing home we visited her several times a week. When social distancing began I immediately thought of the residents in nursing homes and how lonely this would be for them. Feeling connected is now more important than ever and I am very happy to be able to bring this program to New York and help our local community.” allows students and adults to sign up to become a pen pal. Each participant will be assigned an email address where they can send communications to their Senior Pen Pal. The goal is to write two letters a week to the senior during this time of social distancing. In some cases, the senior may be able to write back and in some cases, they may not. But either way, they hope that sharing stories, jokes, pictures or just a note of friendship will be uplifting and heartwarming to those elderly people alone in their communities and homes. They also believe it will be fulfilling and meaningful to the participants who choose to volunteer.

Students can send a letter, a picture, or even a short video clip to their assigned senior to brighten their day and let them know they are not alone.

Here’s an example of a recent letter:

Hi Samuel,
My name is Austin and I am in 9th grade. I am 15 years old and I love to play basketball. It's been challenging because I haven't been able to play with my friends during this time. My favorite subject in school is Spanish. Como estas?? I've been spending my days doing my schoolwork and playing my video games. When the weather is nice, I go bike riding and play with my basketball hoop outside.

I hope you are well and staying healthy. I am thinking about you and your family during this difficult time. Maybe one day, we could meet and I could get to know you better. Here's a joke: What do you give a sick lemon? Lemon aid!!!
Take care!!


Sign up here to become a Pen Pal for Life!

HeroesKids and adults of all ages used their artistic talents on April 22 to thank the emergency workers who are helping the Village through the crisis. Residents chalked driveways and make window signs to show their appreciation for policemen, firefighters, EMS workers, Scarsdale’s water and sanitation departments and everyone at Village Hall who are keeping the Village safe and running in these difficult times.

start stop bwd fwd

The event was conceived by Scarsdale’s Dara Gruenberg and made official by the Village of Scarsdale.

Take a look below at their work. And if you want to add your photo to the gallery, please email it to

weberandnanceNoah Weber, Larry Nance Jr Athletes vs. Crohn’s event.Two Scarsdale High School high school students are "gaming for good.” They've launched an NBA 2k20 game tournament—with the help of NBA player Larry Nance Jr. of the Cleveland Cavaliers—to raise money for COVID-19 relief efforts at White Plains Hospital. To date, the tournament has raised nearly $68,000 and counting.

Scarsdale High School juniors Noah Weber and Max Roth started the tournament in April. Noah had a very important connection to help drive the fundraising effort. In 2017, he and NBA player Larry Nance started a non-profit, Athletes vs. Crohn’s and Colitis, to raise awareness for the inflammatory bowel disease. Both Larry and Noah were diagnosed with Crohn's and wanted to inspire and mentor young athletes with the disease.

Now the two are working together to support another health crisis, this time it’s COVID-19 relief.

“My friends and I have been playing a lot of NBA 2k20 while quarantined,” says Noah Weber. "The NBA is doing a 2k tournament of their own, and we were inspired to do a similar one to help White Plains Hospital,” said Weber. Roth and Weber are both members of the White Plains Hospital’s junior board and both have parents who are physicians at the Hospital.

The tournament is open to both Xbox and PS4 users in the format of 5v5 team matchups. The weberandrothLeft to right Noah Weber, Max Rothtournament is round-robin, followed by single-elimination. The winner on each platform gets to take on Larry Nance Jr. and his squad in a game of NBA 2k20. The entry fee is $50 per team. For info on the tournament, click here.

blallgroupphotoLeft to right: Max Roth, Noah Weber, Larry Nance Sr (retired Cleveland Cavalier, NBA Allstar, Larry’s father) Larry Nance Jr (Cleveland Cavalier) at Athletes vs Crohn’s 2019 event.