Saturday, Sep 28th

AngstPosterThe IndieFlix Foundation, is sparking a global conversation about anxiety through screenings of its brand-new documentary, “Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety”. On May 28, 2019, SHS Green Ribbon Club will hold a special screening of the documentary at SHS Little Theater to open up a dialogue between local families, community leaders and experts. The event will feature a viewing of the 56-minute film, followed by an informative panel discussion, led by Dr. Jerry Bubrick.

Producers Scilla Andreen and Karin Gornick have one goal: to start a global conversation and raise awareness around anxiety. Through candid interviews, they utilize the power of film to tell the stories of many kids and teens who discuss their anxiety and its impacts on their lives and relationships, as well as how they’ve found solutions and hope. The film also includes a special interview with Michael Phelps, a mental health advocate and one of the greatest athletes of all-time. In addition, the documentary provides discussions with mental health experts about the causes of anxiety and its sociological effects, along with the help, resources and tools available to address the condition.

Part of the beauty of this film is the openness of the children and young adults featured; for some of them, the “Angst” project marks the first time they are publicly sharing their experiences with anxiety. Our hope is that their candidness and bravery will inspire our community to do the same.

While “Angst” documents the struggles some people have with anxiety, it also reveals their hope for the future. Noah, a teenager in the film, describes it this way: “Anxiety doesn’t define me. It’s not just a curse; it also gives me strength.”

"Everybody needs to know that anxiety disorders are real, common and treatable instead of viewing them as a personal choice or something to be ashamed of,” said Dr. Jerry Bubrick, Senior Director of Anxiety Disorders Center, Child Mind Institute. “Getting help early is crucial in giving people the tools they need to feel better. We just need to start the conversation."

"We felt it was important to make a movie that could raise awareness to open up the conversation and provide hope," said Andreen, IndieFlix CEO and “Angst” Producer. "So many people struggle with anxiety and have trouble talking about it. We want to change that."

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health challenge in the U.S., impacting 54 percent of females and 46 percent of males, with age seven being the median age of onset, according to the World Health Organization. While anxiety disorders are highly treatable, only one-third of those suffering receive treatment. Everyone involved in the development of “Angst” has a personal experience with anxiety – from the producers to the interviewees.

"The conversation surrounding mental health really hits home for me,” said Michael Phelps. “Many people don’t understand how debilitating mental illness truly can be, and even more than that, how common it is, yet people are afraid to have the serious discussions about it. I welcomed the opportunity to be a part of ‘Angst’ to further the dialogue around mental health and to help people understand the impact anxiety has on our mental state and encourage people, especially kids, to ask for help."

"Angst" will be shown in the SHS Little Theater on May 28th, 2019, at 7:00pm. The community is invited.

pinkgame1Fans dressed in pink on Wednesday May 8 to remember Scarsdale mom Marla Mehlman who lost a 10-year battle with cancer at the age 51 on December 19, 2018. She loved watching her daughter’s games and this year, daughter Aliza is the senior captain of the SHS girls varsity lacrosse team,

On Wednesdaythe Scarsdale Varsity Girls Lacrosse team held their annual “pink game” in support of breast cancer research and awareness. This year the game had a special meaning, as it was played in honor of Marla. In the stands of the game, everyone on the Scarsdale side wore a pink t-shirt purchased to help support The Mehlman Family Research Fund at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts. The girls played their hardest in a game that was neck and neck the whole way through.

In the end, White Plains beat Scarsdale 12-11. However, the pink game served its greater purpose to bring people together in memory of a courageous woman who will remain the hearts of so many in Scarsdale.

GATreesLarge trees have been taken down at Greenacres School to clear the way for construction.The Scarsdale School District is moving forward with some of the work approved in the $65 million 2018 bond – but still waiting to award the bid to a general contractor for the estimated $28 million of work at Greenacres School.

On Monday night 4/29 the board approved contracts for the mechanical, engineering and plumbing work at the school, but said they would have to wait to award the contract for the general contracting which is slated to begin this summer.

According to the BOE agenda, “the lowest General Construction bidder withdrew their bid due to a mathematical error, and we have also just recently received a request from the second lowest bidder to withdraw their bid. Due to this we are not prepared at this time to make a recommendation regarding a General Contractor for this project but will be able to do so for the May 12th Board meeting. Bids for the other trades, however, are recommended to be approved at this meeting.”

We followed up with a few questions for Assistant Superintendent Stuart Mattey and here is what he shared:

Q. Why didn’t the first contractor simply correct their error, and what reason did the second lowest bidder give for withdrawing their bid?

A. The contractor has a right to withdraw their bid and is not permitted to resubmit at a different escalated price. Regarding the second lowest bidder we have received a request to withdraw their bid and the district is still in the process of analyzing its options in regards to this. I have no other details to provide on this.

Q. The contract award bids for plumbing and electric note that “Courtyard Reconstruction” has been added. Please explain: Who required that this work be added on and why?

A. Improvements to the Courtyard were part of the original proposed scope that was approved as part of the Bond. These improvements were bid as an add-alternate in order to protect the budget of the project as its completion or not has no impact on the rest of the scheduled renovations and additions. The courtyard's improvements were proposed in order to make this space a more usable instructional and wellness space for students and teachers and to serve as a model for other elementary courtyards. This work is not fully accepted at this time and will not until the GC bid is approved by the Board of Education which included this add alternate.

Q. What work needs to be done?

A. The improvements would add student gardens, sensory areas, reading areas and small play areas to name a few.

However, the Board did approve the following contracts:

Mechanical contract for Greenacres in the total amount of $3,693,669 to Clean Air Quality Service, Inc.;

Plumbing contract for Greeancres in the total amount of $1,385,500 which includes $2,500 for Add Alternate No. 1 (Courtyard Reconstruction) to S & L Plumbing and Heating Corp.;

Electrical contract for Greenacres in the total of $3,060,500, which includes $2,500 for Add Alternate No. 1 (Courtyard Reconstruction), to Healy Electric Contracting, Inc.;

The Board also approved the following contracts for additional work approved by voters:

Replacement of the high school boilers to Mengler Mechanical Corp for $1,382,000

Replacement of the roof of Heathcote School: The total of the low bid received including all alternates is $2,100,000 inclusive of a $29,000 contractor voluntary bid deduction from Nua Construction Corp.

Another bid for various improvements came in at almost double the estimated amount and was rejected by the board.

“Various smaller scale capital improvements at Heathcote, Quaker Ridge and the Middle School were included in the original scope of the February 2018 voter-approved bond project. This work, as an example, includes handicapped accessibility improvements and replacement of the Middle School gymnasium's partition door. The total project costs allocated for this particular project is $990,000 which includes $98,029 allocated for soft costs and $42,475 for construction contingency. The amount allocated for construction costs is $849,496 (including design contingency and escalation). We received a single bid in the amount of $1,897,000 from Siba Contracting Corp.”

Despite the lack of a contract for work at Greenacres, the district is proceeding with the project. During April vacation trees were removed from the property – and two meetings will be held to let residents know what to expect.

On Wednesday night May 1 architects and construction managers will meet with parents at a Greenacres PTA meeting, and on Tuesday night May 7 a meeting with BBS Architects and Park East Construction will be held in the multi-purpose room at Greenacres School at 7 pm. The community is invited to attend.

shoppingbagsThe SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College, which provides grants to SHS seniors who need financial assistance to pay for their first year of college, is partnering with several local businesses to help raise scholarship funds.

On Friday, May 10th, the community is invited to come out and support the SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College by shopping, dining or working out at local businesses who will will donate a portion that day's sales to the SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College:

Here are the participating businesses:

Bronx River Books, 37 Spencer Place, Scarsdale

Bango Bowls, 16 Harwood Court, Scarsdale

I Am More, 6 Spencer Place, Scarsdale

Mixology, 45 Spencer Place, Scarsdale

Walk2Fit, 4 Grayrock Road Reservations for classes must be made through this link:

Click here for more information.

marigoldSay yes to the Y.E.S. Office by ordering spring flowers. It's a wonderful way to show your appreciation and to bring spring home to your family and friends. All proceeds benefit the Scarsdale Y.E.S. Office.

The Y.E.S. Office is a stand alone, non-profit organization that does not receive any financial support from the school district, PTA or village.

The fundraiser includes individual flowers, flower arrangements and grow-your-own vegetables. Orders will be available for pick-up from Scarsdale High School on May 8th, prior to Mother's Day and make wonderful gifts.

You can access the order form and brochure here. For all orders that exceed $100 the $5 delivery fee will be waived. Please send the payment via paypal account:

Orders are due by April 30. Please send completed forms to Lisa Tan at For questions, please feel free to contact the office or Lisa Tan at