Sunday, Mar 09th

Road Trip: A New Photography Museum in Yorktown Heights

Screen Shot 2022 10 21 at 10.58.15 AMPhotographer Robert CapaAttention history and photography buffs: A new exhibition space has opened in northern Westchester to showcase photography exhibits and serve as a place where people gather to create, view and learn about photography. Their mission is to “inspire visitors to participate in the creative process by illustrating the power of photography as a catalyst for social action.”

Named The Capa Space, after famed war photographer Robert Capa, the museum stands on the grounds of a Quaker Meeting house adjacent to a bucolic cemetery in Yorktown Heights. Members of the Capa family including Robert, Cornell Capa and family members are buried on the grounds, giving context to the presence of a photo exhibition space named for Robert Capa.

On display now are over 50 photographs taken by Capa whose stunning works captures the SpanishSoldierSoldier Saluting at Farewell Ceremony for the International Brigade Photo by Robert Capa from the Robert and Cornell Capa Archive ICP/Magnum Civil War, World War II photos of the landing on D-Day, and WWII in Sicily and France. Also on view are Capa’s final photographs of Vietnam where Life Magazine sent him to document the war in Indochina. Informative signage under each photo offers a chronicle of world history and a look at the art of photography before the birth of digital imagery and the iPhone.

Also included are photos of Capa’s glamourous friends including Ingrid Bergman, to whom he was engaged for a brief time.TheCapaSpaceThe Capa Space

The Capa Space is the brainchild of Yorktown resident and artist Elise Graham. She sought to share her mission to use art to inspire change by opening the exhibition space and bringing world class photography to a local setting.

The gallery will host several exhibits each year, along with special events, dramatic performances, films and lectures. It is open to the public and welcomes visitors. Click here to learn more about the space and to plan your visit.

SoldierSoldier Saluting at Farewell Ceremony for the International Brigade Photo by Robert Capa from the Robert and Cornell Capa Archive ICP/Magnum

ShowOpeningThe opening of the Robert Capa show on April 8, 2023.