Sunday, Mar 09th

County Tax Due by April 30, 2024

TreeAs a reminder, please note that the Westchester County Tax is due by Tuesday, April 30, 2024; if not paid on-time a penalty accrues on May 01, 2024. Tax due dates and a penalty schedule can be found on the Village Treasurer’s web page here. Per New York State statutes, the property owner is responsible for paying their county taxes and failure to receive a tax bill does not alleviate that responsibility.

County taxes may be paid online. If you will be away during the tax collection period, you may pay your taxes online until 11:30 PM on April 30, 2024.
Alternatively, one may remit payment by mail, in-person at Village Hall, or using the drop-box located at the Village Hall entrance. However, it is important to note:

• Postdated checks cannot be accepted by the Treasurer’s Office. Any postdated check will be returned to the issuer.

• If using U.S. Mail, the envelope must be hand stamped by the Post office no later than April 30, 2024 for the County Tax payment. All payment envelopes must be hand stamped by the post office by 12 AM on May 01, 2024.

• If planning to use the drop box or pay in-person, an on-time payment must be delivered no later than 4 PM on April 30, 2024. For in-person drop-offs please note that the Treasurer’s Office window on the first floor of Village Hall is open Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM.

Reminder that you can sign up to receive tax bills, receipts and reminders by email by creating an account directly on the Village’s website here.

Questions may be directed to the Treasurer’s Office by phone at 914-722-1170 or by email at