Sunday, Mar 09th

State Senate Candidates Pick Up Key Endorsements

cohenbloombergIf you’ve been watching your mailbox, or answering your phone, you already know that we’re living through one of the most hotly contested races in the state. Scarsdale resident Bob Cohen is challenging Mamaroneck’s Suzi Oppenheimer for the seat in NYS Senate she has held for 26 years. With only three days to go before the November 2nd election, the focus is on the candidates.

Today, Cohen’s campaign got a huge boost when he was endorsed by The New York Times. Given the paper’s liberal leanings this is a real coup for a registered Republican. Here is what they said…

“The Republican candidate, Bob Cohen, dares to name United States Senator Jacob Javits - a voice of thoughtful moderation - as his hero. He is challenging Senator Suzi Oppenheimer, a Democrat, who has held the seat for 26 years.  A real estate executive and political newcomer, Mr. Cohen has promised to focus on straightening out the mess of a state budget. He wants to cap state spending with adjustments for inflation, set long-term targets for Medicaid and schools, and eliminate "all V.I.P. tax credits to politically connected insiders." Mr. Cohen says he wants to work with both sides of the aisle, a revolutionary idea, especially in this polarized year. Senator Oppenheimer is a person of integrity, but she has too little to show for her years in Albany.”

On Thursday October 26, Cohen also picked up the endorsement of Mayor Bloomberg of New York. He said, ““Albany is broken and it has been for too long,” It's time for a change. Bob Cohen is a businessman, not a career politician, and he is running to bring fiscal order to Albany. I’m an independent and I support candidates for office from both parties who I think are best for New York State. That’s why I’m strongly supporting Bob Cohen for State Senate in Westchester.”

oppenheimercuomoIncumbent Suzi Oppenheimer picked up here share of key endorsements as well. US Senator Chuck Schumer is backing her, saying, citing her ability to break through the Albany gridlock and her leadership on education reforms that will better prepare New York students for the challenges of the 21st century.

According to Schumer, “Suzi Oppenheimer has been a knowledgeable and determined advocate for New York, especially on issues of importance to Westchester such as education, flood control, and lowering burdensome property taxes. We have worked together to protect the citizens of Westchester County. “

On October 21st, gubernatorial likely Andrew Cuomo, endorsed Oppenheimer, saying “Senator Oppenheimer has established a stellar record of accomplishment as a true public servant. This year she played a key role in passing the Education Reform Law, which she sponsored and helped negotiate. Because of her proven ability to build coalitions and get results, I need Suzi as a partner in making government more effective. I enthusiastically endorse her re-election. Oppenheimer joined Cuomo on the campaign trail and returned the favor saying, “New York needs the leadership that Andrew Cuomo will bring to address the serious challenges facing our state.”

With signs at every intersection, overstuffed mailboxes and non-stop phone calls, local residents are keenly aware of the race. We’ll let you know what happens on Tuesday --as soon as we know.