Sunday, Mar 09th

No Way to Treat An Officer

runoverfootCar Trouble: A parking enforcement officer was writing a parking ticket for a car parked in a handicapped spot on Depot Place on 1/13, when the driver attempted to back out of the spot and ran over the traffic officer’s foot. The driver reported that he had not seen the officer. The patrolman complained of pain and swelling and the driver was given a summons for “unsafe backing.”

A workman parked his van on Taunton Road East on the afternoon of January 11 and was doing some work in front of 15 Taunton. He heard a crash and when he looked up he saw that a woman had backed her car into his van. The woman got out of the car, looked for damage and then got back into her car and drove away. The workman, Philip Andrulis called the police and while they were on the scene writing up the accident, the woman returned. She said she was aware of the accident but was in a rush to bring her father to the doctor and did not have time to leave a note. She said she was planning to do so when she returned. The woman was given a summons for leaving the scene of an accident.

At 5 am on 1/10 police got a call about a water main break on Walworth Avenue. When they arrived they found that a vehicle had hit a fire hydrant and caused the flooding. They also found a license plate near the hydrant. They contacted the owner of the car and found that it belonged to a Fox Meadow family whose son had been driving the car. Police looked at the car and sure enough it was damaged and had no license plate. The boy reported that he had skidded on some ice the previous night but did not realize he hit the hydrant. The Fire Department was called to direct traffic while the water department turned off the water line.

On the evening of 1/14, a volunteer firefighter who was stuck in traffic on Garth Road turned on his blue firelight and attempted to go around the congestion. However, since he was not en route to a fire, he was not authorized to use the blue light. The traffic officer on duty issued the driver a summons.

At 2 am on 1/12, a passerby reported that a car had slid off the road and landed in an embankment at the intersection of Cooper and Reimer Roads. Police found a van stuck in the snow and called a tow truck.

A school bus hit a parked 2001 Toyota on Clarence Road at 8:30 am on 1/13. The road was narrowed due to snow banks.

Police helped out a Carthage Road man when his car conked out at the corner of Mamaroneck and Sheldrake Roads at 7:50 am on 1/14. The man called a tow truck and police asked him to stay in his car until the truck arrived.

Theft: A man who supplied the lighting for a party at Westchester Reform Temple on 1/5/11 reported that $8,000 in equipment was missing after the event. He discovered the loss when he returned to his Manhattan office at 11 pm that night. At 2 am on 1/6/11 he drove back to the temple to see if he could locate the missing lights and found an empty equipment case next to the dumpster.

Bothered: Three men who wanted to shovel a Saxon Woods Road driveway repeatedly bothered the homeowner on January 12th. Though the woman told the men she did not want their help and asked them to leave, they kept returning.

Police spoke to a Crossway man about a phone call he made to a Village employee in the past. The employee thought she may have been harassed, but after speaking to the man, police determined that no criminal act took place. The report was filed on 1/11/11.

Mischief: A Reimer Road woman returned home on 1/15 and found that an egg had been thrown at her front porch.

A Lawrence Road resident called police at 8 am on 1/12 to report that an elderly Asian man walked up the driveway and looked through their garbage.

Coyotes are back: Two coyotes were reported in the yard of a Birchall Road home at 7 am on January 11. At 10:30 am that same day a coyote was spotted on Hampton Road and at 11:42 am a limping coyote was reported on Boulder Brook Road. At 9:55 am on 1/13 an injured coyote was reported on White Road at Boulevard and at 12:50 pm on 1/13 two coyote were seen on Clarence Road.