Planning Board Forwards Affordable Housing and Wetlands Code to the BOT
- Thursday, 28 July 2011 11:10
- Last Updated: Thursday, 28 July 2011 11:12
- Published: Thursday, 28 July 2011 11:10
- Hits: 5503
The Planning Board of the Village of Scarsdale referred amendments to the village code on affordable housing and the freshwater wetlands map to the Board of Trustees at their meeting on Wednesday night July 27th. The recommended wording was the outcome of several work sessions and on both matters and the committee gave unanimous approval to forward the recommended code to the trustees.
Though the Board invited public comment on these issues, they did not make their revised copy available. Without drafts of the new language it was difficult to comment on these changes.
The adoption of the model code is a result of the Westchester County Housing Settlement that requires Westchester County to construct 750 units of affordable housing in 31 eligible communities by 2016. The Planning Board reviewed the code recommended by Federal Monitor James Johnson and made revisions appropriate for Scarsdale. Introducing the recommendation for the code Scarsdale, Planning Board Chair Jane Veron said that the board’s draft clarified the number of required units, integration and occupancy standards and addressed the marketing of the affordable units.
The changes to the Freshwater Wetlands map updates wetlands and controlled areas and expands wetlands requirements to areas that may not be on the map but meet the criteria for wetlands. The code strengthens the ability of the Village to protect these areas.
Village Planner Elizabeth Marrinan said drafts of both the affordable housing and wetlands code revisions would be made available by her office later this week.
Also on the agenda at the meeting:
Golden Horseshoe: Representatives for the owners of the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center came before the Board to ask for a parking waiver. There are two vacant storefronts in the Scarsdale portion of the shopping center and they would like to rent these to restaurants. Under current code, restaurants require double the number of parking spaces as retail stores. The applicants retained an expert who studied parking at the shopping center at peak times and determined that there is already ample parking and that additional spaces would not be required to accommodate restaurant customers who frequent dining spots at night. Though the management of the shopping center does not have a specific tenants lined up, they wish to make these storefronts available to restaurants and therefore applied for a parking waiver for 23 spots.
They also discussed the possible construction of a third arm of the shopping center to be built to complete the horseshoe. These new stores would be built on the New Rochelle side of the property.
Oxford Road: The Planning Board discussed the assessment of a recreation fee to the purchasers of 39 Oxford Road. The property will be subdivided into two lots and in lieu of dedicating land to the Village, the buyer will be assessed a recreation fee of 5% of the assessed value of the property as shown on the 2006 tax role. At that time the property was valued at $1,850,000 so therefore, they will be assessed $92,500.
Roundabout: Last, the Scarsdale Board of Trustees met on Tuesday morning July 26th, and announced that there will be a presentation of a feasibility study for a roundabout at the Heathcote Five Corners at a Municipal Service Meeting at 6:30 pm on August 8th. The presentation will be given by engineers, Creighton Manning.