Guggenheimer to Chair Scarsdale Bowl Committee
- Monday, 05 December 2011 08:59
- Last Updated: Monday, 05 December 2011 10:07
- Published: Monday, 05 December 2011 08:59
- Hits: 4123
Randy Guggenheimer has been named Chair of the 2012 Scarsdale Bowl Committee. Jackie Irwin, President of the Scarsdale Foundation, announced the appointment. As Bowl Committee Chair, Guggenheimer will head the Scarsdale Bowl nominating committee and the community celebration dinner to be held on Wednesday evening, April 18, 2012 at Lake Isle Country Club. The Scarsdale Bowl is awarded annually in the spring to a Scarsdale resident in recognition of his or her outstanding voluntary public service to the community. This year’s Executive Secretary/Treasurer of the Scarsdale Bowl Committee is Deborah Pekarek.
The members of the committee serve staggered two-year terms. The newly appointed class of 2012 includes Linda Hillman Chayes, Merrell Clark, Amy Cooper, Alice Herman, Howard Nadel, Jim O’Connor, and Sara Werder. The continuing Class of 2011 includes Jane Buck, Marc Carter, Malula Gonzalez, Liz Gruber, Anne Moretti, Bill Natbony, and Robert November. Seth Ross, Scarsdale Foundation trustee, will serve on the committee as the liaison. Jackie Irwin, president of the Scarsdale Foundation, is an ex-officio, non-voting member.
Guggenheimer is a Managing Director at Young and Partners, a New York-based investment banking firm serving the life science and chemical industries. He

The 2012 Scarsdale Bowl Committee will begin its work in early December to select the 2012 recipient of the Scarsdale Bowl. The Scarsdale Bowl, has been awarded annually since 1943 to an individual, or in rare instances, to a husband and wife, who has given “unselfishly of his/her time, energy and effort to the civic welfare of the community.” The founding donors of the Bowl believed that “many who serve generously and voluntarily, without office, honor or publicity, are those deserving of having their names permanently inscribed on the Scarsdale Bowl.”
The Scarsdale Bowl is administered by the Scarsdale Foundation which operates as a not-for-profit community foundation to promote the civic welfare. It does so by supporting institutions and individuals in a manner that encourages educational and human development in the community. The Foundation provides financial aid to college students entering their sophomore, junior and senior years. It also administers a number of special purpose funds, and makes grants for specific purposes which have included the Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps and the Scarsdale/Edgemont Family Counseling Service.
The Bowl Committee enthusiastically welcomes community input. It will hold its first meeting December 11, and requests that residents contact any member of the committee with suggestions of potential recipients. If you have any questions, please contact Randy Guggenheimer at 725-2301.