Sunday, Mar 09th

Freightway Garage Parking Permits and Nominating Committee Meeting

freightwayThe Village of Scarsdale will begin to accept applications for semi-annual parking permits for the Freightway Garage on December 2, 2013. Permits will be sold on a "first come, first serve" basis with preference provided to Scarsdale residents through December 13, 2013.

There will be no automatic renewals. Six-month permits will be valid from January 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014 at a cost of $500. Permits are available to residents, merchants and employees of the downtown business district. Permits for non-residents will be available at a cost of $620.

Mail all applications to: Parking Permits Village of Scarsdale 1001 Post Road Scarsdale, New York 10583

Applications by mail must include the following:

  • Check or money order payable to "The Village of Scarsdale" for the correct amount. No credit cards accepted.
  • Residents: Name, address, home and business phone numbers
  • Valid copy of applicant's driver's license and car registration (for each car covered by permit - maximum 2 cars)
  • Copy of most recent utility bill

Merchants and employees in the Village Center must include a note from their employer on stationery and their most recent paycheck stub. Merchants/owners in the downtown business district, must include a copy of valid lease or your most recent utility bill.

Parking permit applications are available at For further information, please contact the Village Clerk's office at (914) 722-1175.

Citizen's Nominating Committee Organizational Meeting:

The Citizen's Nominating Committee (CNC) invites Scarsdale residents and other interested persons to observe the initial portion of its Organizational Meeting, which will be held on December 8, starting at 7:30 p.m., in Rutherford Hall at Scarsdale Village Hall. The initial portion of the meeting will include presentations or statements by and discussions with the Scarsdale Mayor and Village Trustees, discussion with respect to and voting upon the CNC's rules of procedures (including best practices with respect to due diligence), review of the responsibilities of the CNC and certain other matters.

The CNC will meet later in the evening and several times in January in order to nominate a single qualified non-partisan candidate for election to each open position on the Village Board of Trustees. The CNC tries to get the best and most qualified Scarsdale citizens to serve on our Village Board.