Sunday, Mar 09th

Forum Committee Recommends Leaf Mulching in Place

sustain3The Scarsdale Forum Sustainability Committee has submitted a report recommending changes to the Village's fall leaf collection practice to the Mayor and the Village Board of Trustees. The report recommends that residents ask their landscapers to mulch their leaves on site instead of putting them to the curb. Mulching is just leaving leaves where they fall and mowing over them. This finely shreds the leaves which then sink into and feed the soil. The practice of mulching will save residents money on topsoil and fertilizer as the mulched leaves will now be feeding lawns. The report also reveals that the Village spends $800,000 a year on fall leaf collection which could be eliminated if residents mulched... not to mention the pollution created by the trucks that are sent back and forth to upstate NY and CT every day to dispose of the leaves.

As an intermediate step towards mulching the report is asking that the Village require fall leaves to be bagged or containerized starting this fall. The hope is that residents will ask their landscapers to mulch their fall leaves on their lawns rather than putting them to the curb in bags or containers. Even if residents put leaves to the curb in bags there is a still a benefit to the environment and the Village. Bagged leaves tend not to flow into and clog storm drains. It also eliminates the hazard and nuisance of having large piles of leaves spilling onto sidewalks, streets and parking spaces.

The Village estimates that bagged leaves will save $200,00-300,000 a year because they are easier and faster to collect. Ultimately though the report urges residents to view their fall leaves as a precious resource not to be given away. The Sustanability Committee has asked the Village to educate and encourage residents to use their fall leaves to feed their lawns. The report shows that mulching is a big win for all –- it saves residents money on topsoil and fertilizer, makes healthier lawns naturally, saves the Village money and helps the environment. The report asks that the Village take all necessary steps towards these goals.

Read the entire report on the Scarsdale Forum website here