Sunday, Mar 09th

Accolades for Al

algattaVillage Hall was filled with well wishers on Tuesday night May 26 when colleagues and former trustees came to say thank you and goodbye to Village Manager Al Gatta, who will retire this week after 20 years of service to Scarsdale.

Before they could make their remarks, Mayor Jon Mark read a proclamation for Al, listing his many accomplishment, naming him an honorary resident of Scarsdale and declaring May 29 "Al Gatta Day." The full text of the proclamation is reprinted below. After Mark read it and thanked Gatta for his "faithful service," Al received a standing ovation that lasted for quite some time.

Former Trustee Dorothy Finger, whose son Carl Finger is now serving on the Board of Trustees, said that Gatta "taught her a lot about government and taught his staff as well." She was sorry that Gatta was retiring before her son could have that same experience.

Bill Kaye, who served on many village boards and councils said that Gatta would be "a hard act to follow, and that "history will count Al as one of the best to ever serve the Village of Scarsdale."

Coming to the microphone, former Mayor Bob Steves joked, "I used to work here!" He said he had "the privilege of working with Al for the past six years." He credited him with handling critical and sensitive issues and attracting and retaining high quality people. He said that Al's greatest legacy were the quality people he "attracted, nurtured and trained."BOT2

Former Trustee Kay Eisenman said "I have always admired your style, ability to see problem clearly and handle them with grace and dignity." She said that through her work at the County she saw that Gatta was "admired beyond Scarsdale and seen as a senior diplomat around the County."

Choking back tears, former Mayor Carolyn Stevens thanked Al for "making this a better place to live." She said that Gatta helped Scarsdale "to weather an economic recession" but that his talents could not be measured with statistics or financial data." She credited Al with his ability to teach and said that he taught "in a way so that most don't even realize they are learning." She credited Al with "finding a way to work with difficult personalities" and to work collaboratively. She thanked him for his "mentoring and his friendship."

Former Mayor Ed Morgan said he was "present for Al's first and last board meetings." He said that Al was hired due to his strong financial background and considerable experience with municipal construction projects, ' skills that he put to good use in the last 20 years." He said that the relationship between the Mayor and the Manager is a partnership and thanked Al for being a wonderful partner and friend."

BOT4Bob Harrison said Al always had an open door, returned his emails and his phone calls and remembered going to lunch with him and splitting the check.

Dan Hochvert enjoyed Al's company and valued his guidance. He said Al had "a soft spot in his heart for anyone who needed a hand." He said, "you feel that people have a right to be heard and you listen to them." He ended by saying, "I think you are a great guy."

Remembering Al, former trustee Stacey Brodsky said, "Al was a more passionate advocate for Scarsdale than the most passionate Scarsdale resident."

In other business, the Board recognized the Scarsdale Department of Public Works and honored its employees for National Public Works Week.

They received an update on a storm water management report required by the Federal Government.

The Board resolved to enter into a professional service agreement with Fuller and D'Angelo Architects and Planners for $13,700 to design and oversee the construction of a new stairway on the eastside of the Scarsdale Train Station. The stairs have deteriorated and are now closed.

The Board authorized the Chamber of Commerce to hold the annual sidewalk sale in Scarsdale Village on Thursday July 30, Friday July 31 and Saturday August1, 2015.

Proclamation for Al Gatta:

WHEREAS, on this day, May 29th, 2015, Alfred A. Gatta will retire after 20 years of faithful, productive and competent service as Scarsdale Village Manager, and

WHEREAS, his accomplishments as manager over that long service are many and leave the Village of Scarsdale in a much improved condition, and

WHEREAS, during his managerial tenure the important village Popham Road artery was reconstructed and modernized at its vital bridge juncture over the railroad tracks, ensuring safe auto travel and improving downtown traffic flow, and

WHEREAS, the Public Safety building also was completely renovated and modernized under Alfred Gatta's management, and

WHEREAS, other major improvements during his tenure include the Supply Field Building renovation, the Fox Meadow storm drainage upgrade, renovation of 17 village playgrounds, rehabilitation of the historic Wayside Cottage and the Scarsdale Train Station, water system pump station upgrades, improvements to the municipal swimming pool and downtown infrastructure modernization improvements, and

WHEREAS, the above improvements involved a cost of over 40 million dollars with State and Federal Governments providing half of the required funding, and

WHEREAS, these major improvements were accomplished and those costs met while the village manager's budgets provided only modest annual tax rate growth and the Village maintained its Aaa bond rating, and

WHEREAS, the difficult problem of property tax fairness also was addressed under Alfred Gatta's management with the Village spending $1.1 million dollars on a needed revaluation program, the first in 45 years, and

WHEREAS, Alfred Gatta's retirement completes a 45-year career in local government, a career that includes major city management experience for a decade in Hartford, Connecticut, where he managed 2,700 employees and an operating budget of 360 million dollars and a five-year stint as City Administrator for Ann Arbor, Michigan, a community with 1,000 employees and an operating budget of $141 million dollars, and

WHEREAS, despite that long and major city management experience, Alfred Gatta served the Village of Scarsdale with unassuming modest authority, remaining approachable to Village residents and willing to listen to their complaints and ideas, while at the same time managing staff with a soft, understanding hand. Now therefore be it

RESOLVED, that this day is proclaimed "Alfred Gatta Day" in Scarsdale to honor his service to the Village of Scarsdale, and be it further

RESOLVED, that Alfred Gatta, a native of Long Branch, New Jersey, raised in Queens, New York and Red Bank, New Jersey, and the holder of a Master's Degree in Public Administration from New York University, is named an honorary resident of the Village of Scarsdale, and be it further

RESOLVED, that I as Mayor and on behalf of the Village Board of Trustees, the Village of Scarsdale and its residents, thank Alfred Gatta for his faithful service and wish him and his wife, Jane, and his children many happy years in his retirement, and be it further

RESOLVED, that the text of this mayoral proclamation be spread on the minutes of the June 9, 2015 regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees and that that meeting be adjourned in honor of Alfred Gatta.

A retirement dinner honoring Al Gatta will be held at the Mamaroneck Beach Point Club on Friday night May 29th.