Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Forum Annual Holiday Party and Beerfest

The Scarsdale Forum (Town and Village Club Education Forum) is holding
 its second annual Members' Holiday Party January 9th from 7 to 10 p.m. at St. James the Less.  Resident brew-master Bruce Wells will have eleven beers and a hard cider on tap.  In addition, there will be lots of great food, some donated from Langes Deli, and some by forum members, plus a special dish made with beer.  There will be light music from a variety of eras at different times during the evening.

  Among the beers on tap will be a beer made with 100% organic hops grown right here in Scarsdale. Continuing in the local tradition, the hard cider is made from cider sold at our Farmers' Market.

Three tasting sessions will be held during the evening, featuring very pale ales, American ales and bold malt beers. 

Featured Beers:

Upstate Cream Ale

German Pilsner Lager

VIP Scarsdale Hopped Pale Ale

Scarsdale Farmers' Market Hard Cider

California Common Ale

California Red Ale

American Brown Ale

American India Pale Ale

Belgium Strong Ale

Biere De Garde

London Stout

Chocolate Raspberry Porter

A silent auction will be held - and among the items for purchase are a one hour weekly American History lesson for a high school junior from Forum Member and former chair of the SHS History Department, Eric Rothschild.  Also on the list are home portraits, landscape design service, a Sony Reader and gift certificates from many village retailers.

The party is open to all members of the Scarsdale Forum. If you are not a member, or you let your membership lapse, you can join or renew at the door.  The Forum has an introductory rate for new members of $35 for individuals, or $50 for a families.  People can also join or renew online at  The web site takes credit cards through Paypal. Due to limited space, please RSVP to or by phone to 723-2829.

Scarsdale Forum Annual Party
St. James the Less
January 9, 2010 from 7-10 p.m.
R.S.V.P. to or call 723-2829