Sunday, Mar 09th

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for new Metro North Staircase

ribboncutting1An official ribbon cutting ceremony was held on Wednesday morning January 20 at 7:45 am to celebrate the opening of the new stairway that extends from East Parkway to the Metro North northbound platform at Scarsdale Station. Mayor Mark addressed commuters on the southbound side, thanking the Village Staff, the staff of the Department of Public Works and Paul Zaicek who supervises the Village's Capital Projects for their work. He also thanked the crews who were out in 20 degree weather at night a week or so ago to put the staircase in place and the crew that work in similarly chilly weather Monday and MarkRibbonTuesday of this week to install the railing and finish the job. The staircase was then declared open for use and the red ribbon was cut!

Watch a video of the proceedings here: