Vote Today - Tuesday March 15 for Village Trustees and Justice
- Thursday, 25 February 2016 08:23
- Last Updated: Tuesday, 15 March 2016 08:25
- Published: Thursday, 25 February 2016 08:23
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 6646
The much-discussed Scarsdale Village election for Village Trustees and Village Justice will be held at Scarsdale Village Hall on Tuesday March 15 from 6 am to 9 am and from noon to 9 pm. For the first time in recent memory the Village will use paper ballots and ballot boxes rather than voting machines.
Also, this year, there are three open spots for Village Trustee and only two pre-printed names on the ballot as one of the candidates selected by The Citizen's Nominating Committee did not file paperwork before the deadline.
Below is a picture of a sample paper ballot showing where you should write-in the name of the candidate of your choice for Village Trustee.
Also please note the following, if you misspell the name of a candidate as long as election inspectors can determine the intent of your vote, it will be counted. You can only vote for a candidate once. According to NYS Election Law if you fill in the same name multiple times on the ballot, only the first marking will count. Candidates will be selected based on their total number of votes. If you circle a candidate's name and write-in another name in that same column, both votes will be void. Certified Westchester County Election Inspectors will count the votes.
So who's running? Here are the people in the running who have identified themselves to us to date: (In alphabetical order)
-Deb Pekarek has served a first two-year term as Village Trustee and her name can be written in on the ballot.
-Seth Ross was nominated by the CNC for a first term but his name does not appear on the ballot. It can be written in.
-Marc Samwick also served a first two-year term trustee and he was re-nominated by the CNC. His name is printed on the ballot.
-Jane Veron was nominated for a first term by the CNC and her name appears on the ballot.
Below, find questions and answers from the candidates:
Deb Pekarek
What are the major challenges facing the Village?
Scarsdale's aging infrastructure is the overarching theme, which produces challenging ripples throughout our community. The Board of Trustees has and will continue to consider the Village's needs as they relate to development, sewer improvements, storm water mitigation, water quality, general maintenance and improvements to buildings, while continuing to provide exemplary services to our some 17,000 neighbors and to do so in a fiscally responsible manner looking at current needs and more long term projects.
What past accomplishments in your volunteer service are most proud of?
Last May there was a wonderful community event at the open space between the Library and the High School gravel lot. Over 100 volunteers planted some 300 native trees and shrubs, donated via the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation, Trees for Tribs program, along this watercourse. These beneficial plantings will help to maintain both a healthy waterway and mitigate flooding, as this area is part of a comprehensive storm water mitigation project that includes a detention basin at George Field Park, the Cooper Green rain garden and the stream bank restoration at Harcourt Woods. This project was a true collaboration. The Friends of the Scarsdale Parks has been committed to improve and restore this wetland area and now, with the DEC donation, assistance by the Village Department of Public Works and Village Park and Recreation Department plus all the neighborhood planters, this is the beginning of a truly transformed Harwood Park. I believe that I helped facilitate this project, from making the initial contact with the DEC, identifying the possible grant and then by supporting the need for additional Village assistance. This project fulfills the Villages vision within the Comprehensive Plan, to protect, improve and increase open perpetuate and enhance Scarsdale's Village in a Park character. This is a project that will have lasting benefit to the community. Stay tuned for further improvements.
And the next time you clean out your closets be sure to drop off your castaways at Scarsdale's Recycling Center where we now have a textile recycling bin. After attending a Westchester County Sustainability meeting I gathered information about this opportunity and then presented it to Village staff for review. It was carefully researched and a responsible company was selected and they now maintain the bin and pay for each pound of material collected. This helps keep recyclable items out of the waste stream, provides an additional service to residents, we get a little income while helping the environment.
What are some of your personal goals for your service as a trustee?
I would be honored to continue my service as Village Trustee, working as I have these last two years, by preparing and studying the issues, building effective and collaborative relationships with the members of the Board and the Village staff and encouraging neighbors to get informed, to attend board and committee meetings, or watch via cable or on-line via the Village website
and to provide the Board with feedback, in person or via email.
I also believe that the liaison responsibility each Trustee has, provides a vital link with our community on a somewhat less formal basis and keeps us informed about neighborhood events, concerns and the personal, individual effect of our policies.
I would also hope to continue to present viable and cost effective sustainability practices to the Board and the Village for consideration.
What do you like about living in Scarsdale?
The allure of Scarsdale is its beauty, its heritage, its proximity to NYC, wonderful public schools, its non-partisan government system, superb Village services, and the many opportunities to participate as a volunteer...the spirit of giving back - Non Sibi – these are some of the hallmarks of our vibrant community. My husband and I, along with our dog Hemingway and our cat Homer, love our home, have family close by and great friends in the neighborhood. Many weekend mornings we walk with friends from Greenacres to downtown Scarsdale for breakfast and this is both delightful and delicious!
Anything voters should keep in mind when considering their vote?
Vote on March 15, 2016 at Village Hall.
Seth Ross
What past accomplishments in your volunteer service are you most proud of?
As Chair of the Procedure Committee I oversaw the election for members of the Citizens Nominating Committee, which meant overseeing the solicitation of candidates -- a real exercise in motivating people to participate in local government and often educating them about the special system that we have here in Scarsdale. I certainly realize that our nonpartisan form of government differs from the institutions that exist at the national and state levels, so it sometimes strikes people at first as odd and even undemocratic, but when people take the time to understand how our system works, and why it works the way it does, more often than not they come to appreciate that it is both democratic and effective. On the Procedure Committee I was a "booster" for the system.
As Chair of the Zoning Board and the Planning Board I had to run meetings in a way that demonstrated to the members of the public who came before us (both applicants and others who would be affected by our decisions) that our consideration of applications was proceeding with integrity and thoughtfulness, that people were being heard, and that the process was fair. Also, of course, I had to do what I could to see that we arrived at the right decisions, but I came to realize fairly quickly that making the right decision is by no means the whole job. I believe that confidence in the decisionmaking process engenders respect for the decisions themselves, and I always did my best to conduct our meetings accordingly.
What are some of your personal goals for your service as a trustee?
First and foremost, I hope to help uphold the standards that past mayors and boards have set and the current mayor and board have continued, both in terms of the quality of decisionmaking and the collegiality and constructive tone of the process. Also, though, interaction with the community is important, and I'd like to do what I can to foster engagement on the part of our citizens. I think that our past and current mayors and trustees have done an excellent job at this, but we still have citizens who feel alienated from the "power structure". There's more work to be done on this score.
What do you like about living in Scarsdale?
To me, what defines Scarsdale above all else, and what I love most about it, is the extent and the quality of our public facilities and services, not only because I use and enjoy so many of those facilities and services myself but because they strengthen the community. The things we share are the things that make the community cohesive. The town's convenient location, interesting and educated population, pleasant and varied neighborhoods, attractive downtown area, and any number of other attributes are also important, but in my opinion no one of those other factors, on its own, sets the tone of the community.
Anything voters should keep in mind when considering their vote?
The unusual circumstances of the upcoming village election have attracted the attention of many people who otherwise might not take the trouble to become involved in local government. This can be a very positive development. Good government in Scarsdale, as anywhere else, requires that citizens be actively involved and exercise their rights intelligently. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I don't care how people vote on Election Day, but the level of participation and the quality of that participation are more important to the community than the outcome of one election.
Marc Samwick
Tell us about your background
I graduated, with honors, from Union College with a BA in Economics. I received an MBA, with honors, from Columbia University Graduate School of Business. I am a real estate investor and developer focusing on properties in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Formerly, I worked for Capital Trust, Fleet Bank (now part of Bank of America) and Chemical Bank (now part of JP Morgan Chase). At Capital Trust, I originated mezzanine investments on properties throughout the United States. At Fleet Bank, I worked out problem real estate loans. I completed Chemical Bank's formal credit training program and originated commercial real estate financings.
What are some of your volunteer activities?
Currently, I am a Trustee and Police Commissioner. As Trustee, I chair the Finance and Land Use Committees. I also serve as liaison to the Planning Board, Board of Architectural Review, Chamber of Commerce and Committee for Historic Preservation. I formerly served as chair of the Recreation Committee and liaison to the Advisory Council on Parks and Recreation. I served as an Alternate on the Scarsdale Planning Board. I served on the Board of Scarsdale Little League. One of the highlights of my time on the SLL Board was a program I originated to Coach the Coaches. This program is designed to give coaches a solid base of fundamental baseballs skills to provide the children with a higher level of baseball instruction throughout the entire baseball season. I have coached over 20 baseball teams in Scarsdale. I served on the Finance Committee of Westchester Reform Temple.
I co-authored and taught a case study on complex real estate ownership at Columbia Business School. I also interview potential candidates for admission at Columbia Business School. I was president of a 72-unit homeowners association.
What are you most proud of?
I am proud of the work I did on 2-4 Weaver Street, the residential development at the former Heathcote Tavern. I worked hard to implement a process to provide comfort that the residential development at Five Corners is up to Scarsdale's standards. Specifically, I pushed to have all land use approvals and the a construction monitor in place prior to the Village selling a sliver of land to the developer. This sets in place a process that is designed to produce a building that is consistent with the plans that have been approved by the Board of Architectural Review.
What do you like about living in Scarsdale?
Cynthia and I moved to Scarsdale in 1997 and have discovered first-hand what a wonderful place Scarsdale is to raise our family of three boys, Jason, Oliver and George. While Scarsdale is known for its excellent school system, scenic beauty and proximity to New York City, the warm and caring people that make Scarsdale a community is its real treasure. The Scarsdale community is remarkably involved and giving - with waves of volunteers coming forward to serve and improve our community.
Give us your thoughts on Scarsdale Government:
Scarsdale is very fortunate to have a very talented and committed Mayor, Board and Village staff. I have been very impressed by the Village staff, which is dedicated and professional and contributes significantly to our quality of life. As a recent example, Jason Marra, the former head of Parks, Recreation and Conservation spearheaded the renovation of Hyatt Park. Jason coordinated in-house resources to produce a fantastic community space - from sketching the park design by hand to drawing resources from Benny Salanitro and his team at DPW and Kelvin Guevara at Scarsdale Public TV. Benny and his team worked diligently and creatively, delivering an excellent park at substantial cost savings to the Village. Kelvin produced a video of the park that can be seen at Scarsdale TV's website. There were many others involved in the Hyatt Park renovation as well. One of the main takeaways of this project is the outstanding culture of cooperation and dedication to our community that is fostered by Village Manager, Steve Pappalardo, and all of the department heads. The efficient and cooperative workings of Village staff is something residents don't see every day, yet we benefit greatly from as a community.
One of the most pressing issues facing our community is managing the budget with the pressures to maintain and enhance services while continuing to invest in capital projects and managing the tight revenue constraints coming from Albany and the realities of the current economic environment.
What are some of your personal goals for your service as a trustee?
I look forward to continuing to use my background in finance and real estate as well as my experience in village government to the Village Board to assist in wide range of issues, including land use and budgeting.
Jane Veron
What past accomplishments in your volunteer service are you most proud of?
I have thoroughly enjoyed my civic service to Scarsdale. Over the course of 18 years, I have held a variety of positions including President of the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale, Chair of the Planning Board, Trustee of the Scarsdale Foundation, President of the Fox Meadow Neighborhood Association, Chair of Scarsdale Neighborhood Association of Presidents, Chair of the Scarsdale Bowl, member of the Scarsdale Board of Ethics and of the Executive Committees of Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service and the Fox Meadow PTA. I found each and every volunteer experience incredibly rewarding and believe that public service can make a lasting positive impact.
As President of the League of Women Voters of Scarsdale, I embraced the responsibility to lead an organization whose core strength is its impartial process. I was incredibly proud to champion the consensus method and to encourage informed dialogue.
As Planning Board Chair, I presided over many heavily debated applications. I recognized the desire to be heard, welcomed public comment, sought out the quiet voices, requested input from Village staff, and encouraged candid deliberation amongst my colleagues. I know that we achieved the best result through collaboration and open-mindedness.
But, I am most proud of what I did at the very beginning, when I reinvigorated the then defunct Fox Meadow Neighborhood Association. I wanted to give voice to our 650 households but knew nothing about local government. I got a copy of the bylaws, sought out mentors, and recruited a diverse board. I encouraged local engagement and shared our views at Village Hall. By partnering with the Village and the schools, we made tangible contributions to our area: we built Willow playground, planted our garden triangle, and obtained the four way stop sign at the high school and one side of the street parking around Fox Meadow School. We created community and what makes me proudest is that the FMNA continues to thrive today.
What are some of your personal goals for your service as a trustee?
I care enormously about Scarsdale and recognize how fortunate I am to belong to this community. I feel a strong responsibility to preserve and protect what makes our village so special. And, equally important, I want to ensure that Scarsdale adapts and evolves so that our village continues to be the best place to live.
My number one priority is to represent the diverse perspectives of our residents. No matter the issue, I will listen carefully, solicit input, evaluate fairly, collaborate, compromise and reach consensus. I believe that the integrity of the process is essential. Smart decisions and fair outcomes depend upon it.
What do you like about living in Scarsdale?
Scarsdale is truly an extraordinary place to live and raise a family and also offers so much to residents of all ages. I love the warm and vibrant community feel and enjoy seeing friends and neighbors in the village, on the fields and courts, and at local events. I sincerely value the friendships I have made, many through my civic involvement, and enjoy working with people across generations. Scarsdale is made better by the incredibly dedicated and talented group of civic volunteers. They have all enriched my life, and I feel extremely lucky to live here.
Anything voters should keep in mind when considering their vote?
As a former League of Women Voters president, I feel passionate about the vote. I am grateful that we live in a village where we can exercise that right, and I encourage wide participation in the election. I truly appreciate people's support and promise to work tirelessly to manage our precious resources to meet our collective interest.
Following the election at 8:30 pm there will be a reception at the Scardale Woman's Club at 37 Drake Road to welcome the newly elected trustees and justice. The event is sponsored by the Scarsdale Citizens' Non-Partisan Party and the public is invited to attend.