Sunday, Mar 09th

Berwick Road Residents Awakened by Masked Men

18BerwickAResidents of Berwick Road in Fox Meadow were awoken by the sounds of two men running through their home around 2 am on Wednesday April 19. According to Captain Thomas Altizio of the Scarsdale Police, the husband and wife heard the suspects making noise and confronted them. The husband grabbed one of the suspects, attempting to detain him – and the wife chased the other one out of the house. After both suspects fled through the front door, the residents called 911. None of their injuries were serious enough to required medical attention.

Police cannot be certain whether there was a car involved, but believe the suspects may have parked one nearby and used it to leave the area.

The suspects, who were wearing masks, did get away with a few items and also left forensic evidence in the house that police have sent to the lab for analysis. This evidence is the police's best shot at identifying the burglars.

Police suspect that this was a crime of opportunity made by petty thieves who were roaming the neighborhood and may have noticed an open window. Captain Altizio says that substance abusers sometimes look for easy ways to steal items like phones, ipads and credit cards to feed their habits. There is no reason to believe this home was targeted.

Police do not believe that this crime was connected in any way to the theft of a Porsche and a Mercedes Benz overnight on Sunday April 16th, also in Fox Meadow. Captain Altizio suspects that the car thefts were the work of experienced thieves who target high-end cars by make and model and often export them abroad. Similar similar car thefts have occurred recently in other towns such as Greenwich. Police believe these two cars may have already left the country.tvcameras

The investigation into the burglary is ongoing, and anyone with information relating to this incident is encouraged to call the Scarsdale Police Department at 914-722-1200 or use their anonymous tips feature here:

Television trucks and cameras were present outside the home on Berwick Wednesday morning. A house across the street is under construction.

The incident has shaken many who are taking precautions, setting their burglar alarms at night and keeping windows locked. One Fox Meadow woman she was contemplating installing a panic button next to her bed with a line to the police.