Sunday, Mar 09th

Scarsdale Stands to Remember Our Fallen Heroes

firemenOn May 29th in Scarsdale Village, a chilly rain could not stop Commander Thomas V. Adamo of Scarsdale Post 52 of the American Legion, Village officials and a core group of Village residents from honoring the brave men and women who have fallen in defense of our country. A somewhat shortened parade that included war veterans, members of the Scarsdale Police Department, the Scarsdale Fire Department, Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts circled the Village Center to the drum cadence of the Scarsdale High School band. In accordance with long standing Village tradition, a wreath was laid at Boniface Circle and taps was sounded. Dr. John F. M. Flynn, a history professor with a 29-year career in the United States Army Reserves during which he rose to the rank of Colonel addressed the crowd of more than 100 on-lookers who listened respectfully under a driving rain. Other speakers included Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, Mayor Dan Hochvert and U.S. Congressman Eliot Engel. Trustees Callaghan, Pekarek, Samwick and Veron were also in attendance. The ceremony also provided an opportunity for the Boy Scouts to announce 17 Eagle Scout Awards and the Girl Scouts to announce two Gold Awards.

Photos of the event were provided by Sam Blieden, article by former Mayor of Scarsdale Jon Mark.