"Groundbreaking" of Supply Field Interim Library Marks a Major Step in Renovation of Scarsdale Library
- Wednesday, 04 October 2017 13:14
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 04 October 2017 20:20
- Published: Wednesday, 04 October 2017 13:14
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 5662
After seven years of studies, architectural drawings, discussion, village board approval, and a "quiet" phase of the fundraising campaign, the Scarsdale Public Libray took a major step toward its renovation and upgrading with the "groundbreaking" on Tuesday morning at the Supply Field building that will serve as a temporary library during construction.
Speakers at the celebratory gathering that included village trustees and officials, current and former library board trustees and supporters, praised the co-operative efforts of the Library Board Trustees, Friends of the Library and the village and its staff for making a transformed library a reality.
Special praise was given to Scarsdale Assemblywoman Amy Paulin why secured $500,000 in state funding for work to prepare the Supply Field building for use as the interim facility.
"I know I share with all of you a goal to leave Scarsdale better than we found it, and Supply Field is a concrete step that makes lasting improvements possible for the library and Scarsdale Village," said Diane Greenwald, Library Board President.
Calling Scarsdale "special," Paulin thanked those involved "for taking on the initiative." She recalled the day seven years ago when a group came to her office to discuss the project. "I was uncertain it would happen," she said, "but you continued, and this is where we are today."
Dara Gruenberg, President of the Friends of the Library and co-chair of the Campaign for Excellence, noted that to date the campaign has raised $5.7 million toward its goal of $7.5 million which would initiate the village bonding the rest of the cost. She said the event kicked-off the public phase of the Campaign for Excellence fund-raising.
"I'm honored to live in a community that comes together and invests in such a critical resource that will benefit so many, not only right now, but for generations to come," Gruenberg said.
An emotional Elizabeth Bermel, Library Director, who noted that this week marks her eighth anniversary in Scarsdale, thanked the library staff and all those who "have been on this journey with me." She said Library Loft, the name for the interim facility, is scheduled for completion in early spring and the move from Olmstead Road library would take place when ground is broken at that facility.
At Supply Field "we will offer new and popular materials for all ages, wi-fi access, circulation services, and the same great personal service and more." Plans include increasing the library's online presence and providing programs offsite for children, teens and adults. "Stay turned to learn more as our plans solidify," she said.
Scarsdale Mayor Dan Hochvert recalled his introduction to a library in the 1940s by his older sister in their hometown of Buffalo. There were books and silence, no meeting spaces, cellphones or internet, he recalled. "The world has changed, but people need to have space to work together." He thanked the village staff and library groups and said of Paulin, "we have a state representative in Scarsdale who knows when we need help and gets it for us."
Link here for information about the Library Transformation Campaign for Excellence.