Sunday, Mar 09th

A Busy Week for Burglars

Thieves and vandals were at work this past week.  Police advice residents to keep doors and windows locked, activate your burglar alarm and lock the cars in your driveway. Vandals broke the glass on a back door at a home on Palmer Road and entered it on March 4. All the bedrooms, dressers and closets were tossed and the contents were strewn about. The suspects took a pillowcase from the master bedroom, presumably to use to hold items they wished to take. Missing were $3,000 in cash, the title to the house, a credit card, a briefcase and a Dell laptop computer. From the footprints, it appeared that the suspects entered and left the residence by the back door.

Police responded to a burglar alarm at a Brookby Road on the night of 3/6 and found a garage window that appeared to have been pried open and an open door from the garage to the house. The interior burglar alarm had been ripped off the wall, and in the second floor master bedroom, closets, dressers, an armoire, nightstands and a jewelry box had been tossed. A drawer from the armoire had been pulled out and left on the bed with cash still inside it. A pillow, with the case removed was lying on the floor. A list of missing items is not available as the owners were away.

Attempted Burglaries: a Springdale Road woman reported that someone had tried to break into her home sometime between 5:50 pm and 7:40 pm on March 2. The screen had been removed from a kitchen window at the rear of the house and the window was broken. In addition, someone had attempted to kick in the front door where a smudged boot print was visible. Fortunately the house was not entered.

On the night of March 3, another Springdale Road man called to report that the side and rear doors of his home had been tampered with though no one appeared to have entered the house.

Larcenies: Hesta Fortgang of White Plains was working as the cashier at a tag sale at a Paddington Road home on 3/6 where she reported that her handbag was stolen. She claimed that her bag contained $10,000 in cash as well as other personal items. The police report did not state whether these funds were the proceeds of the sale, or if the woman just carried a lot of cash!

A Scarsdale woman left her Louis Vuitton purse in a meeting room at the Church of the Latter Day Saints on the afternoon of 3/7. When she returned two hours later her purse and all of its contents were gone. She searched the entire building and outside property but could not find it. Police called her cell phone, which was in the purse, but no one picked up. Missing were the bag, valued at $800 plus her $250 wallet, cell phone, Raybans, credit cards, license and checkbook.

On Elm Road, a G.P.S. device valued at $125 was taken out of a 2008 Honda that was parked in the driveway sometime between 3/3 and 3/6.

: A disoriented man turned up at the door of a Walworth Road home on the afternoon of 3/7 and said he was lost. The Walworth resident called police who determined that the man lived on Colvin Road and drove him home. His wife said that he often gets disoriented but carries an I.D. and asks for help.

A man walking his dog on Parkfield Road on March 1 found a Chase Visa Check Card on the street. A Croton yellow woman’s watch was found at a bank on Chase Road and turned over to police on 3/7.

Grand Larceny:
Someone attempted to charge $827.41 in online purchases to the credit card of a Lawrence Road man on or about February 15. Both transactions were denied.

Harassment: A Brookby Road woman received an obscene phone call early in the morning of March 5. She described the caller as a man with a deep voice who spoke in a whisper.

An employee of Sophia’s Nails came to police headquarters on 3/3 to report that her ex-boyfriend, a White Plains man, was harassing her at work. She wanted him to stop calling her.

Assistance: A Carthage Road man called police to help regulate traffic in front of his home. News trucks and the press had gathered there to report on the death of his wife and the man wanted the press to stay off of his property.

A Carthage Road woman called police to report that a bearded man, wearing headphones and a gray sweatshirt, was seen urinating on Carthage Road. Police searched the area but were unable to locate the man.

Smoking: Police were called to break up a group youths who were smoking in the enclosed pedestrian walkway over the Scarsdale train station and causing it to fill up with smoke.

A Knock at the Door: At noon on 3/6 a Black Birch Road woman called police to say that a man had knocked on her door and claimed to be doing a survey for the Department of Labor on “renters vs. owners”. The resident let him in and he asked her a few questions and then left in a red sedan. The only i.d. he displayed was a business card. The woman asked that police keep an eye on her home.

Suspicious Shopper: The store manager of Sam Lehr Jewelry summoned police around noon on 3/6 to say that a Hispanic male had entered the store several times that day and approached the case that held the diamond rings. The same man was also seen driving his Nissan Maxima slowly by the store while looking into the store windows.

Cars and Traffic: Village sanitation worker Eugene Pomphrey of Bronxville was driving the sanitation pickup vehicle when he ran into a parked car on Fountain Terrace on Monday 3/1. There were no injuries or damage to the car.

Corinne Buckley of Wappinger Falls reported that her 2008 Honda was hit while it was parked at Scarsdale High School on March 4.

Christopher Dean of Carthage Road parked his car on Overlook Road on the morning of 3/5 and returned to find that it had been damaged during the day.

A Gorham Road woman, driving a 2004 BMW ran into a 2009 Nissan parked on Montrose Road on March 5. Her car was damaged and was towed by R and D towing to the Heathcote Gulf Station.

A car backing out of a space in the parking lot at 2 Murray Hill Road hit another car parked in the lot on Sunday afternoon 3/7.

Pothole: the driver of a 2010 Mercedes-Benz called police on 3/6 to say that she drove into a pothole in front of 165 Mamaroneck Road and now had a flat tire. Police notified the highway department about the pothole and placed cones around it to prevent others from driving through it.

Flashing Light: the traffic light at the intersection of Post Road and Crane road was not working properly on March 1 at 4 pm. Electricians were unable to fix it so police monitored the intersection to regulate traffic until the necessary parts could be secured.

Interpreter Needed: Tuckahoe Police stopped a driver for a traffic offence at 1:37 am on 3/3 but were unable to communicate with him due to a language barrier. They called the Scarsdale Police to interpret and translate while the Tuckahoe Police charged Israel Pavo Moran of the Bronx with the violation.