Trustees to Consider New Provisions on Tree Removal and Clear Cutting
- Thursday, 06 September 2018 13:46
- Last Updated: Thursday, 06 September 2018 13:46
- Published: Thursday, 06 September 2018 13:46
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 3259
The Law and Sustainability Committees of the Scarsdale Board of Trustees will meet on September 12, 2018 at 6 pm at Scarsdale Village Hall to consider additional changes to the laws governing the removal of trees.
Last spring, Trustees passed some new tree provisions but stopped short of passing new laws involving the removal – or clear cutting – of clusters of trees.
At their meeting on April 24, 2018, Trustees passed the following laws regarding tree removal:
Replacement Trees: A replacement tree is required for a removed tree that is 24'' diameter (reduced from 36'' diameter). Replacement trees need to be 3'' in diameter and a native species.
As of Right Removal: Homeowners can continue to remove 2 trees as of right per year (under 24'' diameter).
Dead, Dying, Hazardous or Diseases Trees: Trees in any of these conditions (of any size) can be removed without the need for a replacement tree
Tree Permits: Addition of six small caliper trees that require a permit above 3'' in diameter. Permits for all other trees remain at 6'' diameter. Trees, aside from the six small caliper ones listed in the code, do not require a permit to remove if under 6'' diameter.
Protected Trees: They updated the list of protected trees to align with endangered native trees.
On Wednesday September 12, 2018 the trustees will discuss an "aggregate test" provision to the tree code which would aim to address clear cutting. The aggregate test would look at the Total DBH (diameter at breast height) of any tree that requires a permit (for example 2'' trees are not included in the total of DBH since they wouldn't require a permit to remove) to determine the number of replacement trees required. This was originally proposed by the Tree Working Group but the Board of Trustees decided to discuss this proposal separately from the other tree code changes.
Please click here to review proposed changes to the tree code that will be discussed at the September 12th meeting: