Sunday, Mar 09th

Burglars Continue to Hit Scarsdale Homes

Burglars continued to prey on Scarsdale residents with two more additional incidents in neighboring homes in Greenacares on Saturday night March 27th.

Vandals entered a Brite Avenue home by cutting a screen to an unlocked living room window. The house was not tossed or ransacked. The intruders went to the master bedroom and took jewelry and watches valued at almost $20,000. Stolen were gold and diamond jewelry and two watches.

Also on Saturday night a neighboring Brite Avenue home was entered through a window to the family room in the back of the house. The residents returned home to find a light on in their bedroom window and jewelry and cash gone.

These two incidents are the latest in a series of home burglaries that have been occuring almost weekly. Police advise residents to lock up, activate alarms and keep jewelry and valuables hidden.

A home under construction at Brittany Close was also vandalized on 3/25, when someone forced open a basement door, breaking the door jam and frame. Suspects stole a Viking six-burner cooktop valued at $5,000.00.

The father of a Scarsdale High School student reported items taken from his son’s locker, which was left unlocked. Missing were a North Face jacket, $20, an iPod, a wallet and a Starbucks gift card.

A Crane Road woman reported that her housekeeper had taken several items of clothing, however when police spoke to the housekeeper she denied taking anything and agreed to fully cooperate with the police.

Drunk driver: Police stopped the driver of a 2006 Chevrolet at 10 pm on March23 after they saw him hit a curb, drive onto the brick sidewalk on Crane Road and finally stop in the middle of the intersection of Crane Road and East Parkway. The driver then pulled into a parking space on East Parkway and got out of the car to check his tires. He found that he had two flats. Police approached him and noticed that the man was unsteady on his feet, his eyes were bloodshot and he smelled of alcohol. When asked to perform sobriety tests the man almost fell over. As he was performing the tests, the driver kept saying, “You got me. You got me.”

The man, who was identified as Robert Daudier of Wappinger Falls, was taken to headquarters and found to have a Blood Alcohol Level of .22. He was arrested for driving while intoxicated and released to a friend on $100 bail.

Accidents: An 81 year-old Yonkers man was driving on Heathcote Road on the morning of 3/29. He swerved to avoid an ambulance coming in the opposite direction and struck a telephone pole at 28 Heathcote Road. No injuries were reported.

A Scarsdale man driving a 2002 Nissan on Chase Road hit a pedestrian crossing Popham Road on Sunday night 3/28. It was a very rainy night and the driver had poor visibility. The pedestrian, Nadine Levell of the Bronx was conscious and alert but complained of pain in her right foot and discomfort in her head area. SVAC arrived and determined that her foot was fractured.

On Wednesday morning 3/24 at 11 am a White Plains woman driving a 2000 Volkswagen hit a Westchester County Bus on the Post Road at Fairview Road. There were no injuries but the passengers were transferred to another bus.

Death: Ann Wallace, age 80 of Tunstall Road died at home around 7 pm on 3/28.
Her husband Philip Wallace called an ambulance earlier, but by the time they arrived she had passed away.

Graffiti – a Brewster Road man found the letter k.k.k. marked in black ink on a telephone pole at the corner of Brewster and Chesterfield Roads. Police checked other poles in the area and did not find similar markings and recorded the incident for future reference.

Dispute – The wife of an Elm Road man called police to say that her husband was having difficulties getting tenants out of the home, in accordance with a written agreement they had to vacate by 3/23. Police arrived on the scene and both parties left the home immediately.

An Edgewood man called police on the afternoon of 3/24 after he got a call from his babysitter to say that his two 10 year-old children were missing. Police searched the Edgewood School grounds and playground and called the babysitter on the phone. She had picked the children up at school and they were now at home. Turns out that one of the children had placed a call to her father, and impersonated the babysitter.

Dog hit by car – a small dog was hit by a car and killed at the corner of Post and Ferncliff Road at 4:30 on 3/26. Police contacted the dog’s owner who asked police to leave the dog inside his garage until he could get home.

A around 5 pm on 3/28 a caller noticed that kids had started a fire at the Westchester Ethical Society on Saxon Woods Road. The fire department was called to extinguish it.