Sunday, Mar 09th

CNC Nominates Arest, Crandall and Whitestone for Village Trustee

whitestoneRandy WhitestoneOn January 23, 2020 the Citizens Nominating Committee (CNC) announced the candidates it selected for the Scarsdale Citizens’ Non-Partisan Party slate for the following Village offices:

Justin Arest of Heathcote, a Village Resident for 7 years, Trustee

Lena Crandall of Fox Meadow, a Village Resident for 28 years, Trustee

Randy Whitestone of Edgewood, a Village Resident for 25 years, Trustee

Jack Alemany of Fox Meadow, a Village Resident for 30 years, Village Justice

Justin Arest is currently serving his first two-year term as Village Trustee. He grew up in New Rochelle and since moving to Scarsdale served on the Zoning Board of Appeals, the Library Project’s Capital Campaign Committee and the Scarsdale Forum. With Trustee Jane Veron he formed the Village’s Ad Hoc Communications Committee to improve communication between the Village and residents.  

Upon learning the news, Arest said, "I am extremely humbled that the CNC has nominated me for a second term as Trustee and thank its members for their service and commitment to Scarsdale.  I take the role of Trustee very seriously and hope that my hard work and willingness to challenge assumptions and ask tough questions has made a positive difference. I believe there is a lot to be done and will appreciate an opportunity to continue working with my colleagues and our wonderful community to do what is right and what is best for all of us."

LenaCrandallCNCLena Crandall-Photo by Lisa VanGundyLena Crandall is also currently her first term as Village Trustee. In her 28 years in Scarsdale, Lena has been a champion for conservation, beautification and preservation of the Village tree canopy. She served on the Conservation Advisory Council and the Friends of Scarsdale Parks where she improved stormwater management and improved DeLima Park. Crandall said, "I'm thrilled that the Citizen's Nominating Committee has selected me as one of the candidates for Village Trustee.  I have worked hard as a first term Trustee to learn various municipal procedures; but frankly and more importantly, I have transitioned from an advocate with one point of view to a public servant with a broader appreciation for the complexities of most issues.  As the daughter of immigrants, I know how hard it can be to speak up.  My hope is that all residents of Scarsdale, no matter where they're from, will feel comfortable reaching out and talking to me about whatever hot topic comes our way.  I don't have any particular agenda, but I certainly want to do my best to serve our community."

Randy Whitestone is a longtime resident who has served in many volunteer roles throughout the Village.   Randy served as an Executive Committee member of the Scarsdale Forum and has been a past member of the Procedure Committee, the Citizens Nominating Committee and the Scarsdale Bowl Committee.  Professionally, Randy has worked as a financial journalist and a senior communications executive in the financial services industry; he currently works as Head of Communications and Public Affairs at D.E. Shaw Group.

Commenting on his nomination Whitestone said, "I have always felt civic involvement is important, and critical to the vibrant life of our village. During my 25 years in Scarsdale, I have learned from mentors including the late Beverly Sved and Boine Johnson, and from super-volunteers like Jackie Irwin and Jill Spieler. They and many others have impressed me with their dedication and judgment, tirelessly bringing to bear their considerable gifts and talents. So I take seriously the stewardship of this great community. I want to continue to give back and now I offer myself as someone who I'd like to think can help make a difference. I look forward -- by listening, asking the right questions, and providing a voice for the community  -- to helping tackle the tough issues and concerns facing the village."

Jack Alemany was originally named Acting Village Justice in 2015. He began his career as a Prosecutor with the Bronx District Attorney’s office and worked at the Securities and Exchange Commission in the Division of Enforcement. He later formed his own law firm and during that time was appointed to be the Acting Village Justice of Sleepy Hollow (1997-1999), and as an Administrative Law Judge with the Westchester County Taxi and Limousine Commission.

arestJustin Arest
Justin ArestMarc Greenwald served as Chair and Ryan Spicer served as Vice Chair of the CNC.  In addition to the candidates for Village office, the CNC selected Eric Lichtenstein as Chair and Steve Pass as Vice Chair for next year’s CNC.   The CNC also elected Becky Bach to serve as Vice Chair of the Procedure Committee.

Greenwald said, “Starting in late November, the CNC searched for potential candidates and then conducted extensive diligence.  The CNC also received a report from the Judicial Qualification Advisory Committee for the position of Village Justice. While deliberations and reference conversations are not shared publicly, the CNC considered and researched carefully the background, experience, and qualifications of each trustee candidate and engaged in significant deliberation,” stated Marc Greenwald, Chair of the CNC. 

A formal press release containing biographical information and photographs of each candidate will be forthcoming.

The General Village Election will take place Wednesday March 18, 2020.JackAllemanyJack Allemany