Letter from Michelle Sterling: Support the Non-Partisan Slate of Arest, Crandall and Whitestone (Row B) on March 18
- Saturday, 14 March 2020 13:09
- Last Updated: Saturday, 14 March 2020 13:23
- Published: Saturday, 14 March 2020 13:09
- Joanne Wallenstein
- Hits: 2034
Michelle Sterling with County Executive George LatimerEach year the Citizens’ Nominating Committee (CNC), a group of volunteer citizens elected by residents, thoroughly vets candidates who apply to serve on our Village Board of Trustees. I’m proud to have served on the CNC this year. It’s a non-partisan system - which means that we don’t look at their political affiliation and they don’t run on a specific agenda. What we look at are their qualities as citizens and people in order to determine which of the candidates will come into office with an open mind, and with no personal agenda, so that they can do what they believe is best for our community as a whole. As I look around at the partisan politics surrounding us at every level of government, I am extremely glad that we have a non-partisan system here in Scarsdale.
This year, once again, the nonpartisan system is being challenged by those who claim that they represent the interests of our town but have time and again shown us that their claims are little more than words and uninformed slogans. For example, they don’t attend important budget meetings and working sessions, which are all open to the public and is where much of the Village’s unglamorous hard work gets done. Members of their slate sue the Village rather than try to work collaboratively through concerns. And they attack and insult many volunteer residents simply because they disagree with their positions or just don’t like them. These are not the qualities of people who should be considered to lead our community.
This year the CNC has proposed two excellent candidates who have completed two-year terms and are eligible for one more term: Justin Arest and Lena Crandall. I have had the pleasure of working with both of these trustees on several sustainability initiatives such as the implementation of our Scarsdale Food Scrap Recycling Program, our LED streetlight conversion and our ongoing project of working to ensure that our Village properties are maintained organically and without toxic chemicals. Working with Trustees Crandall and Arest, I can say that they are both intelligent, hard-working and thoughtful decision-makers. They always listen, consider the facts, and involve our Village volunteers in order to make the best decisions and get to the best results for our community.
On the slate to replace Trustee Veron who is finishing her final term as trustee is Randy Whitehouse, who I believe will contribute to the Board with his new perspectives, communications skills and past Scarsdale volunteer experience.
I’m grateful that these three highly qualified individuals have volunteered to serve our community.
Please Vote for Row B Arest, Crandall, and Whitehouse on Wednesday, March 18 at the Scarsdale Congregational Church.
Michelle Sterling
Brayton Road